Personal and Professional Development

Upskilling at CLL

Transferable Skills for Work

Since early 2022, The Centre for Lifelong Learning have been delivering a range of courses to support adults who are looking to re-enter the workforce, are facing redundancy or are considering a career change and wish to develop transferable skills for work.

Fully funded places are available for these courses supported by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council. 

To date CLL have offered courses in:

  • Confidence Building and Re-Building for job change in mid/late career
  • Effective Listening Skills
  • Identifying and Adapting Your Skills in mid/late career
  • Presentation Skills for Work

These courses are led by CLL’s very experienced tutors and give students the chance to improve their transferable skills, as well as the chance interact with other like-minded individuals.

To read more about each course and the necessary eligibility criteria visit Transferable Skills for Work | University of Strathclyde

Each course is worth 10 credits at SCQF Level 7. Completion of all three courses would result in a 30 credit Open Studies Certificate (subject to Senate approval).


Health and Safety Risk Management

In April 2023 CLL launched three new Health and Safety Risk Management courses, fully funded by the Scottish Funding Council.

  • Principles of Health and Safety Risk Management (starting April 2023)
  • Principles of Occupational Health, and Wellbeing (starting May 2023)
  • Introduction to Human Factors (starting June 2023)

The online courses have been designed specifically for a wide variety of audiences, particularly those with no formal training in safety-related matters in the workplace who would like to add this to their skills set.

Each course will be delivered online over 5 weeks via Myplace (the University’s virtual learning environment) which means students can study from their own home at whatever time they choose.

Students will work through a range of videos, documents, recommended reading, forum work and self-assessment quizzes and can choose to do just one or two modules, or all three if they wish.

Visit: Health and safety risk management | University of Strathclyde to find out more.


To find out more about all our Upskilling courses and register your interest please email: