Dr Mara Ntona




Personal statement

Mara Ntona is a Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde Law School, where she contributes to research and teaching at the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance (SCELG) and the Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law (CSHRL). She has expertise in the areas of international and EU environmental and human rights law. 

Along with other SCELG colleagues, Mara has investigated the implications of Brexit for environmental governance in Scotland and the UK, with particular reference to issues relating to fisheries, nature conservation, and environmental rights. She has also provided legal consultancy services to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), focusing on place-based marine management and cross-institutional coordination within ocean governance.

As a research assistant to the BeneLex and MARINE BENEFITS projects, Mara explored issues of fair and equitable benefit-sharing arising in the context of the law of the sea – work that went on to inform her doctoral research. Her thesis, soon to be completed, explores the extent to which a human rights-based approach to marine spatial planning can serve as a legal tool for upholding and nurturing the multifaceted linkages between ocean health and human well-being.

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Mara obtained her LLB from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds an LLM in Global Environment and Climate Change Law from the University of Edinburgh. 

She is a member of the Scottish Universities Legal Network on Europe (SULNE) and the Global Network for the Study of Human Rights and Environment (GNHRE).

Before joining academia, Mara worked in private practice, advising clients in matters of constitutional, administrative, and human rights law. She is a member of the Athens Bar Association (Greece).

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The knowledge-power nexus in EU marine governance : from orthodoxy to pluralism by way of the human right to science
Ntona Mara
Journal of Human Rights and the Environment Vol 15, pp. 127–157 (2024)
Human Rights and Ocean Governance : The Potential of Marine Spatial Planning in Europe
Ntona Mara
Ocean-based climate action and human rights implications under the international climate change regime
Morgera Elisa, Lennan Mitchell, Kulovesi Kati, La Bianca Giulia, Niner Holly J, Harrould-Kolieb Ellycia, Recio Piva Eugenia, Hills Jeremy, Ntona Mara, Lancaster Alana Malinde SN, Strand Mia, Snow Bernadette, Erwin Kira, Shannon Lynne, Rees Sian, Hyder Kieran, Engelhard Georg, Howell Kerry
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law Vol 38, pp. 411-446 (2023)
Advancing Participation in the Conservation & Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)
Strand Mia, Morgera Elisa, Ntona Mara, Kenny Andrew, Sauer Warwick, Gaebel Christine, Lavelle Jessica, Snow Bernadette
Architectures of Earth System Governance in context : revisiting Marine Spatial Planning in the EU's regional seas in light of the Anthropocene
Cardesa-Salzmann Antonio, Ntona Mara
Earth System Governance in turbulent times
European environmental law
Morgera Elisa, Ntona Maria, Geelhoed Miranda
Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Law (2020) (2020)

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Law of the sea; international and EU environmental law; international and EU human rights law

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Research Interests

Environmental justice; ecosystem- and rights-based approaches to environmental governance; oceans governance; spatial planning

Professional Activities

Sustainable Tourism? Toward a new socio-legal research agenda
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - Interanational Relations (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Tourism and Sustainability: Academic & Stakeholder Workshop
Overtourism & Local Communities
Legal Studies (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Cooperation in the High North between Scotland, Norway, and the Arctic Council: Towards more Secure and Sustainable Oceans

More professional activities


Future of Rights and Governance (FORGE) Experiment for Change: Ecological Emergencies
Webster, Elaine (Principal Investigator) Ntona, Maria (Co-investigator)
23-Jan-2024 - 23-Jan-2025

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Dr Mara Ntona

Email: maria.ntona@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted