Professor Stuart Galloway

Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Personal statement

I joined the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) at Strathclyde in 1998 as post-doctorial researcher in the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre, joining academic staff as a lecturer in 2006. I am now Professor of Compact Power Systems and presently serving as Vice Dean – Knowledge Exchange, in the Faculty of Engineering, having previously held the position of Deputy Head of the EEE Department. My research covers a broad range of challenges, from novel energy distribution for aircraft which focus on minimising weight and emissions reductions; the electrification of heat and transport related to the net-zero transition; to tacking the technical challenges faced in developing countries with highly distributed and localised generation. In each case my background in mathematical optimisation and fundamental knowledge of power system operation provides a critical component. The work I undertake offers both academic novelty to the research community, informs policy makers and provides strategic benefit to industry. I am the Academic Director of the TIC Low Carbon Power and Energy Partnership that is linking technical expertise from the University of Strathclyde to support innovation and net-zero delivery in the energy sector with industry partners ScottishPower and SSE. Directorate member of ClimateXChange Centre that is connecting climate change researchers with Scottish policy makers. Invited member of the Scottish Government expert panels (advising on delivery of Scottish demonstrator projects). Based on my experience with managing off-grid energy projects in Africa I was appointed as the Chair of the Scotland Malawi Partnership’s Energy Forum and to the strategic advisory board for the EPSRC JUICE (Joint UK-India Clean Energy) Centre that focuses on deployment solutions for energy decarbonisation and the built environment in both countries. Editor-in-Chief for the IET journal in Electrical Systems for Transportation.

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Area of Expertise

  • Applied mathematical optimisation
  • Novel electrical systems
  • Electrical demand characterisation
  • Data analytics
  • Social and behavioural aspects of energy
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Plugging-in Caledonia : location and utilisation of public electric vehicle chargers in Scotland
Davies Kathleen, Hart Edward, Galloway Stuart
World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol 15 (2024)
Harmonics measurement, analysis, and impact assessment of multiple electric vehicle smart charging
Senol Murat, Bayram I Safak, Hunter Lewis, Sevdari Kristian, McGarry Connor, Campos-Gaona David, Gehrke Oliver, Galloway Stuart
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 1-19 (2024)
Usage analysis of public AC chargers in the UK
Bayram I S, Saad A, Sims R, Herron C, Galloway S
IET Conference Proceedings Vol 2023, pp. 40-43 (2024)
Quantifying impacts of sustainable transport interventions in Scotland : a system dynamics approach
Davies Kathleen, Hart Edward, Galloway Stuart
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Vol 133 (2024)
Measurement-based harmonic analysis of electric vehicle smart charging
Senol Murat, Bayram I Safak, Campos-Gaona David, Sevdari Kristian, Gehrke Oliver, Pepper Benjamin, Galloway Stuart
2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) (2024)
Probabilistic harmonic impact assessment of multiple electric vehicle fast charging
Senol Murat, Bayram I Safak, Galloway Stuart
2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) (2024)

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  • Mathematical experience
  • Applied Optimisation
  • Information from data
  • Programming for research
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Research Interests

  • Industrial applications
  • Experimental design
  • Human factors in energy
  • Scenario development

Professional Activities

Scotland Malawi Partnership Renewable Energy Forum
BTG Workshop - Net-Zero
Energy Forecasting for Market-led Multi-vector Energy Networks
Access and Waste: The Two Sides of The Low Carbon Coin
Energy Demand Symposium
QFF Quarterly Forecasting Forum, June 2018

