Dr Robert Stewart

Knowledge Exchange Fellow

Work, Employment and Organisation


Personal statement

I am a Knowledge Exchange Research Fellow based in the Scottish Centre for Employment Research (SCER) in the Department of Work, Employment & Organisation (WEO). I have a background in Psychology with a wide range of interests in labour market, organisational and stakeholder research.

Before joinging Strathclyde in 2019 I worked in a range of academic and senior private sector consultancy roles. My research has always been externally facing with a consistent and clear emphasis on policy impact and evaluation. I work with Government, local authorities, NHS and other poublic sector groups, with industry and employers, and with third sector community-based groups and trade unions.  


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PhD Psychology, University of Glasgow 1996

Bsc in Psychology, University of Striling 1988


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Research Interests

My research interests are:

  • Skills, Training and Learning 
  • Partnership & Stakeholder Working
  • Unemployment & Under Employment
  • Employee Enagement & Wellbeing
  • High Performance People Practices & New Digital Technologies in Industry

I am currently working on a three-year UKRI-funded Made Smarter Network with colleagues at Strathclyde (WEO & Hunter Centre), Sheffield and Loughborough. Made Smarter works with UK and Global manufacturers with an aim to make the industry more competitive, agile and productive through the adoption of new digital technologies alinged with high performance people practices.



Levers for Fair Work in 1) Scotland
Stewart, Robert (Principal Investigator) Lindsay, Colin (Co-investigator) McQuarrie, Johanna (Research Co-investigator) Remnant, Jennifer (Research Co-investigator)
14-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2023
Good Work Index - Additional Analysis
Stewart, Robert (Principal Investigator) Findlay, Patricia (Co-investigator) Lindsay, Colin (Co-investigator) McIntyre, Stuart (Co-investigator)
Consultancy Project, External Terms, Split Payment
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2021
CIPD Good Work Index
Findlay, Patricia (Principal Investigator) Lindsay, Colin (Co-investigator) McIntyre, Stuart (Co-investigator) Stewart, Robert (Co-investigator)
Consultancy Project, external terms, payable on completion
15-Jan-2021 - 30-Jan-2021
NPI Dignity & Respect
Lindsay, Colin (Principal Investigator) Findlay, Patricia (Co-investigator) Loeffler, Elke (Co-investigator) Stewart, Robert (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 27-Jan-2020

More projects

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Dr Robert Stewart
Knowledge Exchange Fellow
Work, Employment and Organisation

Email: robert.stewart.100@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 553 6051