Dr Jennifer Pestana

Senior Lecturer

Mathematics and Statistics


Personal statement

My primary research interests are numerical linear algebra and its application to problems in scientific computing. Most of my work has focused on understanding the convergence behaviour of Krylov subspace methods for solving linear systems, and on developing preconditioners for specific applications. I have also been involved in projects that apply ideas from tropical algebra to problems in numerical linear algebra, such as pre-scaling matrices before solving linear systems. Current projects include developing fast solvers for problems from fractional diffusion, and analysing problems in broadband signal processing. 

I have been a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics since 2015. Prior to this I held postdoctoral positions at The University of Manchester and the University of Oxford. I obtained my DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2012.

I am a member of SIAM, and am an editor of the SIAM Fundamentals of Algorithms book series. I am also a member of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, the London Mathematical Society and am a Fellow of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. 

My personal webpage can be found here.

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Fast solution of incompressible flow problems with two-level pressure approximation
Pestana Jennifer, Silvester David J
Numerische Mathematik Vol 156, pp. 1579-1602 (2024)
On properties and structure of the analytic singular value decomposition
Weiss Stephan, Proudler Ian K, Barbarino Giovanni, Pestana Jennifer, McWhirter John G
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Vol 72, pp. 2260-2275 (2024)
Polynomial eigenvalue decomposition for multichannel broadband signal processing : a mathematical technique offering new insights and solutions
Neo Vincent W, Redif Soydan, McWhirter John G, Pestana Jennifer, Proudler Ian K, Weiss Stephan, Naylor Patrick A
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Vol 40, pp. 18-37 (2023)
Analysis of parallel Schwarz algorithms for time-harmonic problems using block Toeplitz matrices
Bootland Niall, Dolean Victorita, Kyriakis Alexandros, Pestana Jennifer
ETNA - Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis Vol 55, pp. 112-141 (2021)
The asymptotic spectrum of flipped multilevel Toeplitz matrices and of certain preconditionings
Mazza M, Pestana J
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications Vol 42, pp. 1319-1336 (2021)
Subspace perturbation bounds with an application to angle of arrival estimation using the MUSIC algorithm
Delaosa Connor, Pestana Jennifer, Weiss Stephan, Proudler Ian
International Conference on Sensor Signal Processing for Defence, pp. 1-5 (2020)

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Professional Activities

Invited Seminar at the University of Manchester
BIRS Workshop: New Directions in Applied Linear Algebra
29th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis
25th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society
Member of programme committee
School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Visiting researcher
Scientific Machine Learning Seminar

More professional activities


EPSRC-SFI Krylov subspace methods for non-symmetric PDE problems: a deeper understanding and faster convergence
Pestana, Jennifer (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2026
ICMS@Glasgow: Novel preconditioned iterative solvers for Stokes equations with divergence-free solutions
Pestana, Jennifer (Principal Investigator) Barrenechea, Gabriel (CoPI) Soodhalter, Kirk (CoPI)
17-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2022
Maths DTP 2021/22 University of Strathclyde | Podmore, Sam
Knight, Philip (Principal Investigator) Pestana, Jennifer (Co-investigator) Podmore, Sam (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 01-Jan-2026
Effective preconditioners for linear systems in fractional diffusion
Pestana, Jennifer (Principal Investigator)
19-Jan-2018 - 19-Jan-2020
Fundamentals, Techniques and Algorithms for Processing Multichannel Broadband Data | Delaosa, Connor
Weiss, Stephan (Principal Investigator) Pestana, Jennifer (Co-investigator) Delaosa, Connor (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2017 - 01-Jan-2021

More projects

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Dr Jennifer Pestana
Senior Lecturer
Mathematics and Statistics

Email: jennifer.pestana@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4559