Dr Robert Stewart
Knowledge Exchange Fellow
Work, Employment and Organisation
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PhD Psychology, University of Glasgow 1996
Bsc in Psychology, University of Striling 1988
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- Co-producing employee engagement approaches in a workplace partnership : a route to partial success in public health workplaces
- Findlay Patricia, Lindsay Colin, Stewart Robert
- Industrial Relations Journal (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/irj.12459
- Local labour markets, workforce planning and underemployment
- Houston Donald, Lindsay Colin, Stewart Robert, Byrne George
- Economic and Industrial Democracy, pp. 1-24 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/0143831X241261325
- 'Making Things Work' Public Opinion of UK Manufacturing 2023
- Stewart Robert, Lindsay Colin, Marin-Cadavid Carolina, MacBryde Jillian
- (2024)
- Fair Work in Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships : Final Report
- Findlay Patricia, Stewart Robert, Anderson Pauline
- Social Research series Social Research series, Vol PPDAS892326 (2021)
- Implications of Hours Worked for Inequality and Poverty : Final Report
- Eiser David, Roy Graeme, Mitchell Mark, Stewart Robert
- (2021)
- CIPD Good Work Index 2021 : UK Working Lives Survey
- Findlay Patricia, Lindsay Colin, McIntyre Stuart, Roy Graeme, Stewart Robert, Dutton Eli
- (2021)
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Research Interests
My research interests are:
- Skills, Training and Learning
- Partnership & Stakeholder Working
- Unemployment & Under Employment
- Employee Enagement & Wellbeing
- High Performance People Practices & New Digital Technologies in Industry
I am currently working on a three-year UKRI-funded Made Smarter Network with colleagues at Strathclyde (WEO & Hunter Centre), Sheffield and Loughborough. Made Smarter works with UK and Global manufacturers with an aim to make the industry more competitive, agile and productive through the adoption of new digital technologies alinged with high performance people practices.
- Levers for Fair Work in 1) Scotland
- Stewart, Robert (Principal Investigator) Lindsay, Colin (Co-investigator) McQuarrie, Johanna (Research Co-investigator) Remnant, Jennifer (Research Co-investigator)
- 14-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2023
- Good Work Index - Additional Analysis
- Stewart, Robert (Principal Investigator) Findlay, Patricia (Co-investigator) Lindsay, Colin (Co-investigator) McIntyre, Stuart (Co-investigator)
- Consultancy Project, External Terms, Split Payment
- 01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2021
- CIPD Good Work Index
- Findlay, Patricia (Principal Investigator) Lindsay, Colin (Co-investigator) McIntyre, Stuart (Co-investigator) Stewart, Robert (Co-investigator)
- Consultancy Project, external terms, payable on completion
- 15-Jan-2021 - 30-Jan-2021
- NPI Dignity & Respect
- Lindsay, Colin (Principal Investigator) Findlay, Patricia (Co-investigator) Loeffler, Elke (Co-investigator) Stewart, Robert (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2019 - 27-Jan-2020
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Knowledge Exchange Fellow
Work, Employment and Organisation
Email: robert.stewart.100@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 553 6051