Professor Philip Taylor
Emeritus Professor
Work, Employment and Organisation
Area of Expertise
- Call Centres
- Business Process Outsourcing and Offshoring
- Lean Working
- Performance Management
- Strikes and Industiral Action
- Trade Unions
- Global Value Chains
- New Technology and Work
Prize And Awards
- Best Paper 2015 Nomination
- Recipient
- 1/1/2015
- Best Paper Award in Human Relations 2011
- Recipient
- 2011
- Wiley-Blackwell Prize, Most Read Article in Industrial Relations Journal - 2010
- Recipient
- 2011
- Scholarios, D. and Taylor, P. (2011) ‘Beneath the glass ceiling: explaining gendered role segmentation in call centres’, Human Relations, 64.10: 1291-1319
- Recipient
- 1/1/2011
- Technology and the labour process : insights from Indian e-commerce warehouses
- Nataraj Manikantha, Taylor Philip, Briken Kendra
- The Indian Journal of Labour Economics (2025)
- https://doi.org/10.1007/s41027-024-00540-2
- Automation and the future of work : a social shaping of technology approach
- Howcroft Debra, Taylor Phil
- New Technology, Work and Employment Vol 38, pp. 351-370 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/ntwe.12240
- Redistribution of working time : achieving a better work-life balance
- Taylor Philip
- (2022)
- Union equality structures and the challenge of democratic legitimacy : the case of the Fire Brigades Union
- Wright Tessa, Moore Sian, Taylor Phil
- Work, Employment and Society Vol 37, pp. 1339-1358 (2022)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/09500170211072796
- 'The petri dish and Russian roulette' : working in UK contact centres during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Taylor Philip
- Work in the Global Economy Vol 1, pp. 185-208 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1332/273241721X16275572536921
- Class reimagined? Intersectionality and industrial action - the British Airways dispute of 2009-2011
- Moore Sian, Taylor Phil
- Sociology Vol 55, pp. 582-599 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038520973603
Research Interests
Professor Philip Taylor has a wide range of research interests, activities and proposed projects. For the past twenty years he has undertaken many studies in diverse aspects of the call or contact centre, whether in respect of work organisation, labour process or employment relations. These studies have been complemented by focused audits of the contact centre market in Scotland and in other other countries. Global overviews of the sector have also been published.
One stage of the contact centre research was synthesised with a major ESRC funded project under the Future of Work Programme, themes which remain an important element in research activities,particularly in the underpinning of new technologies for the structuring and experience of work and employment.
Other principal research themes include occupational health and safety, mostly white collar work but involving a number of additional projects. Relatedly, Professor Taylor has researched and published extensively on lean working in clerical work and more resently is developing studies of Performance Management and its consequences for work and employment.
Professor Taylor is also interested in reseraching trade unions, particularlly in terms of their representational and oragnisational capacities. He has an interest too in industrial conflict, whether in the terms of formal disputes and strikes or in the form of informal employee resistance.
Recently, he has undertaken research on globalisation, in particularly the globalisation of business services which have drawn on and critique the existing global value chanin and global production network frameworks
Professional Activities
- Launch of the Centre for the Political Economy of Labour
- Organiser
- 11/11/2019
- I'd rather work at McDonalds but there was no bus. Labour market coercion and oppression in Amazon fulfilment centres.
- Speaker
- 14/9/2018
- Lean Working, Work Intensification and Occupational Ill-health
- Speaker
- 24/4/2018
- Performance Management - Challenging the Workplace Tyranny
- Speaker
- 7/2/2018
- Automation and the changing dynamics of the location of global business services
- Speaker
- 1/12/2017
- Industrial Conflict, Strikes and Dispute Resolution
- Speaker
- 23/10/2017
- Amplifying Employee Voice and Hearing the Unheard: A Multidisciplinary Study of Contemporary Working Lives in Deindustrialised Communities
- Johnstone, Stewart (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Co-investigator) Cunningham, Ian (Co-investigator) Hadjisolomou, Tasos (Co-investigator) McCarthy, Tony (Co-investigator) McIntyre, Stuart (Co-investigator) Scholarios, Dora (Co-investigator) Taylor, Philip (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2025
- Work, Employment and Employment Law in Retail Fulfilment Centres - UK and India
- Taylor, Philip (Principal Investigator) Briken, Kendra (Co-investigator) Newsome, Kirsty (Principal Investigator) Busby, Nicole (Co-investigator) Minz, Johnson (Co-investigator) Paul, Bino (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2018
- Scottish Trade Union Congress Policy Committee, STUC, Glasgow, 13 August 2015
- Taylor, Philip (Principal Investigator)
- Presentation on ‘Recent Developments in Performance Management’, Scottish Trade Union Congress Policy Committee, STUC, Glasgow, 13 August 2015
- 13-Jan-2016 - 13-Jan-2016
- Royal Bank of Scotland - Unite the Union Reps National Conference
- Taylor, Philip (Principal Investigator)
- Key note address: Performance Management - Are Cracks Appearing in the Monolith?
Hilton Hotel, Glasgow 16 May 2016 - 16-Jan-2016 - 18-Jan-2016
- Performance Management - Consultation Between HSBC and Unite the Union
- Taylor, Philip (Principal Investigator)
- 18-Jan-2016 - 18-Jan-2016
- Annual General Meeting of Ministry of Defence - PCS Branch Kentigern House, Glasgow
- Taylor, Philip (Principal Investigator)
- Presentation to 200 members of PCS at their AGM on Sickness Absence Management
- 25-Jan-2016 - 25-Jan-2016
Emeritus Professor
Work, Employment and Organisation
Email: philip.taylor@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3998