In-Sessional General English and English for Academic Purposes 2024-2025

Our In-sessional classes offer support for students and scholars at Strathclyde whose first language is not English. We'll help you improve your English both for studying and everyday communication, whether you are studying your main degree online or on campus.

Our Courses

Academic Skills

Short courses in a wide range of areas such as academic writing (for postgraduates and undergraduates), seminar discussion skills, giving presentations, grammar and correction.

General English

Courses in listening, speaking and pronunciation, grammar and usage, and social English.

General Course Information

Students on main degree courses paying overseas fees for a full year are entitled to 4 hours per week of English (equivalent to two different courses per week) FREE throughout the academic year. We also offer 2 hours per week of FREE In-sessional classes (equivalent to one course per week) to exchange students and remote learning/online learning students. Spouses of students, visiting scholars, research assistants, and international students taking additional classes over and above the 4 hours per week are also welcome to attend for a small fee (£50 per 5-week course). 

This year we are offering both ONLINE and ON CAMPUS In-sessional courses. This means that if you are entitled to two free courses per week, you can choose:

  • 2 on campus courses;
  • 2 online courses; or
  • 1 online and 1 on campus course.

Please ensure that you note the type of course, “online” or “on campus”, on the application form for each course chosen.

Information about In-sessional courses and links to self-study materials can also be found on Myplace, the University's virtual learning environment. After you log in to MyPlace, type the class code 'ELT13,1: In-sessional' into the 'find a class' search box and click on the highlighted code. This will take you to the In-sessional course page.

Some important details about classes are highlighted below:

  • Each course will meet once a week for two hours.
  • Most courses can be taken for five or 10 weeks.
  • All learning materials are provided by the unit.

How to Join a Course

In-sessional Series 3 (27 January - 28 February, 2025)

The In-sessional Series 3 information (course descriptions, provisional online and provisional on campus timetables, and email application form) will be posted on this web page (right hand side) and on MyPlace (ELT 13,1: In-sessional) on Monday 20 January, 2025.

If you are interested in taking any of these courses, please follow this procedure:

  • check your course timetable for your availability;
  • check what In-sessional English courses are available at that time and read the course descriptions;
  • choose 1 (exchange students and remote learning/online learning students) or 2 (on campus students paying full overseas fees) different courses per week (each 2-hour class runs for 5 weeks);
  • complete an email registration form, ensuring that you specify if your chosen course(s) are online or on campus;
  • send your completed email registration form to with ‘In-sessional Registration’ in the subject line.

Please send completed email registration forms to with ‘In-sessional Registration’ in the subject line as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The deadline for Series 3 (Online and On Campus) applications is 10.00am (UK time) on Friday 24 January, 2025. Classes start week beginning 27 January, 2025.

ELT is not able to acknowledge receipt of students’ applications. The ELT office will only email you if there is a problem with your choice of course(s). 

Classes start week beginning 27 January, 2025. In-sessional Series 3 online/on campus class lists and the final Series 3 online/on campus timetables will be posted on MyPlace (ELT13,1: In-sessional) from Monday 27 January, 2025


All classes will take place in Livingstone Tower or the Graham Hills Building. You will find the room numbers on the final On Campus In-sessional Series 3 Timetable. Please note that you will need to have a laptop to take part in the on campus teaching sessions.


Your tutor will email you an invitation to each live teaching session on Zoom. Please note that you will need to have a fast and reliable internet connection, a laptop or desktop with a webcam and microphone, and somewhere quiet where you can study and take part in the live Zoom sessions.


Departments are informed of enrolments, attendance, and progress when required.

Students who miss two consecutive classes without informing ELT and giving a legitimate reason will lose their place on the course. Also, these students will not be given priority for further courses and will only be able to sign up if there are sufficient places.

PG Cert RPD Credits

PhD and MPhil students who are enrolled on the PG Cert RPD course can gain 1 credit for every 5-week In-sessional course attended up to a maximum of 20 credits. Please note that full attendance is required, i.e. 10 hours of active engagement on a 5-week In-sessional course, to be eligible for 1 credit.

If you require evidence of attendance on In-sessional courses to gain credits for your PG Cert RPD, you should do this by the 1st of June in the academic year when you attended courses to avoid delays. Requests for certificates of attendance outwith the current academic year will be dealt with at the first available opportunity.


In-sessional students may also take two 20-minute one-to-one online consultations per week with an English Language Teaching (ELT) tutor (depending on availability) to discuss any problems they may be experiencing with their English. Consultations are timetabled.

Please email to make an appointment for an In-sessional consultation at least 24 hours before the timetabled consultation session.

Fees and Dates

Please note that on campus students paying overseas fees for a full academic year are entitled to four hours per week of English free throughout the academic year. We also offer two hours per week of free In-Sessional classes to exchange students and remote learning/online learning students. Spouses of students, visiting scholars, research assistants, international students not paying full overseas fees for one academic year, and international students taking additional classes over and above the four hours per week are also welcome to attend for a small fee (£50 per five-week course).

The course dates are as follows: 

  • Series 1: 7 October – 8 November, 2024
  • Series 2: 11 November – 13 December, 2024
  • Series 3: 27 January – 28 February, 2025
  • Series 4: 3 March – 4 April, 2025
  • Series 5: 21 April – 23 May, 2025 (University closed 5th May, 2025)