Professor Stuart Reid

Head Of Department

Biomedical Engineering


Personal statement

Prof Stuart Reid FRSE is Head of Department and Royal Society Industry Fellow in Biomedical Engineering.  He works in a multidisciplinary team working across medical and astrophysics/quantum research areas. He is co-inventor of “nanokicking”, where nanoscale vibrations are used to persuade stem cells to turn into bone in the lab (ACS Nano 2013, Nature BME 2017). He is in the process of co-founding a company ( to help supply bone graft (the most transplanted tissue after blood) for regenerative medicine. UK Charity, Find A Better Way ( is funding the first-in-man study of nanokicked stem cells, planned for 2024/25, with the aim to provide bone graft for patients injured by land mines. The first in vivo study of nanokicking using wearable vibration devices was trialed in partnership with the Scottish Centre for Innovation in Spinal Cord Injury at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital ( Reid's lab is also developing and manufacturing some of the most advanced laser mirrors in the world, to enable future gravitational wave detectors to be limited entirely by quantum effects. The team has pioneered the first high-energy ECR (electron cyclotron resonance) ion beam deposition facility, manufacturing the world’s lowest absorption sputtered amorphous silicon (PRL 2018) and highest sp3 content sputtered diamond-like carbon (paper in preparation). Reid is Director of the Extreme Performance Optical Coatings testbed ( located within the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland.

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Upscaling manufacture of osteogenically differentiated mesenchymal stem cells using nanoscale vibration and microcarrier suspension culture
Williams Jonathan, Dalby Matthew J, Salmerón-Sánchez Manuel, Childs Peter, Reid Stuart
7th Termis World Congress (2024)
Developing and investigating a nanovibration intervention for the prevention/reversal of bone loss following spinal cord injury
Williams Jonathan A, Campsie Paul, Gibson Richard, Johnson-Love Olivia, Werner Anna, Sprott Mark, Meechan Ryan, Huesa Carmen, Windmill James FC, Purcell Mariel, Coupaud Sylvie, Dalby Matthew J, Childs Peter, Riddell John S, Reid Stuart
ACS Nano Vol 18, pp. 17630-17641 (2024)
Optical properties of germania and titania at 1064 nm and at 1550 nm
Diksha D, Amato A, Spagnuolo V, Mcghee G i, Chicoine M, Clark C, Hill S, Hough J, Johnston R, Keil R, Mavridi N, Reid S, Rowan S, Schapals T, Schiettekatte F, Tait S c, Martin I W, Steinlechner J
Classical and Quantum Gravity Vol 41 (2024)
High throughput deformability for the mechanical fingerprinting of adherent cells
Pereira Sousa Rui Pedro, Reid Stuart, Childs Peter, Jimenez Melanie
CYTO 2024 (2024)
Search for gravitational-wave transients associated with magnetar bursts in advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo data from the third observing run
Abbott R, Angelova S V, Ben Yaala M, Gier C, Hill P, Reid S, Talbot C J, Wallace G S,
The Astrophysical Journal Vol 966 (2024)
Novel polymeric heart valve for global heart valve disease
Kerr Monica Mary, Reid Stuart, Ben Yaala Marwa, Seed Elizabeth, Stewart Iain William, McKee Sean, Oliveira Hugo, Wheatley David, McCormick Christopher
Scottish Cardiovascular Forum 2024 (2024)

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Professional Activities

High throughput mechanical phenotyping of nano vibrated mesenchymal stem cells using real time deformability cytometry

More professional activities


DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Fowler, Dylan
Schulte, Carsten (Principal Investigator) Reid, Stuart (Co-investigator) Fowler, Dylan (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 01-Jan-2028
(Bio)active matter-based computation | Advanced Research + Invention Agency (ARIA) | Merrett, Lorna
Witte, Kimia (Principal Investigator) Reid, Stuart (Co-investigator) Merrett, Lorna (Research Co-investigator)
Advanced Research + Invention Agency (ARIA) funded PhD studentship
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2027
Evaluating new UK supply chains for future high power laser optics
Ben Yaala, Marwa (Principal Investigator) Reid, Stuart (Co-investigator)
15-Jan-2024 - 14-Jan-2025
CRD+PCI at 1550nm (3 optics)
Reid, Stuart (Principal Investigator) Ben Yaala, Marwa (Co-investigator)
21-Jan-2024 - 21-Jan-2024
Extension to the 'Quantum-enhanced Interferometry for New Physics' programme
Reid, Stuart (Principal Investigator) Craig, Kieran (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
Leonardo: WSRF0100 – HEL3 Optical Robustness (Phase 2)
Reid, Stuart (Principal Investigator)
Phase 1 - RKES 231385
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2024

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Professor Stuart Reid
Head Of Department
Biomedical Engineering

Tel: 548 3137