Dr Matteo Pedrotti

Senior Lecturer

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Personal statement

My research focuses on the design and characterization of advanced composite systems of geomaterials and synthesised hydrogels. The nano and micro scale characterization of such systems aims to understand the role of atmospheric interactions (i.e. water evaporation), stress history and groundwater chemistry on their hydro-meachnical characteristics, and thus allows for engineering of advanced porous networks with unprecedented macroscopic bulk performances. My research bridges the gap between fundamental research carried out at the scale of nano-to-micro particle interaction and engineering performance at the field scale. My vision is to establish a research group in geomechanics to pursue a new generation of “super soils” which, for instance, will have: enhanced water retention and adsorption capabilities for agriculture; enhanced mechanical strength for earth construction; self-healing potential for protection against desiccation cracking; zero water permeability for the formation of ground barriers against contaminant migration

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A microstructural insight into the compression behaviour of scaly clays
Pedrotti Matteo, Tarantino Alessandro, Annese Antonio, Cotecchia Federica, Vitone Claudia
Géotechnique, pp. 1-40 (2024)
Drying-induced volumetric behaviour of clays interpreted via binary pore-scale modelling
Pedrotti Matteo, Xu Long, Murray Ian William, Tarantino Alessandro
Computers and Geotechnics Vol 165 (2024)
PLATYMATCH- A particle-matching algorithm for the analysis of platy particle kinematics using X-ray Computed Tomography
Ibeh Christopher U, Pedrotti Matteo, Tarantino Alessandro, Lunn Rebecca
Computers and Geotechnics Vol 138 (2021)
An experimental investigation into the use of mica as a material for the stabilisation of marginal clays in construction
Ibeh Christopher U, Tarantino Alessandro, Pedrotti Matteo, Lunn Rebecca J
Construction and Building Materials (2021)
On the utilization of mica waste : the pore-fluid chemistry of mica soils and its implication for erosion susceptibility
Ibeh Christopher U, Pedrotti Matteo, Tarantino Alessandro, Lunn Rebecca J
Geoderma (2021)
A critical review of the effect of temperature on clay inter-particle forces and its effect on macroscopic thermal behaviour of clay
Casarella A, Pedrotti M, Tarantino Alessandro, Di Donna Alice
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol 125, pp. 608-615 (2021)

More publications

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Professional Activities

IS-Grenoble2024 international symposium
Geotechnical Engineering Course (CL-314)
Grout Group
Shear Strength in Geotechnical Engineering
Quick clay: An Alternative material for the creation of barriers in wells
Invited speaker
Biology workshops organized by Professor Luke Chamberlain at the University of Strathclyde

More professional activities


Experimental characterization of Bentonite hydromechanical behaviour in high salinity environment
Pedrotti, Matteo (Principal Investigator) Lunn, Rebecca (Academic) Samadi, Parisa (Post Grad Student)
The Global Research Studentship will cover 3 years of international fees for an equivalent amount of £62k
02-Oct-2023 - 30-Sep-2026
Experimental characterization of Bentonite hydromechanical behaviour in high salinity environment
Pedrotti, Matteo (Principal Investigator)
01-Oct-2023 - 30-Sep-2027
Mechanisms of stress transfer in clayey materials at the scale of the clay particle
Pedrotti, Matteo (Principal Investigator) Tarantino, Alessandro (Co-investigator) Migliorelli, Maria Giulia (Academic)
Xray Compute Tomography of mechanisms of stress transfer in clayey materials on beamline I13-2 at Diamond Light Source. Project Proposal No MG31709. Equivalent funding value of £60k.
01-Sep-2022 - 30-Apr-2023
An energy free pump: nanoporous gels to passively lift subsurface water
Pedrotti, Matteo (Principal Investigator) Ghadir, Pooria (Researcher)
01-Jun-2022 - 30-Nov-2024
Plants: climate-smart and carbon-efficient nature based solution to mitigate ‘diffuse’ climate-induced landslide hazard
Tarantino, Alessandro (Principal Investigator) Pedrotti, Matteo (Co-investigator)
14-Dec-2021 - 13-Dec-2023
Carbon geological storage: understanding micro-mechanisms of CO2 capillary breakthrough and localized pathways to assess caprock CO2 leakage hazard”
Pedrotti, Matteo (Principal Investigator) Tarantino, Alessandro (Co-investigator) Allsop, Craig (Post Grad Student)
4-year fully funded PhD studentship awarded by CDT Geoscience and its Role in the Low Carbon Energy Transition 2020. Equivalent value £85k
04-Oct-2021 - 30-Sep-2025

More projects

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Dr Matteo Pedrotti
Senior Lecturer
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: matteo.pedrotti@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted