Dr Leighton Pritchard

Senior Lecturer

Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences


Personal statement

Please visit our group website: https://sipbs-compbiol.github.io/

Our group specialises in computational biology and bioinformatics, particularly for microbial genomics, but also in humans and plants. We have interests in taxonomy and classification of microbes, and the relationships between genome evolution and the different capabilities of organisms. We aim to understand links between genome and phenotype, such as the ability to produce - or resist - antibiotics, to produce enzymes and other products of biotechological value, the responses of human and plant cells to disease and infection, and the ways in which microbial pathogens interact with and control their hosts.

We study these areas using a range of techniques including phylogenetics and phylogenomics, comparative genomics and pangenomics, and mathematical and structural modelling.

You can follow the group (@SCompBiol), or me personally (@widdowquinn) on Twitter.

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Dr Leighton Pritchard
Senior Lecturer
Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Email: leighton.pritchard@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4962