More professional activities


Sea Change Alpha
Sims, Ryan (Principal Investigator) Galloway, Stuart (Co-investigator) Hunter, Lewis (Co-investigator) Katris, Antonios (Co-investigator) Speirs, Jamie (Co-investigator)
07-Oct-2024 - 30-May-2025
ReSTOR: Designing recyclable flow batteries for locally managed energy storage in developing countries
Brightman, Edward (Principal Investigator) Eales, Aran (Academic) Galloway, Stuart (Co-investigator) Ijomah, Winifred (Co-investigator)
22-Apr-2024 - 21-Jan-2025
Sims, Ryan (Principal Investigator) Galloway, Stuart (Co-investigator)
01-Apr-2024 - 31-May-2024
Design HOPES (Healthy Organisations in a Place-based Ecosystem, Scotland)
Rodgers, Paul (Principal Investigator) Dixon, James (Co-investigator) Dragojlovic-Oliveira, Sonja (Co-investigator) Galloway, Stuart (Co-investigator) Inns, Tom (Co-investigator) Tapinos, Efstathios (Co-investigator) Wodehouse, Andrew (Co-investigator) Wright, George (Co-investigator)
Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. The more we ignore the climate emergency the bigger the impact will be on health and the need for care with poor environmental health contributing to major diseases, including cardiac problems, asthma and cancer. Many of the actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change and improve environmental sustainability also have positive health benefits; the Lancet Commission has described tackling climate change as "the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century". The challenges faced present an incredible opportunity to do things differently - to take a design-led approach in designing and making through high-reward demonstrator projects to help transform the health ecosystem. Through wider public engagement we aim to advance societal understanding of design's impact, and the opportunities, barriers, behaviour changes and tools needed to transition to a green approach. This research will unite a wide range of disciplines, research organisations, regional and local industry, and other public sector stakeholders, with policy-makers. The Design HOPES Green Transition Ecosystem (GTE) Hub will sustain a phased long-term investment to embed design-led innovation, circularity, sustainability and impact for the changing market, across product, service, strategy, policy and social drivers to evolve future design outcomes that matter to the people and planet. Our research is organised around seven core Thematic Workstreams, based on the NHS Scotland Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy (2022-2026). Design HOPES will be delivered and managed by interdisciplinary teams with significant expertise in design and making, co-creation, health and social care, with professionals with a sustainability remit, and businesses working in the design economy. Design HOPES encompasses a rich disciplinary mix of knowledge, skills, and expertise from a range of design disciplines (i.e., product, textile, interaction, games, architecture etc.) and other disciplines (computer science, health and wellbeing, geography, engineering, etc.) that will be focused on people and planet (including all living things), from the micro to macro, from root cause to hopeful vision, from the present to the future, and from the personal to the wider system. Design HOPES will design and make things and test them to see how they work, which will help more ideas and things emerge. The Hub will be an inclusive, safe, collaborative space that will bring in multiple and marginalised perspectives and view its projects as one part of a wider movement for transformational change whilst not overlooking existing assets and how we can re-use, nurture and develop these sustainably. Design HOPES aims to be an internationally recognised centre of excellence, promoting and embedding best practice through our collaborative design-led thinking and making approaches to build a more equitable and sustainable health and social care system. We will create new opportunities to support both existing services and new design-led health innovations in collaboration with NHS Boards across Scotland, the Scottish Government, patient and public representatives, health and social care partners, the third sector, academia and industry. Our seven Thematic Workstreams and associated projects will deliver a rich mix of tangible outcomes such as new innovative products, services, and policies (e.g., sustainable theatre consumables, packaging, clothing, waste services, etc.) during the funded period. With award-winning commercialisation and entrepreneurial support from the collaborating universities, we will also look to create new "green' enterprises and businesses. We will achieve this internationally recognised centre of excellence using design-led thinking and making to build a more equitable and sustainable health and social care system.
01-Oct-2023 - 30-Sep-2025
ETP Core Activity 2023/2025
Galloway, Stuart (Principal Investigator) Williams, Stephen-Mark (Co-investigator)
01-Apr-2023 - 31-Mar-2025
UNDP - African Minigrids
Galloway, Stuart (Principal Investigator) Eales, Aran (Co-investigator) Frame, Damien (Co-investigator)
09-Jan-2023 - 31-Dec-2025

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Professor Stuart Galloway
Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Tel: 548 5856