Dr Barry Moore


Pure and Applied Chemistry


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Predictors of survival after vaccination in a pneumonic plague model
Moore Barry D, Macleod Clair, Henning Lisa, Krile Richard, Chou YL, Laws Tom R, Butcher Wendy A, Moore Kristoffer G, Walker Nicola J, Williamson E Diane, Galloway Darrell R
Vaccines Vol 10 (2022)
Investigation of molecular and mesoscale clusters in undersaturated glycine aqueous solutions
Zimbitas Georgina, Jawor-Baczynska Anna, Vesga Maria Jazmin, Javid Nadeem, Moore Barry D, Parkinson John, Sefcik Jan
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Vol 579 (2019)
Antibody-mediated protection against MERS-CoV in the murine model
New RRC, Moore BD, Butcher W, Mahood R, Lever MS, Smither S, O'Brien L, Weller SA, Bayliss M, Gibson LCD, Macleod C, Bogus M, Harvey R, Almond N, Williamson ED
Vaccine Vol 37, pp. 4094-4102 (2019)
Dual route vaccination for plague with emergency use applications
Moore B D, New R RC, Butcher W, Mahood R, Steward J, Bayliss M, MacLeod C, Bogus M, Williamson E D
Vaccine Vol 36, pp. 5210-5217 (2018)
Effect of mixing, concentration and temperature on the formation of mesostructured solutions and their role in the nucleation of DL-valine crystals
Jawor-Baczynska Anna, Moore Barry D, Sefcik Jan, Moore Barry D
Faraday Discussions Vol 179, pp. 141-154 (2015)
Novel reconstitution assembly
Vos Jan, Moore Barry

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Professional Activities

82nd World Science Fiction Convention: Climate Fresk Workshop
Facilitation of Climate Fresk workshop for 2YR UG course in PAC
CPD - Excellence in Report Writing
UK PharmSci
UK PharmSci
British Pharmaceutical Conference

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Immunogenicity of VaxVypDuo Vaccine in Madagascar Vector Species
Moore, Barry (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2020
Paragone (H2020 SC2 SFS)
Moore, Barry (Principal Investigator) Millington, Owain (Co-investigator)
04-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2018
New Approaches to High Throughput Protein, Isolation, Purification and Concentration
Moore, Barry (Principal Investigator) Cormack, Peter (Co-investigator) Sefcik, Jan (Co-investigator) Van Der Walle, Christopher (Co-investigator)
There is a new generation of medicines under development that are based on natural molecules such as proteins or DNA. These will potentially be safer and more effective than current medicines but they are much more difficult to manufacture. Generally proteins are made in cells by biotechnology methods that are similar to those used in the fermentation of beer and wine. However, separation of the pure protein from the rest of the cell is much more challenging than the harvesting of ethanol. In this project we will investigate a new separation process based on coating proteins on the surface of crystals. This technique is known to work well with pure proteins but here we will investigate if it can be applied to the complex mixtures produced when processing cells. The aim will be to find specific conditions where the target protein can be purified from the other proteins and other cell components. If successful the research could potentially help speed up the development and reduce the cost of protein based medicines.
29-Jan-2007 - 28-Jan-2011
Enzyomics - Rapid Multiplex Determination of Enzyme activity and selectivity
Graham, Duncan (Principal Investigator) Moore, Barry (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2004 - 30-Jan-2007

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Dr Barry Moore
Pure and Applied Chemistry

Email: b.d.moore@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 2458