Dr Jonathan McKendry
Research Fellow
Institute of Photonics
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Prize And Awards
- IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Best Paper Award
- Recipient
- 2022
- IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Best Paper Award
- Recipient
- 15/6/2019
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- Simultaneous data display and environment sensing with a MicroLED display
- Gray JA, McKendry JJD, Henderson RK, Strain MJ, Dawson MD, Herrnsdorf J
- 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) IEEE Photonics Conference 2024 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. 1-2 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1109/ipc60965.2024.10799779
- Deep UV LED-pumped quantum well supraparticles for visible light communication
- Alves Pedro Urbano, Hill Jordan, Xie Enyuan, Durmusoglu Emek Goksu, Sharma Manoj, Demir Hilmi Volkan, McKendry Jonathan JD, Dawson Martin D, Laurand Nicolas
- 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) IEEE Photonics Conference 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1109/IPC60965.2024.10799844
- 235 nm and 255 nm LEDs for 10’s to 100’s Mbps UV-C communications up to 15 meters
- Zimi H, McKendry JJD, Babadi S, Majlesein B, Herrnsdorf J, Haas H, Dawson MD
- 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) IEEE Photonics Conference 2024 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. 1-2 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1109/ipc60965.2024.10799544
- Simultaneous mapping of cathodoluminescence spectra and backscatter diffraction patterns in a scanning electron microscope
- Edwards Paul R, Kumar G Naresh, McKendry Jonathan J D, Xie Enyuan, Gu Erdan, Dawson Martin D, Martin Robert W
- Nanotechnology Vol 35 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ad5dba
- Beyond 10 Gigabit/s visible light communication using micro-light-emitting diodes and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
- McKendry Jonathan JD, Chen Cheng, MacLure Daniel, Hill Jordan, Xie Enyuan, Tavakkolnia Iman, Herrnsdorf Johannes, Haas Harald, Dawson Martin D
- IET Conference Proceedings Vol 2023, pp. 1760-1763 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1049/icp.2024.1809
- GaN-based series hybrid LED array : a dual-function light source with illumination and high-speed visible light communication capabilities
- Xie Enyuan, Cheng Chen, Ouyang Chengsui, Hill Jordan, McKendry Jonathan JD, Zhang Yanchao, Gu Erdan, Herrnsdorf Johannes, Haas Harald, Dawson Martin D
- Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol 42, pp. 243-250 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2023.3303779
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Professional Activities
- Micro-Light-Emitting Diode (“Micro-LED”) arrays: Overview and applications
- Speaker
- 24/11/2021
- Fraunhofer Fellow
- Consultant
- 23/2/2021
- Recent developments in gallium nitride micro-light-emitting diode structured light sources
- Contributor
- 8/12/2020
- Micro-Light-Emitting Diode (“Micro-LED”) arrays: Overview and applications
- Speaker
- 11/2020
- Combined Time of Flight and Photometric Stereo Imaging for Surface Reconstruction
- Contributor
- 28/9/2020
- LED excitation of an on-chip imaging flow cytometer for bead-based immunoassay
- Contributor
- 28/9/2020
- Building Global Engagements in Research
- Littlejohn, David (Principal Investigator) Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Academic) Ault, Graham (Academic) Bennet, Derek James (Academic) Birch, David (Academic) Booth, Campbell (Academic) Burt, Graeme (Academic) Chen, Yu (Academic) Chen, Haofeng (Academic) Fedorov, Maxim (Academic) Finney, Stephen (Academic) Fletcher, Ashleigh (Academic) Gu, Erdan (Academic) Guilhabert, Benoit Jack Eloi (Academic) Hastie, Jennifer (Academic) Jaroszynski, Dino (Academic) Johnston, Andrea (Academic) Judd, Martin (Academic) Kockar, Ivana (Academic) Lamprou, Dimitrios (Academic) Laurand, Nicolas (Academic) Macdonald, Malcolm (Academic) Massoubre, David (Academic) Mathieson, Keith (Academic) McKnight, Loyd (Academic) Nordon, Alison (Academic) Norman, Patrick (Academic) Oliveira, Monica (Academic) Papoff, Francesco (Academic) Patwardhan, Siddharth (Academic) Portugues, Iliana (Academic) Scanlon, Thomas (Academic) Sefcik, Jan (Academic) Seib, Philipp (Academic) Skabara, Peter (Academic) Stack, Margaret (Academic) Stephen, Bruce (Academic) Tuttle, Tell (Academic) Ulijn, Rein (Academic) Xiao, Qing (Academic) Yan, Xiu (Academic) Zagnoni, Michele (Academic) Dawson, Martin (Co-investigator) Florence, Alastair (Co-investigator) Graham, Duncan (Co-investigator) McArthur, Stephen (Co-investigator) Reese, Jason (Co-investigator) Zhang, Yonghao (Co-investigator) Ivanistsev, Vladislav (Researcher) Jawor-Baczynska, Anna Malgorzata (Researcher) Jones, Catherine (Researcher) McGlone, Thomas (Researcher) McKendry, Jonathan (Researcher)
- The EPSRC awarded the University of Strathclyde £499,040 to support activities where the main objective was to increase the level and number of sustainable global engagements between leading researchers at the University of Strathclyde and top researchers in the USA and Asia.
The research themes selected for the programme featured internationally leading groups at Strathclyde that are well supported by the EPSRC. Each theme is headed by a recognised pioneer in their field supported by a number of associated world class researchers. The five thematic areas were: Photonics, Power & Energy, Advanced Engineering; Advanced Manufacturing, and Bionanotechnology.
Strathclyde identified key international partners at various institutions in the USA and Asia with whom we wished to develop more strategic, mutually beneficial, relationships. We adopted a “best with best” approach, identifying internationally leading researchers who aligned well with several of our own EPSRC funded internationally leading experts. Existing interactions with the groups in the USA and Asia were at different stages of development so we aimed to escalate the relationship engagement levels from Tier 3 (Emergent), through Tier 2 (Developing) to Tier 1 (Strategic). The intention was to develop as many of the relationships as possible during the period of the award so that longer-term interactions could be established thereafter. - 01-Jan-2012 - 31-Jan-2013
- Doctoral Training Grant 2006 | McKendry, Jonathan
- McKendry, Jonathan (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2007 - 20-Jan-2011
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Research Fellow
Institute of Photonics
Email: jonathan.mckendry@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 5738