Professor Matthew Revie

Head Of Department

Management Science


Personal statement

I am currently Head of Department of Management Science in Strathclyde Business School. My area of research is Risk Analysis and Decision Making under uncertainty. I focus on working at the interface between research and practice, trying to ensure that academic research impacts businesses and society. 

I helped to co-found two industry-facing research units: the Risk Consortium in 2009 and the Centre for Informed Decision Analytics (IDeA) in 2018. The Risk Consortium was established to provide a platform for industry partners to share problems, solutions and cutting-edge techniques for quantitative risk analysis and reliability modelling and to bridge the gap between industry and research. IDeA is a dedicated industry facing unit for the Department of Management Science that escalates current activity, enhances research output, impact and grant proposals, and enhances our teaching portfolio.

My research has been published in 3* and 4* journals (Association of Business Schools list) and I am responsible for supervising and managing the output of 5 KE staff, one postdoc researcher and 5 PhD students. I have experience teaching on a wide range of courses; both to students and practitioners. I am on the editorial board of the IMechE Journal of Risk and Reliability, on the Board of Directors for the European Safety and Reliability Data Association, and I am a Fellow of the Operational Research Society.

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Area of Expertise

  • Reliability, Availability and Maintainability modelling
  • Expert Judgement
  • Analytics
  • Quantitative Modelling for Decision Making 

I have experience applying these methods and models to real world problems such as those found in industry and engineering. I have worked extensively in the following sectors: power generation (coal, onshore and offshore wind, nuclear); utilities (water, transportation, Oil and Gas); and military (aerospace, electronics, land vehicles)

Prize And Awards

Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards: Multi–Party Collaboration Award

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Optimizing fuel selection in CANDU reactors
Devereux Michael, West Graeme, Barlow Euan, Revie Matthew, Young Andrew
Fifth Annual Conference on Disruptive, Innovative, and Emerging Technologies in the Nuclear Industry (2024)
Learning local cascading failure pattern from massive network failure data
Xiao Xun, Ye Zhisheng, Revie Matthew
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C Vol 73, pp. 1155-1184 (2024)
Modeling recurrent failures on large directed networks
Zhai Qingqing, Ye Zhisheng, Li Cheng, Revie Matthew, Dunson David B
Journal of the American Statistical Association, pp. 1-15 (2024)
Saddlepoint approximation for the generalized inverse Gaussian Lévy process
Zhang Mimi, Revie Matthew, Quigley John
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Vol 411 (2022)
Reliability evaluation of repairable systems considering component heterogeneity using frailty model
Brown Bodunrin, Liu Bin, McIntyre Stuart, Revie Matthew
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability Vol 237, pp. 654-670 (2022)
Reliability analysis of load-sharing systems with spatial dependence and proximity effects
Brown Bodunrin, Liu Bin, McIntyre Stuart, Revie Matthew
Reliability Engineering and System Safety Vol 221 (2022)

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My teaching portfolio focuses on teaching risk management and decision making tools to postgraduate or postexperience students. For example, I regularly contribute to the MBA Analytical Support for Decision Making module, with experience teaching in Switerland, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Madrid. I teach Risk Analysis and Management to Engineering postgraduate students and Management Science methods to the Wind Energy Centre for Doctoral Training students. I also teach on industry facing courses with SSE and Ibderdrola. 

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Research Interests

My research interests focus on modifying and applying Management Science methods to solve industrial problems. 

My main area of research is in Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) modelling. To date, I have developed tools for modelling reliability during procurement, diagnostic and prognostic modelling, maintenance scheduling and degradation modelling.

I am also interested in using both statistical and machine learning models to analyse complex datasets. Examples of work to date include prognostic modelling of offshore SCADA data from wind turbines, forecasting offshore wind speeds and wave heights, and modelling performance of athletes.  

I have a broad interest in a wide range of mathematical models to support decision making. For example, I am interested in developing methods for modelling and assessing dependencies between uncertain quantities for use in decision models and have developed models using techniques such as Bayesian Networks and Bayes linear. I have used discrete event simulation to model maintenance schedules and logistic operations. I also have interest in optimisation models such as multi-objective optimisation and rolling optimisation.

Future areas of study will focus on big data and reliability, degradation and maintenance, load sharing, asset management and residual life. 


Professional Activities

Financial Regulation Innovation Lab: Morgan Stanley Stakeholder Workshop
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Online CPD - Decision-making in Place-making
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2016
European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2016
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability (Journal)
Guest editor

More professional activities


COst Forecasting Framework with Expert and Analogous Data (COFFEAD)
Quigley, John (Principal Investigator) Liu, Bin (Co-investigator) Revie, Matthew (Co-investigator) Walls, Lesley (Co-investigator)
15-Jan-2024 - 15-Jan-2026
Extending the explainability of machine learning models in policy decision making
Liu, Bin (Principal Investigator) Revie, Matthew (Co-investigator)
ESRC funding via SGSSS: ES/P000681/1
ESRC: £59,228
UoS: £31,892
02-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2027
Technology Innovation in Defence-platform Energy-efficiency
Turan, Osman (Principal Investigator) Aktas, Batuhan (Co-investigator) Atlar, Mehmet (Co-investigator) Barlow, Euan (Co-investigator) Boulougouris, Evangelos (Co-investigator) Jennett, Kyle (Co-investigator) Paton, Steve (Co-investigator) Revie, Matthew (Co-investigator) Seth, Sampan (Co-investigator) Tapinos, Efstathios (Co-investigator) Theotokatos, Gerasimos (Co-investigator) Walls, Lesley (Co-investigator) Wright, George (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2026
Fintech. Centre of Innovation in Financial Regulation (Innovation Accelerator)
Cummins, Mark (Principal Investigator) Basu, Devraj (Co-investigator) Bowden, James (Co-investigator) Revie, Matthew (Co-investigator) Shaw, Eleanor (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025
HYPOBATT Hyper powered vessel battery charging system (Horizon Europe)
Walls, Lesley (Principal Investigator) Revie, Matthew (Co-investigator) Tapinos, Efstathios (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2025
Digital Dairy Value-Chain for South-West Scotland and Cumbria (Strength in Places Fund)
Michie, Craig (Principal Investigator) Wagner, Beverly (Academic) Wilson, Juliette (Academic) Andonovic, Ivan (Co-investigator) Atkinson, Robert (Co-investigator) Bellekens, Xavier (Co-investigator) Galloway, Stuart (Co-investigator) Kelly, Nicolas (Co-investigator) Lengden, Michael (Co-investigator) Revie, Matthew (Co-investigator) Stewart, Robert (Co-investigator) Tachtatzis, Christos (Co-investigator) Ward, Andrew (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2027

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Professor Matthew Revie
Head Of Department
Management Science

Tel: 548 4578