Dr Dwight Tse




Personal statement

Dwight’s research interests include topics ranging from positive psychology and well-being science to aging and lifespan developmental psychology. Broadly defined, his work investigates the impact of flow experiences (a psychological state of intense concentration and enjoyment), meaningfulness, and prosocial acts on psychological and physical wellbeing, using diverse methods such as experience sampling studies (using smartphone app and wearables or traditional paper-and-pencil), secondary data analyses, and lab-based psychophysiological experiments. His recent work also examines age stereotypes, solitude, and ideal affect (affective states that people want to achieve).

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Professional Activities

Our research combatting age related disorders and promoting healthy ageing: A Strathclyde Ageing Network and Dementia Research Network Event

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Mental Health Futures Collaborative
Cogan, Nicola (Principal Investigator) Parra Rodriguez, Mario (Principal Investigator) Fleming, Leanne (Principal Investigator) Quinn, Neil (Principal Investigator) Tse, Dwight (Principal Investigator) Knifton, Lee (Principal Investigator) McCann, Lisa (Principal Investigator) Maguire, Roma (Principal Investigator) Smith, Matthew (Principal Investigator) Graham, Christopher Darryl (Principal Investigator) Grealy, Madeleine (Principal Investigator) Stephen, Susan (Principal Investigator) Weir, Natalie Mcfadyen (Principal Investigator) Donnachie, Craig (Principal Investigator) Cameron, Julie (Principal Investigator) Kane, Tony (Co-investigator) Lakey, Trevor (Academic) Donovan, Kevin (Fellow)
This Engage with Strathclyde event is aimed at all those with an interest in mental health including people with lived experience, NHS and social care personnel and staff, occupational health and human resource management staff, student support services, university student and staff, academics, private and public sector and other personnel interested in mental health research and knowledge exchange.

12-Jan-2023 - 12-Jan-2023
Exploring Chinese international students’ understanding of loneliness to inform cultural adaptation of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
Liu, Xi (Principal Investigator) Anderson, Tony (Co-investigator) Cogan, Nicola (Co-investigator) Kelly, Stephen (Co-investigator) Rasmussen, Susan (Co-investigator) Tse, Dwight (Co-investigator)
31-Jan-2021 - 30-Jan-2022

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Dr Dwight Tse

Email: dwight.tse@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4705