Dr Leilei Tang

Senior Lecturer

Accounting and Finance


Personal statement

I previously held academic appointments at the University of Southampton and at CASS Business School. After finishing my PhD at the University of Southampton in 2001, I spent one and half years doing research on wagering markets and another two years on a credit scoring project with Scottish Widows funded by EPSRC. I also spent one year doing research on bank risk management at CASS from 2004 to 2005.

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Research Interests

My research is in three main areas:

  • financial econometrics
  • credit scoring
  • decision-making in markets for state contingent claims


KTP - BIP Solutions
Andriosopoulos, Dimitris (Principal Investigator) Hillier, David (Co-investigator) Paudyal, Krishna (Co-investigator) Tang, Leilei (Co-investigator)
25-Jan-2016 - 24-Jan-2018

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Dr Leilei Tang
Senior Lecturer
Accounting and Finance

Email: leilei.tang@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4961