Dr David Speirs
Research Fellow
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- Application of linear electron Bernstein current drive models in reactor-relevant spherical tokamaks
- Biswas Bodhi, Speirs David, Freethy Simon, Vann Roddy
- Nuclear Fusion Vol 63 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/acf724
- Design and characterisation of a helicon apparatus for investigations of parametric instabilities in magnetised plasma
- Wilson K, Selman L, Whyte C, MacInnes P, Young A, Phelps A, Cross A, Zhang L, Eliasson B, Speirs D, Robertson C, Ronald K, Cairns A, Koepke M, Bingham R, Bamford R
- 2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) (2022)
- https://doi.org/10.1109/icops45751.2022.9813143
- Large helicon apparatus for parametric microwave coupling experiments in a magnetised plasma
- Wilson K, Selman L, Whyte C G, MacInnes P, Young A R, Phelps ADR, Cross AW, Zhang L, Eliasson B, Speirs DC, Robertson CW, Ronald K, Cairns RA, Bingham R, Bamford R, Koepke ME
- 2021 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) The 48th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)` (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1109/ICOPS36761.2021.9588477
- Characterisation oga helicon source for non-linear microwave coupling experiments in a magnetised plasma
- Wilson Kieran J, Selman Liam, Whyte Colin G, MacInnes Philip, Young Alan R, Phelps Alan R, Cross Adrian W, Zhang Liang, Eliasson Bengt, Speirs David C, Robertson Craig W, Ronald Kevin, Cairns Robert, Alan, Bingham Robert, Bamford Ruth, Koepke Mark E
- 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, pp. TP11.00034 (2021)
- Controlled beat-wave Brillouin scattering in the ionosphere
- Eliasson B, Senior A, Rietveld M, Phelps A D R, Cairns R A, Ronald K, Speirs D C, Trines R M G M, McCrea I, Bamford R, Mendonca J T, Bingham R
- Nature Communications Vol 12 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-26305-9
- Progress and plans for nonlinear wave-plasma interaction experiments
- Selman L, Wilson K, MacInnes P, Whyte CG, Young AR, Phelps ADR, Cross AW, Zhang L, Eliasson B, Speirs DC, Robertson CW, Ronald K, Cairns RA, Bingham R, Bamford R, Koepke ME
- 47th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (2021)
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Professional Activities
- Generation of Electron Cyclotron Microwave Emissions in a Mirror Discharge,
- Contributor
- 12/9/2021
- Ionospheric Beat-Wave Brillouin Scattering at EISCAT
- Contributor
- 12/9/2021
- International e-Conference on Recent Trends in Plasma Physics
- Contributor
- 19/5/2021
- International School on Physics and Allied Disciplines - 2021
- Contributor
- 9/3/2021
- Brillouin scattering during ionospheric beat wave heating: EISCAT observations and numerical modelling results
- Contributor
- 28/1/2021
- Laboratory modelling of plasma waves excitation and transformation to electromagnetic emission in a mirror-confined plasma
- Contributor
- 28/1/2021
- Drilling and Integrated GigaHertz-Generated Energy Resource DIGGER
- Ronald, Kevin (Principal Investigator) MacGregor, Scott (Co-investigator) Timoshkin, Igor (Co-investigator) Whyte, Colin (Co-investigator) Wilson, Mark (Co-investigator) Speirs, David (Research Co-investigator) Zhang, Liang (Research Co-investigator)
- 14-Jan-2024 - 13-Jan-2025
- Vlasov-Maxwell simulation of wave-driven turbulence and novel electron and ion heating schemes
- Speirs, David (Co-investigator) Eliasson, Bengt (Principal Investigator)
- EPSRC awarded EPCC Tier-2 HPC resource access call. Funded 1 year of HPC resources on the CIRRUS Tier-2 HPC system for research.
- 14-Jan-2018 - 14-Jan-2019
- Microwave emission due to kinetic instabilities in an overdense mirror-confined plasma (International Exchanges Cost Share 2018 - Russia)
- Eliasson, Bengt (Principal Investigator) Bingham, Robert (Co-investigator) Phelps, Alan (Co-investigator) Ronald, Kevin (Co-investigator) Speirs, David (Co-investigator)
- 10-Jan-2018 - 09-Jan-2022
- Multiscale turbulent dynamics of tokamak plasmas (EPSRC Turbulence Centre)
- Ronald, Kevin (Principal Investigator) Phelps, Alan (Co-investigator) Speirs, David (Researcher)
- 01-Jan-2018 - 30-Jan-2024
- Parametric Wave Coupling and Non-Linear Mixing in Plasma
- Ronald, Kevin (Principal Investigator) Bingham, Robert (Co-investigator) Eliasson, Bengt (Co-investigator) Phelps, Alan (Co-investigator) MacInnes, Philip (Research Co-investigator) Speirs, David (Researcher) Whyte, Colin (Researcher)
- 01-Jan-2017 - 31-Jan-2020
- e2v Ltd HPM Source Computational Modelling
- Cross, Adrian (Principal Investigator) Ronald, Kevin (Co-investigator) Speirs, David (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2014 - 31-Jan-2014