Professor Carlos Mendez

Co-Director E P R C

European Policies Research Centre


Personal statement

Carlos Mendez is a co-Director at the EPRC. He was educated at University College London (BA), London School of Economics (MSc) and Strathclyde (PhD). As a specialist on the European Union and regional development policy, Carlos’ main research interests include EU Cohesion Policy, the EU Budget, and regional policy in Portugal and Spain. He has co-authored a monograph on EU Cohesion policy, published a wide range of academic articles and policy reports, and worked on research projects and evaluation studies for European, national and regional institutions.

More recently, Carlos is leading a new research stream at the EPRC on citizen engagement and communication. The research is underpinned by two major Horizon 2020 projects (COHESIFY, DEMOTEC) funded by the European Commission on the impact of Cohesion Policy on European identity and on democratic innovations respectively, as well studies for the European Parliament (VISIBILITY, LINGO) on EU communication in the public sphere. Carlos has been collaborating with a multidisciplinary team of academic experts across the EU to apply innovative techniques including computational text analysis and framing analysis of online media, focus groups and surveys of citizens, as well as interview-informed case studies of the effectiveness of strategies to improve EU communication.

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The quality of government and administrative performance : explaining Cohesion policy compliance, absorption and achievements across EU regions
Mendez Carlos, Bachtler John
Regional Studies Vol 58, pp. 690-703 (2024)
Creating public value in regional policy : bringing citizens back in
Mendez Carlos, Pegan Andreja, Triga Vasiliki
Public Management Review Vol 26, pp. 811-835 (2024)
The impact of digital media on urban discourse : the journalist perspective
Damurski Lukasz, Mendez Carlos, Drijfhout Yannick, Pach Paweł, Piskorek Katarzyna, Arena Virginia
International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) Vol 12, pp. 1-20 (2023)
[Book review] : Economic growth and Cohesion Policy implementation in Italy and Spain: institutions, strategic choices, administrative change
Mendez Carlos
Regional Studies Vol 57, pp. 1184-1185 (2023)
Research for CULT Committee – The European Union's Approach to Multilingualism in its Own Communication Policy
Mendez Carlos, Gazzola Michele, Clement-Wilz Laure, Triga Vasiliki, Mendez Fernando, Djouvas Costas, Charamboulos Antonis, Bachtler John
Research for the CULT Committee Research for the CULT Committee (2022)
Assessing linguistic inequalities in the EU communication policy after Brexit
Gazzola Michele, Mendez Carlos, Mendez Fernando, Djouvas Costas
Conference on Authority, Power, and Language, Department of Politics and Public Administration (2022)

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Professional Activities

Cohesion Policy rationale and evolution, Training to European Union Urban Initiative staff
Future Perspectives on EU Cohesion Policy, European Week of Regions and Cities, European Commission and academic panel
Towards a Green and Digital Transition: The New Cohesion Policy Strategies and Reform Debate, European Regional Policy Research Consortium (EoRPA) of European regional policymakers, Ross Priory
EU cohesion policy helps build a European identity (LSE BLOG)
Is EU Cohesion Policy visible in the Public Sphere? IQ-Net network of European policymakers on Cohesion policy, Online
IQ-Net Coffee Break Workshop to IQ-Net Network of European Policymakers, Online

More professional activities


Regional Policy in Europe: A Comparative Assessment (EoRPA Germany)
Downes, Ruth (Principal Investigator) Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Mendez, Carlos (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
Regional Policy in Europe: A Comparative Assessment (EoRPA_UK_24_26)
Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Mendez, Carlos (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
Regional Policy in Europe: A Comparative Assessment (EoRPA_SCO_2014)
Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Mendez, Carlos (Co-investigator) Downes, Ruth (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2024
Regional Policy in Europe: A Comparative Assessment (EoRPA_AT_24_26)
Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Mendez, Carlos (Co-investigator) Downes, Ruth (Research Co-investigator) Kah, Stefan (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
Regional Policy in the European Union: A Comparative Assessment (EoRPA_DE_24_26)
Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Mendez, Carlos (Co-investigator) Downes, Ruth (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
Regional Policy in Europe: A Comparative Assessment (EoRPA_FI_24_26)
Bachtler, John (Principal Investigator) Mendez, Carlos (Co-investigator) Downes, Ruth (Research Co-investigator) Vironen, Heidi (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026

More projects

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Professor Carlos Mendez
Co-Director E P R C
European Policies Research Centre

Tel: 548 3932