Dr Steve Paton
Management Science
Area of Expertise
Has expertise in:
- Project Planning
- Project Lifecycle Management
- Project Risk Management
- Operational Improvement
- Operations Strategy Generation
- Operational Performance Management
Prize And Awards
- Influential Research
- Recipient
- 1/2/2018
PhD - Management of Knowledge Workers
Masters Business Administration
- Understanding coopetition dynamics in manufacturing value networks : a system dynamics based causal loop diagram (CLD) modelling approach
- Konyalioglu Aziz Kemal, Ates Aylin, Paton Steve, Beldek Apaydın Tuğçe
- Advances in Production Management Systems Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) Conference 2024 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Vol 731, pp. 19–33 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-71645-4_2
- The role of co-opetition within the context of environmental sustainability : a system dynamics based causal loop diagram (CLD) approach
- Konyalıoğlu AK, Ates A, Paton S
- Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning & Economics 11th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics, pp. 42-49 (2024)
- From transfer to co-creation : action research perspectives in knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) projects
- Ates Aylin, Paton Steve, Bititci Umit, Konyalioğlu Aziz Kemal
- Production Planning and Control Vol 36, pp. 236-249 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2024.2335475
- Moving on from agile and lean : bringing strategy back in
- Sminia Harry, Ates Aylin, Paton Steve
- Scotland Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference and Exhibition (2023)
- Crafting strategic responses to ecosystem dynamics in manufacturing
- Ates Aylin, Paton Steve, Sminia Harry, Smith Marisa
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change Vol 194 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122727
- Co-opetition in supply chain management and manufacturing : a conceptual literature review
- Konyalioglu Aziz Kemal, Ates Aylin, Paton Steve
- 23rd European Academy of Management Conference (2023)
I am currently Director of Teaching and Learning within the Department of Strategy and Organisation. In my own teaching I deliver modules on Operations Management and Project Management within post-graduate MSc and MBA programs including a number of executive and corporate programs. I also teach on a number of short courses delivered for industry audiences.
Research Interests
I research in two linked areas. Within the field of project management I am interested in how companies adopt and utilise project management methodologies in a process of ‘projectification’ to build their capability to manage complex work. And within the field of operations management I am interested in what strategies engineering and manufacturing companies adopt to move up the value chain in order to engage in more complex work.
Professional Activities
- Designing Organisations for Performance
- Speaker
- 22/9/2021
- Manufacturing Ecosystems
- Speaker
- 7/9/2021
- Ecosystems in Manufacturing
- Speaker
- 5/8/2021
- Project Management and Degree Apprenticeships
- Consultant
- 1/11/2020
- Business Improvement in the Defence Industry
- Speaker
- 10/1/2019
- Performance Management in the Defence industry
- Speaker
- 19/11/2018
- KTP - Fix Visual Effects Limited. New technologies to make the production pipeline more efficient from end to end
- Paton, Steve (Principal Investigator) Barlow, Euan (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2026
- Technology Innovation in Defence-platform Energy-efficiency
- Turan, Osman (Principal Investigator) Aktas, Batuhan (Co-investigator) Atlar, Mehmet (Co-investigator) Barlow, Euan (Co-investigator) Boulougouris, Evangelos (Co-investigator) Jennett, Kyle (Co-investigator) Paton, Steve (Co-investigator) Revie, Matthew (Co-investigator) Seth, Sampan (Co-investigator) Tapinos, Efstathios (Co-investigator) Theotokatos, Gerasimos (Co-investigator) Walls, Lesley (Co-investigator) Wright, George (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2026
- Boosting Strategic Capability: Process and Product Management in Small Satellite Innovation
- Ates, Aylin (Principal Investigator) Paton, Steve (Co-investigator)
- Demand for high-quality, timely data from space has never been greater and the increasing commercial interest means businesses must adapt to respond to the global opportunity.
Following an active period of acquisition, integration and expansion Clyde Space is now planning the next phase of growth, with a focus on building and launching its own constellation of satellites to establish a leading position in the supply of Space-Data-as-a-Service.
Strathclyde University will support development of a scalable organisational operating model to facilitate efficient and effective revenue growth and capability development in the short-, medium- and long-term through the implementation of innovative solutions. - 01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2022
- KTP - JWF Process Solutions Ltd. Business model transition from sensor supply, to provision of a software-based data and information service sales solution.
- Paton, Steve (Principal Investigator) Sminia, Harry (Co-investigator) Wallace, William (Co-investigator) Walls, Lesley (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2021 - 28-Jan-2023
- KTP - Leonardo
- Paton, Steve (Principal Investigator) Ates, Aylin (Co-investigator) Sminia, Harry (Co-investigator)
- 04-Jan-2019 - 03-Jan-2021
- Scottish Power: Support to Organisational Redesign - Phase 1
- Paton, Steve (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2019 - 01-Jan-2020