Dr Holly Porteous

Teaching Associate



Personal statement

I am interested in how inequalities are produced and reproduced in society, particularly from a gender/feminist perspective. I am currently working on the Leverhulme-funded project 'Glasgow Women's Library: A Transformative Servicescape' at the University of Strathclyde, looking at how service spaces have the potential to ameliorate consumer vulnerability.

I completed my PhD in 2014 at the University of Glasgow. My thesis analysed constructions of normative femininity in Russian society and culture through an analysis of women's magazines and their readers.

From 2014-2020 I worked on various projects studying how migrants from former state socialist countries have made themselves socially, economically, personally and culturally secure in Scotland. This was chiefly on the ESRC-funded project 'Social Support and Migration in Scotland' (SSAMIS).

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Professional Activities

International Women's Day 2024 - Strath_Fem Feminist Book Celebration
Organiser, EDI Pedagogy Reading Group (SBS Innovation Cluster on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion)
Gendered Spaces of Transformation: Glasgow Women’s Library
Strathclyde Feminist Research Network Seminar Series, 2023-24
American Marketing Academy Winter Academic Conference
Academy of Marketing Conference Presentation

More professional activities


Transformative Servicescapes and consumer vulnerability
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Edwards, Sarah (Co-investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Co-investigator) Porteous, Holly (Researcher)
01-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2022
Celebrating Feminist and Anti-racist Pedagogies in Practice bell hooks's Teaching to Transgress 30 Years on
Koobak, Redi (Co-investigator) Porteous, Holly (Co-investigator) Ivancheva, Mariya (Co-investigator)
This was an Engage with Strathclyde event that celebrated the 30th anniversary of bell hooks’s classic work "Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom" (1994). It brought together a diverse range of educators and practitioners to discuss and reflect on their experiences of teaching and learning in different contexts in academia and beyond.

The event centred around a roundtable about feminist and anti-racist pedagogies, followed by groupwork to reflect on our own experiences of learning and teaching, using prompts from "Teaching to Transgress".
29-Jan-2024 - 29-Jan-2024
30 years of Transformation
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Porteous, Holly (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator)
This zoom event focused on sharing research findings and discussing the wider impact of the research in an informal and non-academic setting. Coinciding with our case organization’s 30th anniversary, the event will celebrate 30 years of transforming lives and look ahead to the next decade.
17-Jan-2022 - 17-Jan-2022
Meet the Researchers
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator) Porteous, Holly (Principal Investigator)
Running over several sessions, this is an open-invite for anyone interested in the project to drop in to the exhibition to ask questions, or hear more about the findings.
- Wednesday 2nd March, 2pm to 4pm
- Thursday 10th March, 5pm to 7pm
- Saturday 19th March, 1pm to 3pm
- Friday 25th March, 10am to 12pm
02-Jan-2022 - 25-Jan-2022
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator) Porteous, Holly (Principal Investigator)
Transformations is an art and audio-visual exhibition that ran in Glasgow Women’s Library (GWL) from 1st March to 15th April 2022. The exhibition is supported by funding from the Marketing Trust and Academy of Marketing. The exhibition features:
- a collection of risograph prints that were created during our Arts-based Research. The prints depict personal expressions of what difference GWL has made to women’s lives.
- A series of illustrations that combine the words of some of our interview participants with artwork commission from Jules Scheele.
- An audio-visual presentation that uses the research findings as a knowledge base to inform recommendations on inclusive services and spaces.
This event is aimed at anyone who is interested in GWL’s work, as well as anyone looking to find inspiration on how to be more inclusive in their own organisation.
01-Jan-2022 - 15-Jan-2022
Social Support and Migration in Scotland
Kay, Rebecca (Principal Investigator) Porteous, Holly (Researcher)
The five-year ESRC project ‘Social Support and Migration in Scotland’ (SSAMIS) was a collaboration between the University of Glasgow and Swansea University which ran from November 2013 to November 2018. It explored experiences of migration and settlement amongst Central and Eastern European (CEE) migrants living in urban and rural Scotland.

Researchers carried out extensive ethnographic fieldwork in two urban and two rural locations across Scotland, including migrant interviews, expert interviews, and ethnographic observations at key sites. This was followed by a period of participatory action research, where the SSAMIS team led initiatives at fieldwork sites with the aim of bringing key fieldwork findings on challenges migrants face into action in local Angus and Aberdeenshire communities – and beyond.

The data from this project can be found in the UK Data Service Reshare archive Ref. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-852584

These two main phases of the project have since been followed by two additional projects (on social integration and low-skilled labour migration in Scotland) by members of the SSAMIS team, which have expanded on its findings through further research, reports and media coverage. SSAMIS researchers have also continued to share key findings and work with service providers and policymakers at a local and national level.
01-Jan-2013 - 30-Jan-2018

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Dr Holly Porteous
Teaching Associate

Email: holly.porteous@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3696