Professor Harry Sminia
Management Science
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Area of Expertise
- Strategy process
- Realising strategy
- Strategic management capability
- High value manufacturing
- Process research
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- How stories make strategy : top management and middle managers' storytelling performances
- Enang Etieno S, Zhang Ying, Sminia Harry
- Academy of Management Proceedings Vol 2024 (2024)
- Exploring performativity in institutional work : towards a strong process framework
- Van Fenema Paul C, Sminia Harry
- Academy of Management Proceedings Vol 2024 (2024)
- Path release among practices in the process of path constitution : how the MP3-path appeared in the field of recorded music
- Sminia Harry, Bohn Stephan, Sydow Jörg
- Research Policy Vol 53 (2024)
- Failure as a process : shaping what is worth doing in creative projects
- Otto Birke, Schiemer Benjamin, Sminia Harry, Sydow Jörg
- Research in the Sociology of Organizations (2024) (2024)
- Strategic management as wayfinding : the doing of strategy work
- Sminia Harry, Corvalàn Julia
- The Palgrave Handbook of Strategy, Change and Transformational Project Leadership (2024) (2024)
- Unpacking researchers' embodied sensemaking : a diffractive reading-writing of Mann Gulch disaster
- Enang Etieno, Sminia Harry, Gherardi Silvia, Zhang Ying
- Scandinavian Journal of Management Vol 39 (2023)
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Professional Activities
- Digital Strategy for Textiles
- Organiser
- 31/1/2018
- External Examiner Warwick Business School
- External Examiner
- 2016
- External Examiner Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
- External Examiner
- 2016
- External Examiner Newcastle University Business School Joint Degrees with Rijksuniversteit Groningen in The Netherlands
- External Examiner
- 2014
- KTP - JWF Process Solutions Ltd. Business model transition from sensor supply, to provision of a software-based data and information service sales solution.
- Paton, Steve (Principal Investigator) Sminia, Harry (Co-investigator) Wallace, William (Co-investigator) Walls, Lesley (Co-investigator)
- 01-Mar-2021 - 28-Feb-2023
- KTP - Leonardo
- Paton, Steve (Principal Investigator) Ates, Aylin (Co-investigator) Sminia, Harry (Co-investigator)
- 04-Nov-2019 - 03-Nov-2021
- Strategy Capability Workshops for Turner & Co Ltd
- McIntyre, Alan (Principal Investigator) Sminia, Harry (Principal Investigator) Nair, Anup (Co-investigator)
- 25-Jan-2018 - 08-May-2018
- ERDF Atlantic Area Programme 2014-2020 IN. 4.0 Project
- Ates, Aylin (Co-investigator) Sminia, Harry (Co-investigator) Walls, Lesley (Co-investigator) Quigley, John (Co-investigator)
- 01-Sep-2017 - 31-Jan-2021
- Strategy Workshop for Turner & Co Ltd
- Sminia, Harry (Principal Investigator) Nair, Anup (Co-investigator)
- 06-Jan-2017 - 12-Feb-2017
- The interrelationship between strategic change and the emotional autonomy of employees: A Strategy-as-Practice view
- Mittra, Pallavi (Post Grad Student) McInnes, Peter (Principal Investigator) Sminia, Harry (Academic)
- We know little about how the unfolding process of strategic formulation and implementation impacts upon the individuals’ understanding of what they should, and can, do. Such questions are central to the internationally important field of strategy-as-practice. Here strategy is not seen as something organisations “have”, but as something people “do”. The focus is less, then, the techniques used to formulate business policy, and more the way individuals enact, and react to, the formulation, dissemination and implementation of strategy. While the literature suggests subjectivity is linked to the interpretation and enactment of strategy, the individual’s sense of place and value within the business has not been considered. Consequently, the recurring question in the literature concerns how ‘strategy’ reflects in the intangible embodied perceptions and practices that shape what gets done in organizations. Addressing this gap, this proposed research asks: What are the implications of strategic change on individual actors’ sense of ‘emotional autonomy’ as they formulate and respond to changes in strategy?
- 01-Oct-2013 - 30-Sep-2016