Professor Jorn Mehnen

Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management


Personal statement

I am passionate about Advanced Digital Manufacturing. My research aims to deliver new and exciting scientific insights as well as practical technological solutions that help industry and academia alike. Advanced Digital Manufacturing encompasses Industry 4.0 technology, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and utilises latest developments in Cloud Manufacturing and Big Data Analytics. My work around Design for Industry 4.0 and Digital Manufacturing is aiming to improve existing Manufacturing Systems to make them smarter, more autonomous and agile, cost efficient, better connected and well informed Through-Life. These efforts are supported by research into Additive Manufacturing, Data Analytics, Computational Intelligence and Visualisation. My national and international projects aim at high value industrial applications with impact.

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A novel defect depth measurement method based on nonlinear system identification for pulsed thermographic inspection
Zhao Yifan, Mehnen Jörn, Sirikham Adisorn, Roy Rajkumar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Vol 85, pp. 382–395 (2017)
Multi-capacity combinatorial ordering GA in application to cloud resources allocation and efficient virtual machines consolidation
Hallawi Huda, Mehnen Jörn, He Hongmei
Future Generation Computer Systems Vol 69, pp. 1-10 (2017)
Taxonomy and uncertainties of cloud manufacturing
Yadekar Yaser, Shehab Essam, Mehnen Jörn
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management Vol 9, pp. 48–66 (2016)
A coefficient clustering analysis for damage assessment of composites based on pulsed thermographic inspection
Zhao Yifan, Tinsley Lawrence, Addepalli Sri, Mehnen Jörn, Roy Rajkumar
NDT and E International Vol 83, pp. 59-67 (2016)
Systemic risk assessment in complex supply networks
Ledwoch Anna, Brintrup Alexandra, Mehnen Jörn, Tiwari Ashutosh
IEEE Systems Journal, pp. 1-12 (2016)
Manufacturing at double the speed
Allwood Julian M, Childs Tom HC, Clare Adam T, De Silva Anjali KM, Dhokia Vimal, Hutchings Ian M, Leach Richard K, Leal-Ayala David R, Lowth Stewart, Majewski Candice E, Marzano Adelaide, Mehnen Jörn, Nassehi Aydin, Ozturk Erdem, Raffles Mark H, Roy Raj, Shyha Islam, Turner Sam
Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol 229, pp. 729–757 (2016)

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Professional Activities

18th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2024) (Event)
21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research
Member of programme committee
21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research (Event)
GECCO 2024 (Event)
Universidade de Aveiro (External organisation)

More professional activities


EPSRC HVM CATAPULT Fellowship Project BAUTA “A non-invasive remote maintenance tool for legacy CNC machine tools”
Mehnen, Jorn (Principal Investigator)
EPSRC HVM CATAPULT Fellowship Project BAUTA “A non-invasive remote maintenance tool for legacy CNC machine tools” (£37k, PI) (hosted by AMRC Sheffield)
03-Jan-2016 - 02-Jan-2019
EU H2020 CPSE Project LegInt “Integrating Legacy machines with the Internet“
Mehnen, Jorn (Principal Investigator)
EU H2020 CPSE Project LegInt “Integrating Legacy machines with the Internet“ with Formtec (Germany), LMS University of Patras (Greece), Fortiss GmbH (Germany) (€91k, PI). CPSELabs, Funded under: H2020-EU. - A new generation of components and systems: Engineering of advanced embedded and energy and resource efficient components and systems, Project reference: 644400
20-Jan-2016 - 20-Jan-2017
KTP project “Design for Industry 4.0”, Innovate UK, Collaboration with Design Rule Ltd.,
Mehnen, Jorn (Co-investigator) Roy, Rajkumar (Principal Investigator) Emmanouilidis, Christos (Co-investigator)
Creating a guideline for designing products aligning with Internet of Things technology with Big Data for industrial use. Value: £262k
03-Jan-2016 - 01-Jan-2017
EU H2020 SCORE (Scoreboard of Competitiveness of European Transport Manufacturing Industry), Coordination and Support Action under H2020-MG-8.1-2015
Mehnen, Jorn (Academic) Roy, Rajkumar (Academic) Salonotis, Kostas (Academic)
Informing EU policy makers, industry and academia about the current and expected future state and competitiveness of EU transport manufacturing industry. Value: €1.5m in total
03-Jan-2016 - 01-Jan-2017
EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering Services EP/I033246/1
Roy, Rajkumar (Principal Investigator) Mehnen, Jorn (Academic)
National EPSRC centre for research into Through-Life Engineering Service. Value: £11m (Co-I, Deputy Director)
05-Jan-2014 - 06-Jan-2016
EPSRC TES Centre project: Characterisation of In-Service Component Feedback for System Design and Manufacture
Mehnen, Jorn (Principal Investigator) Roy, Rajkumar (Co-investigator)
Researching technologies to inform Through-Life decisions for improving design and manufacture of aerospace components using e.g. Thermography, Big Data analysis and NGV drilling process optimisation.
04-Jan-2015 - 06-Jan-2016

More projects

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Professor Jorn Mehnen
Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management

Tel: 548 2258