Professor Ian Ruthven
Computer and Information Sciences
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Area of Expertise
- information seeking theory
- interface design for information access
- user studies
Prize And Awards
- Tony Kent Strix Memorial Award
- Recipient
- 6/12/2020
- IJIDI Outstanding paper award
- Recipient
- 2020
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
- Recipient
- 2010
- JASIST Best Paper Award 2019
- Recipient
- 30/9/2
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- Information avoidance : A critical conceptual review. An Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) paper
- Hicks Alison, McKenzie Pamela, Bronstein Jenny, Hyldegård Jette, Ruthven Ian, Widén Gunilla
- Annual Review of Information Science and Technology Vol 76, pp. 326-346 (2025)
- A framework to facilitate older people in leveraging online financial services
- Thomas Dain, Chowdhury Gobinda, Ruthven Ian
- Sustainability and Empowerment in the Context of Digital Libraries 26th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2024 Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 15493, pp. 305-319 (2024)
- A research atudy investigating the impact of COVID-19 on the information needs of international students in the UK
- Abu Asba Ibrahim, Chowdhury Gobinda, Ruthven Ian
- Sustainability and Empowerment in the Context of Digital Libraries 26th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2024 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol 15493 LNCS, pp. 336-345 (2024)
- The shape(s) of information practice : using Radial Mapping Qualitatively
- McKenzie Pamela, Hicks Alison, Bronstein Jenny, Hyldegård Jette, Ruthven Ian, Widén Gunilla
- 87th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (2024)
- Conceptions of everyday life in information science
- Hartel Jenna, Ndumu Ana, Ocepek Melissa, Ruthven Ian
- 87th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, pp. 762-766 (2024)
- A review of the literature on spirituality and religion in information research - 1990 to 2022
- Nangia Pranay, Ruthven Ian
- Journal of Documentation (2024)
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- information retrieval
- information seeking
- qualitative and quantitative research methods
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Professional Activities
- 12th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (Event)
- Editor
- 2/6/2025
- Information in Crisis workshop. Information Seeking in Context Conference (ISIC) 2024
- Organiser
- 29/8/2024
- 12th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (Event)
- Chair
- 1/6/2024
- Engage with Strathclyde: Digital Cultural Heritage: people, data, technology
- Speaker
- 9/5/2024
- University of Pretoria
- Visiting researcher
- 1/1/2021
- Scottish Library and Information Council (External organisation)
- Advisor
- 1/11/2017
- Participatory Harm Auditing Workbenches and Methodologies (PHAWM)
- Moshfeghi, Yashar (Principal Investigator) Azzopardi, Leif (Co-investigator) Ruthven, Ian (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2028
- Developing a theory of information resilience with constituency case workers
- Nicol, Emma (Principal Investigator) Ruthven, Ian (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2026
- Downloading a new normal - privacy, exclusion, and information behaviour in public library digital services use during COVID
- McMenemy, David (Principal Investigator) Ruthven, Ian (Co-investigator)
- 18-Jan-2020 - 17-Jan-2022
- DoSSIER: Domain Specific Systems for Information, Extraction and Retrieval (H2020 MSCA)
- Azzopardi, Leif (Principal Investigator) Halvey, Martin (Co-investigator) Ruthven, Ian (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2023
- Understanding the Information Needs of Young First Time Mothers from Areas of Multiple Deprivation
- Buchanan, Steven (Principal Investigator) Ruthven, Ian (Co-investigator)
- "Information informs, guides, and empowers; but persistent barriers to access and use are societally divisive and as yet not fully understood, particularly amongst marginalised groups. Addressing enduring issues of information poverty, this project seeks to better understand the information needs of young first time mothers (YFTM) aged 21 or under from deprived areas, and associated barriers, by identifying and better understanding the: everyday information needs, seeking preferences, and challenges of YFTM; and the +/- factors influencing YFTM engagement with supportive services, and the appropriate assistive intervention points and methods.
The UK has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe, with associated conception rates correlated to multiple deprivation indexes. At risk groups are disadvantaged and disengaged, with significant health and wellbeing issues reported for both mother and child. Intervention programmes focus on early parenting needs with on-going holistic educational support considered key to long-term social inclusion/reintegration; however, there is evidence that mainstream services are failing to provide such support with significant unmet YFTM information needs reported, and overarching concerns raised regarding equity of access to information in both the physical and digital space.
A significant challenge in addressing holistic YFTM information needs relates to our limited understanding of young peoples' everyday information needs, preferences and seeking behavior generally, and more specifically, in impoverished and/or marginalized circumstances (limiting effective tailored service design and delivery considered key to access and use). There are complex and as yet not fully understood access barriers and internalised behavioural barriers to consider, the former influenced by digital divide and information literacy issues, the latter by social structures and norms; barriers that we believe put YFTM, and in turn their children, at greater risk of becoming impoverished information outsiders, living a stratified and disengaged existence. This project, recognising the importance of information access to economic and social mobility, and health and wellbeing; will comprehensively identify and investigate YFTM information needs, seeking preferences and challenges, and advance our understanding of the +/- factors influencing engagement of marginalised groups in both the physical and digital space, including appropriate assistive intervention points and strategies to not only meet immediate needs, but to foster independent lifelong learning and on-going social inclusion. Output will guide both policy (what to provide and from whom) and process (how to provide) of public information service providers (including collaborative aspects).
This project, which will bring together theories of social capital and social networks with theories and models of information behaviour to address issues of information poverty in both the physical and digital space; aligns with ESRC strategic priority influencing behaviour and informing interventions, and associated questions: how to understand behaviour and risks at multiple levels and a variety of contexts; how and why do behaviours change; and how does the interplay of child, family, community and wider society influence inequalities in wellbeing?" - 01-Jan-2015 - 30-Jan-2017
- Scottish Network on Digital Cultural Resources Evaluation (ScotDigiCH)
- Ruthven, Ian (Principal Investigator) Damala, Areti (Principal Investigator)
- The network brings together academics from different disciplines and professionals from Scotland's key cultural organisations in order to investigate how cultural digital resources are used by diverse user groups, how to record their impact on learning, research and community engagement and how to maximize their potential.
- 15-Jan-2015 - 30-Jan-2016
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Computer and Information Sciences
Tel: 548 2956