Professor Jorn Mehnen
Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management
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- A novel defect depth measurement method based on nonlinear system identification for pulsed thermographic inspection
- Zhao Yifan, Mehnen Jörn, Sirikham Adisorn, Roy Rajkumar
- Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Vol 85, pp. 382–395 (2017)
- Multi-capacity combinatorial ordering GA in application to cloud resources allocation and efficient virtual machines consolidation
- Hallawi Huda, Mehnen Jörn, He Hongmei
- Future Generation Computer Systems Vol 69, pp. 1-10 (2017)
- Taxonomy and uncertainties of cloud manufacturing
- Yadekar Yaser, Shehab Essam, Mehnen Jörn
- International Journal of Agile Systems and Management Vol 9, pp. 48–66 (2016)
- A coefficient clustering analysis for damage assessment of composites based on pulsed thermographic inspection
- Zhao Yifan, Tinsley Lawrence, Addepalli Sri, Mehnen Jörn, Roy Rajkumar
- NDT and E International Vol 83, pp. 59-67 (2016)
- Systemic risk assessment in complex supply networks
- Ledwoch Anna, Brintrup Alexandra, Mehnen Jörn, Tiwari Ashutosh
- IEEE Systems Journal, pp. 1-12 (2016)
- Manufacturing at double the speed
- Allwood Julian M, Childs Tom HC, Clare Adam T, De Silva Anjali KM, Dhokia Vimal, Hutchings Ian M, Leach Richard K, Leal-Ayala David R, Lowth Stewart, Majewski Candice E, Marzano Adelaide, Mehnen Jörn, Nassehi Aydin, Ozturk Erdem, Raffles Mark H, Roy Raj, Shyha Islam, Turner Sam
- Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol 229, pp. 729–757 (2016)
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Professional Activities
- IFAC/INSTICC IN4PL 2024 (Event)
- Advisor
- 21/11/2024
- 18th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2024) (Event)
- Advisor
- 14/9/2024
- 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research
- Member of programme committee
- 28/8/2024
- 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research (Event)
- Advisor
- 28/8/2024
- GECCO 2024 (Event)
- Advisor
- 14/7/2024
- Universidade de Aveiro (External organisation)
- Advisor
- 2/6/2024
- EPSRC HVM CATAPULT Fellowship Project BAUTA “A non-invasive remote maintenance tool for legacy CNC machine tools”
- Mehnen, Jorn (Principal Investigator)
- EPSRC HVM CATAPULT Fellowship Project BAUTA “A non-invasive remote maintenance tool for legacy CNC machine tools” (£37k, PI) (hosted by AMRC Sheffield)
- 03-Jan-2016 - 02-Jan-2019
- EU H2020 CPSE Project LegInt “Integrating Legacy machines with the Internet“
- Mehnen, Jorn (Principal Investigator)
- EU H2020 CPSE Project LegInt “Integrating Legacy machines with the Internet“ with Formtec (Germany), LMS University of Patras (Greece), Fortiss GmbH (Germany) (€91k, PI). CPSELabs, Funded under: H2020-EU. - A new generation of components and systems: Engineering of advanced embedded and energy and resource efficient components and systems, Project reference: 644400
- 20-Jan-2016 - 20-Jan-2017
- KTP project “Design for Industry 4.0”, Innovate UK, Collaboration with Design Rule Ltd.,
- Mehnen, Jorn (Co-investigator) Roy, Rajkumar (Principal Investigator) Emmanouilidis, Christos (Co-investigator)
- Creating a guideline for designing products aligning with Internet of Things technology with Big Data for industrial use. Value: £262k
- 03-Jan-2016 - 01-Jan-2017
- EU H2020 SCORE (Scoreboard of Competitiveness of European Transport Manufacturing Industry), Coordination and Support Action under H2020-MG-8.1-2015
- Mehnen, Jorn (Academic) Roy, Rajkumar (Academic) Salonotis, Kostas (Academic)
- Informing EU policy makers, industry and academia about the current and expected future state and competitiveness of EU transport manufacturing industry. Value: €1.5m in total
- 03-Jan-2016 - 01-Jan-2017
- EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering Services EP/I033246/1
- Roy, Rajkumar (Principal Investigator) Mehnen, Jorn (Academic)
- National EPSRC centre for research into Through-Life Engineering Service. Value: £11m (Co-I, Deputy Director)
- 05-Jan-2014 - 06-Jan-2016
- EPSRC TES Centre project: Characterisation of In-Service Component Feedback for System Design and Manufacture
- Mehnen, Jorn (Principal Investigator) Roy, Rajkumar (Co-investigator)
- Researching technologies to inform Through-Life decisions for improving design and manufacture of aerospace components using e.g. Thermography, Big Data analysis and NGV drilling process optimisation.
- 04-Jan-2015 - 06-Jan-2016
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Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management
Tel: 548 2258