Professor David Hillier
Associate Principal & Executive Dean
Strathclyde Business School
Area of Expertise
Professor Hillier teaches across the full suite of finance topics. His prior consultancy work relates to asset valuation, corporate risk management, corporate governance advice, equity and bond valuation, regulatory compliance, short term capital management, treasury management, and investing. He has worked as an independent assessor for a number of private and public organisations.
Prize And Awards
- Best Paper Prize 2010, International Business Research Conference (Melbourne), “Institutional Shareholder Activism and Limited Investor Protection”, with Pornanong Budsaratragoon and Suntharee Lhaopadchan.
- Recipient
- 2010
- Ranked within the top 3% of finance academics in the world for finance research publications by J. L. Heck and P. L. Cooley (2009) in ‘Most Prolific Authors in the Finance Literature: 1959-2008’.
- Recipient
- 2009
- How did the Sarbanes–Oxley Act affect managerial incentives? Evidence from corporate acquisitions
- Hillier David, McColgan Patrick, Tsekeris Athanasios
- Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol 58, pp. 1395-1450 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1007/s11156-021-01028-6
- Where should I publish to get promoted? A finance journal ranking based on business school promotions
- Bajo Emanuele, Barbi Massimiliano, Hillier David
- Journal of Banking and Finance Vol 114 (2020)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbankfin.2020.105780
- Value creation around merger waves : the role of managerial compensation
- Hillier David, McColgan Patrick, Tsekeris Athanasios
- Journal of Business Finance & Accounting Vol 47, pp. 132-162 (2020)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/jbfa.12419
- Responsible science : Celebrating the 50-year legacy of Ball and Brown (1968) using a registration-based framework
- Aman Hiroyuki, Beekes Wendy, Berkman Henk, Bohmann Marc, Bradbury Michael, Chapple Larelle, Chang Millicent, Clout Victoria, Faff Robert, Han Jianlei, Hillier David, Hodgson Allan, Howieson Bryan, Jona Jonathan, Linnenluecke Martina, Loncan Tiago, McCredie Bronwyn, Michayluk David, Mroczkowski Nick, Pan Zheyao (Terry), Patel Vinay, Podolski Edward, Soderstrom Naomi, Smith Tom, Tanewski George, Walsh Kathleen, Wee Marvin, Wright Sue
- Pacific Basin Finance Journal Vol 56, pp. 129-150 (2019)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pacfin.2019.05.002
- Political uncertainty and stock returns : evidence from the Brazilian political crisis
- Hillier David, Loncan Tiago
- Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Vol 54, pp. 1-12 (2019)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pacfin.2019.01.004
- Stock market integration, cost of equity capital and corporate investment : evidence from Brazil
- Hillier David, Loncan Tiago
- European Financial Management Vol 25, pp. 181-206 (2019)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/eufm.12147
Research Interests
Professor Hillier publishes in the area of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance. His PhD research is related to Corporate Insider Trading and this is an area in which he is still very active.
Potential PhD supervision areas are Corporate Insider Trading and any area of Corporate Governance. Professor Hillier has access to a large number of databases in this area that are made available to his PhD students.
Professional Activities
- 2nd Joint China-UK Experts Symposium on Sustainable Development and Decarbonisation (S2D2)
- Speaker
- 2/11/2024
- Presentation at the 2019 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting
- Contributor
- 23/10/2019
- Third Research Workshop in Finance
- Keynote/plenary speaker
- 2010
- VI International Accounting Research Symposium
- Chair
- 2010
- Review of Behavioral Finance (Journal)
- Editor
- 2010
- Journal of Economics and Business (Journal)
- Editor
- 2010
- KTP - BIP Solutions
- Andriosopoulos, Dimitris (Principal Investigator) Hillier, David (Co-investigator) Paudyal, Krishna (Co-investigator) Tang, Leilei (Co-investigator)
- 25-Jan-2016 - 24-Jan-2018
- The economic cost of insider trading - culture, legislation, governance, gender and crisis
- Hillier, David (Academic)
- Australian Research Council, A$404,485, for research into the economic cost of insider trading - culture, legislation, governance, gender and crisis. Co-applicants: Allan Hodgson, Robert W Faff, Tom Smith, Sirimon Treepongkaruna, Suntharee Lhaopadchan, 2013-2015.
- 01-Jan-2013 - 31-Jan-2015
Associate Principal & Executive Dean
Strathclyde Business School
Email: david.hillier@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3896