Mr Andrew Paddison
Teaching Fellow
BA (Hons) in Geography, University of Strathclyde, 1993
MSc in Marketing, University of Strathclyde, 1994
PgDip in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Strathclyde, 2018
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (membership attained 2014)
MCIM: Member of the CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing): membership attained 2009
- ‘To be Sold, A Likely Young Negro Wench, this Country born, 23 Years of Age’
- Harker Michael John, Paddison Andrew
- (2024)
- The marketing curriculum
- Harker Michael John, Paddison Andrew
- Teaching Marketing (2021) (2021)
- Signature Pedagogies in marketing
- Paddison Andrew, Harker Michael, Gill-Simmen Lucy, Kelley Neil
- 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference (2019)
- Place marketing and urban retail agglomerations : an examination of shoppers place attractiveness perceptions
- Teller Christoph, Elms Jonathan R, Thomson Jennifer A, Paddison Andrew R
- Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Vol 6, pp. 124-133 (2010)
- https://doi.org/10.1057/pb.2010.11
- Painkiller purchasing in the UK : an exploratory study of information search and product evaluation
- Paddison Andrew, Olsen Kine
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing Vol 2, pp. 284-307 (2008)
- https://doi.org/10.1108/17506120810922330
- Rural retailing : a sector in decline?
- Paddison Andrew, Calderwood Eric
- International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management Vol 35, pp. 136-155 (2007)
- https://doi.org/10.1108/09590550710728093
Across a range of teaching levels, undergraduate/post-graduate/post-experience, Andrew has designed and delivered modules both in the UK as well as internationally: Singapore and Croatia. As such, he has experience in delivering material pitched at different audiences. Throughout his teaching, Andrew has used a variety of teaching methods including computer simulations, case studies and role plays. This teaching experience has been formalised and validated through the award of the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education from the University of the Highlands & Islands in 2014. The UHI certificate is accredited by the Higher Education Academy.
At an undergraduate level, Andrew lectures on the following courses:
Introduction to Marketing, Services & Retail Marketing
At a postgraduate level, Andrew lectures on the following courses:
Marketing Works, Export Marketing, Customer Management, Integrated Marketing Communications and Consumer Behaviour.
Research Interests
In addition to his teaching experience, Andrew has research experience particularly in a policy and economic development context. He has been a member of the Scottish Government's Cross Party Group on Town Centres and on the Stirling City Centre Initiative (SCCI). As a member of the SCCI, Andrew produced a questionnaire that was implemented as part of a national 'safer cities' initiative. Most recently, Andrew was a secondee to SRUC's Rural Policy Centre. Most of Andrew's research projects have centred on enterprise support and SMEs in different contexts, such as rural retailers.
Professional Activities
- External Examiner: University of the Highlands & Islands - Inverness
- External Examiner
- 1/9/2018
- Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, University of Stirling, July 2018
- Participant
- 3/7/2018
- Academy of Marketing Reviewer: Spring 2018 (Event)
- Peer reviewer
- 3/7/2018
- European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Reviewer: Spring 2018 (Event)
- Peer reviewer
- 28/5/2018
- Chartered Association of Business Schools: Learning, Teaching & Student Experience Conference, April 2018
- Participant
- 24/4/2018
- Advance HE: Professional Development Course for External Examiners
- Contributor
- 1/4/2018
- Exploring Signature Pedagogies in Marketing
- Paddison, Andrew (Principal Investigator) Harker, Michael John (Co-investigator) Gill-Simmen, Lucy (Co-investigator) Kelley, Neil (Co-investigator)
- This project will explore signature pedagogies (SPs) within marketing. Shulman (2005) defined SPs as characterising teaching forms distinct to that discipline with Abel (2009) viewing them as the means through which the text, thought and practice of the respective profession is conveyed. As such, SPs hinge on how disciplinary knowledge translates into professional education.
In seeking to understand this, the interplay across teaching forms that are emblematic of marketing together with the professional preparedness that is integral to this will be explored through interviewing marketing academics. Significantly, this will involve two stages. Firstly, the current situation, as understood by the interviewees, will be explored with this progressing thereafter to exploring amongst these interviewees how SPs could be advanced. The second stage will entail focus groups amongst marketing academics that unpacks their thoughts on the emergent findings with this incorporating pointers for future SP practice within marketing. - 15-Jan-2018 - 01-Jan-2019
Teaching Fellow
Email: andrew.paddison@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3196