Dr Lynn Williams


Psychological Sciences and Health


Personal statement

I am a Reader in Psychology within the Department for Psychological Sciences and Health. In teaching and research I specialise in Health Psychology. I have held a number of senior leadership roles, most recently as Head of Department for Psychological Sciences and Health (2021-2024) and previously as Athena SWAN lead and as a Programme Leader. I joined the Department in January 2017, having previously worked at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) for nine years. I completed my PhD in Health Psychology and MSc in Psychological Research Methods at the University of Stirling and undergraduate Psychology degree at the University of Glasgow.

My research and teaching expertise is within the area of health psychology. I am interested in adjustment to chronic health conditions from a strengths-based perspective, with a recent focus on gynaecological health. I am also interested in the barriers and facilitators to health behaviour change, including vaccination behaviour. I have received funding from The Chief Scientist Office in Scotland, the NIHR, and the AHRC. 


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A qualitative investigation into the role of illness perceptions in endometriosis-related quality of life
Moore Chloe, Cogan Nicola, Williams Lynn
Journal of Health Psychology Vol 28, pp. 1157-1171 (2023)
"It's like a constant black cloud" : a qualitative investigation of the impact of endometriosis on quality of life
Moore Chloe, Williams Lynn, Cogan Nicola
15th World Congress on Endometriosis (2023)
People, plastic, and behaviour change – a comment on drivers of plastic pollution, barriers to change and targeted behaviour change interventions
MacDonald Anna, Allen Deonie, Williams Lynn, Flowers Paul, Walker Tony R
Environmental Science: Advances Vol 2, pp. 551-557 (2023)
Barriers and enablers to influenza vaccination uptake in adults with chronic respiratory conditions : applying the behaviour change wheel to specify multi-levelled tailored intervention content
Gallant Allyson J, Flowers Paul, Deakin Karen, Cogan Nicola, Rasmussen Susan, Young David, Williams Lynn
Psychology and Health Vol 38, pp. 147-166 (2023)
Barriers and facilitators to the future uptake of regular COVID-19 booster vaccinations among young adults in the UK
Williams Lynn, Gallant Allyson, Brown Lily, Corrigan Kathleen, Crowe Katrina, Hendry Emma
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Vol 18 (2022)
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among health and social care workers during mass vaccination in Scotland
Cogan Nicola, McInnes Lisa, Lingg Vanissia, Rasmussen Susan, Flowers Paul, Williams Lynn
Psychology, Health and Medicine , pp. 1-15 (2022)

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My teaching interests are in Health Psychology and I supervise dissertation students on the MSc Clinical Health Psychology.

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Research Interests

  • Chronic health conditions
  • Health behaviour change
  • Gynaecological health
  • Vaccination behaviour 

Professional Activities

Strath Methods series of seminars
Invited speaker
Measuring Health Related Behaviour Change Workshop
Webinar - Life with the coronavirus vaccine
Public webinar: 'Improving Vaccine Uptake in Scotland: Implications for COVID-19, influenza and other adult vaccines.'
Infographic - Factors affecting flu vaccination in adults with chronic respiratory conditions in Scotland
College of Experts - DHSC/UKRI Global Effect on COVID-19 Health Research call

More professional activities


Moral obligation, epistemology and public health: the case of vaccine hesitancy
Williams, Lynn (Principal Investigator)
01-Feb-2022 - 31-Jan-2024
A mixed-methods investigation of the role of illness perceptions in endometriosis
Williams, Lynn (Principal Investigator) Moore, Chloe (Post Grad Student) Cogan, Nicola (Co-investigator)
Strathclyde COVID-19 Research Portfolio: Novel testing, digital health support and third sector collaboration for impact on social care
Bedford, Tim (Principal Investigator) Corrigan, Damion (Co-investigator) Dunlop, Mark (Co-investigator) Egan, Kieren (Co-investigator) Fleming, Leanne (Co-investigator) Flowers, Paul (Co-investigator) Grealy, Madeleine (Co-investigator) Hoskisson, Paul (Co-investigator) Hunter, Iain (Co-investigator) Janssen, Xanne (Co-investigator) Kirk, Alison (Co-investigator) Knifton, Lee (Co-investigator) Lenhart, Otto (Co-investigator) Maguire, Roma (Co-investigator) Morton, Alec (Co-investigator) Quinn, Neil (Co-investigator) Scott, Fraser (Co-investigator) Suckling, Colin (Co-investigator) Ward, Andrew (Co-investigator) Williams, Lynn (Co-investigator)
01-May-2020 - 16-Mar-2021
Improving older adults' vaccination uptake: are existing measures of vaccine hesitancy valid and reliabe for older people?
Williams, Lynn (Principal Investigator) Brown Nicholls, Louise (Co-investigator) Cogan, Nicola (Co-investigator) Rasmussen, Susan (Co-investigator) Young, David (Co-investigator)
01-Feb-2020 - 31-Jul-2020
Psychological barriers to seasonal influenza vaccination uptake in those with chronic respiratory disease: A mixed methods study
Williams, Lynn (Principal Investigator) Cogan, Nicola (Co-investigator) Rasmussen, Susan (Co-investigator) Young, David (Co-investigator)
Psychological barriers to seasonal influenza vaccination uptake in those with chronic respiratory disease: A mixed methods study
01-May-2019 - 30-Apr-2020
The dyadic effects of personality on health in romantic couples
Williams, Lynn (Principal Investigator)
01-Sep-2018 - 31-Aug-2019

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Dr Lynn Williams
Psychological Sciences and Health

Email: lynn.williams@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted