Dr Itamar Megiddo

Senior Lecturer

Management Science


Personal statement

I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Management Science, conducting interdisciplinary research aimed at tackling healthcare challenges and improving decision-making and implementation in healthcare policy. My research is centred around using systems thinking and modelling approaches and draws on tools and methods from mathematical epidemiology, economics, management science, and computer science, among other fields.

My main body of work involves systems modelling and simulation, and it involves integrating disease and economic models for policy impact evaluation and prioritisation. I am interested in both infectious disease and non-communicable disease modelling. From a methodological standpoint, I am particularly interested in strengthening rigour in agent-based modelling and hybrid models, which integrate modelling methods when this simplifies analyses. I have applied my research to studying and conducting knowledge-exchange activities addressing global health challenges. This includes conducting healthcare intervention and policy evaluations, studying health systems strengthening in low- and middle-income countries, studying antimicrobial resistance policy globally and in the UK, evaluating COVID-19 policy and interventions, investigating how behaviour and social structure affect health and diseases, and exploring the role of incentives in healthcare policy design.

I hold a PhD in Management Science, specialising in modelling for healthcare policy, from the University of Strathclyde and an MA in economics and BA honours economics from McGill University, in Montreal.

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Area of Expertise

  • Health Economics
  • Agent-based modeling
  • Systems modeling
  • Disease modeling
  • Pneumococcal disease

Prize And Awards

EURO Prize for OR for the Common Good 2022 - Finalists
The OR Society’s Doctoral Award 2016

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Professional Activities

Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore
Visiting researcher
Health and Care Futures: thematic areas workshop
Improving Diabetes Service Delivery in Ghana
Future Organisation: Social Care Futures
Value Based Health & Care Group, Scottish Government (External organisation)
Health and Care Futures at Strathclyde Showcase Event

More professional activities


WHERC: Building towards a vision of Work-Health Expert Research Collaboration/Centre (WHDA-01-01)
Whitworth, Adam (Principal Investigator) Megiddo, Itamar (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
COVID-19 Multi-Model Comparison Consortium (CMCC)
Megiddo, Itamar (Principal Investigator)
15-Jan-2020 - 30-Jan-2020
A Socio-economically-informed Approach to Novel Treatments for TB
Scott, Fraser (Principal Investigator) Megiddo, Itamar (Co-investigator)
SFC GCRF Pump Priming Award
01-Jan-2020 - 30-Jan-2020
Supporting decision making in Global Fund CCMs: technical tools and process support for decision making across the Big Three Diseases plus One
Morton, Alec (Principal Investigator) Megiddo, Itamar (Co-investigator)
Funding: £72,600

01-Jan-2020 - 01-Jan-2022
Supporting decision making in Global Fund CCMs
Morton, Alec (Principal Investigator) Blair, Shona (Co-investigator) Lauer, Jeremy (Co-investigator) Megiddo, Itamar (Co-investigator) Millar, Robyn (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2021
STRAthclyde Diversity in Data LinkagE (STRADDLE) Doctoral Training Centre
Barry, Sarah (Co-investigator) Kavanagh, Kimberley (Co-investigator) Megiddo, Itamar (Co-investigator) Murray, Paul (Co-investigator) Rattray, Nicholas (Co-investigator)
The focus of the STRAthclyde Diversity in Data LinkagE (STRADDLE) DTC is to develop a centre of excellence in the linkage and analysis of data across disciplines. With an initial focus on health and healthcare delivery, STRADDLE will deliver linkage and innovative analysis of data from the molecular to population level, to achieve new insights and to maximize the value of health research data. There are 3 fully funded, 3.5 year PhD studentships are available to highly motivated UK and EU students. Successful applicants will be trained as the next generation of data scientists and develop skills and know how to deliver on the integration of diverse clinical data types – from molecules to man to populations.
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2023

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Dr Itamar Megiddo
Senior Lecturer
Management Science

Email: itamar.megiddo@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3452