Dr Jasminder Sidhu

Research Associate



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Area of Expertise

I am a UK Quantum Technologies Research Fellow and have worked in theoretical quantum optics, information, and communications. I obtained my PhD from the University of Sheffield and an MSci in Physics from Imperial College London. I currently work at the interface of finite and one-shot quantum information theory. Specifically, I am currently working on developing novel schemes that determine optimal experimental implementations for enhanced sensing and satellite-based quantum communications over long distances, where finite statistics naturally arise owing to finite quantum channels between satellites and optical ground stations. 

I work closely with experimentalists and engineers to model and guide the design of upcoming satellite quantum key distribution missions, including the UK Quantum Communications Hub mission, QUARC/ROKS, and the Canadian QEYSSat mission. My work is primarily steered by practical designs and constraints, involving a range of numerical techniques for computational modelling and theoretical work on security analyses.

Prize And Awards

Global engagements Funding
SUPA Short Term Visits Funding
Fellow of the Higher Education Award

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I have been heavily involved in teaching at varying capacities and have been accredited as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

I also work heavily on outreach programmes to break down complex concepts and communicate them effectively to the public. I have spoken at secondary schools to motivate and engage students in the potential of quantum technologies and led the development of animation to highlight the importance of satellite quantum communications, which featured in the UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase and the UK Quantum Communications Hub website.

I am the Science Faculty Representative to the public engagement at the University of Strathclyde and have been working to implement strategic goals towards the university's ambitious 2025 Vision.

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Security of hybrid BB84 with heterodyne detection
Sidhu Jasminder S, Maggi Rocco, Pascazio Saverio, Lupo Cosmo
Quantum Science and Technology Vol 10 (2025)
Finite-resource performance of small-satellite-based quantum-key-distribution missions
Islam Tanvirul, Sidhu Jasminder S, Higgins Brendon L, Brougham Thomas, Vergoossen Tom, Oi Daniel KL, Jennewein Thomas, Ling Alexander
PRX Quantum Vol 5 (2024)
Time-delayed single satellite quantum repeater node for global quantum communications
Gündoǧan Mustafa, Sidhu Jasminder S, Krutzik Markus, Oi Daniel K L
Optica Quantum Vol 2, pp. 140-147 (2024)
Finite key performance of satellite quantum key distribution under practical constraints
Sidhu Jasminder S, Brougham Thomas, McArthur Duncan, Pousa Roberto G, Oi Daniel K L
Communications Physics Vol 6 (2023)
Linear optics and photodetection achieve near-optimal unambiguous coherent state discrimination
Sidhu Jasminder S, Bullock Michael S, Guha Saikat, Lupo Cosmo
Quantum Vol 7 (2023)
Satellite quantum key distribution performance analysis and optimization with finite key size constraints
Sidhu Jasminder S, Brougham Thomas, McArthur Duncan, Pousa Roberto G, Oi Daniel K L
Proceedings of the SPIE Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation III (2023)

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Research Interests

My research interest is at the intersection of quantum information theory and practical devices that can be implemented. I have worked on:

1. understanding and developing finite key analyses for quantum key distribution,

2. developing efficient routing protocols for quantum resources towards a long-term quantum internet through distributed technologies,

3. determining fundamental precision limits for quantum metrology and sensing,

4. working towards practical quantum receivers that can be implemented in the laboratory and can outperform existing receivers.

I am also interested in researching how methods in quantum computing can be used to provide robust quantum estimation procedures. 

Professional Activities

The International Network in Space Quantum Technologies (INSQT W3)
Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC23)
Member of programme committee
Science Faculty Workshop on Public Engagement
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Caltech Inqnet Seminar
American Physical Society March Meeting 2023

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ROKS Payload Flight Model - Implementation Phase (NSIP)
Oi, Daniel (Principal Investigator) McArthur, Duncan (Academic) Sidhu, Jasminder (Researcher)
01-Jan-2021 - 30-Jan-2022
UUK-Canada Space-based QKD: Modular WCP Sources & RFI Protocols
Oi, Daniel (Principal Investigator) Sidhu, Jasminder (Researcher)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2023
(ViSatQT) ISCF Airbus: Viable Satellite Free Space Optical Quantum Key Distribution Technologies (ViSatQT)
Oi, Daniel (Principal Investigator) McArthur, Duncan (Researcher) Sidhu, Jasminder (Researcher)
01-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2021
The EPSRC Quantum Communications Hub
Oi, Daniel (Principal Investigator) Sidhu, Jasminder (Researcher)
01-Jan-2019 - 30-Jan-2025
Quantum Technologies workshop 2015
Sidhu, Jasminder (Principal Investigator)
Competitively awarded funding of £1300 to organise and host the Quantum Technologies workshop (QuTe) in 2015 in Sheffield (UK).
02-Jan-2015 - 31-Jan-2015
DSTL Quantum 2.0 Technologies Programme PhD Scholarship
Sidhu, Jasminder (Principal Investigator)
03-Jan-2014 - 30-Jan-2018

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Dr Jasminder Sidhu
Research Associate

Email: jasminder.sidhu@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3269