The Doctoral Researchers’ Group (DRG) is a platform for all doctoral students across all Faculties, which aims to represent the post graduate researcher community. It provides a direct line of engagement and communication between Strathclyde’s postgraduate researchers and the University management committees.
DRG representatives attend the meetings of the Strathclyde Doctoral School Management Board (SDSMB) and the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee (RKEC).
The DRG seeks to raise the profile of PGR representation throughout the university and recruits one or two PGR Faculty Representatives from each faculty. These Faculty Reps build on the experience of the PGR Departmental Reps within their own Faculty, and raise relevant matters at Faculty level. The Faculty Reps also meet each other to share issues arising and good practice from across campus, and raise matters with the Strathclyde Doctoral School.
The DRG focuses on:
Organising and running cross-faculty events, large and small, with many opportunities to develop professional skills:
- Communicating the interests, successes, and constraints of postgraduate researcher life
- Inputting creative ideas and new approaches to influence support, training, and impact opportunities
- Establishing peer to peer support frameworks
- Sharing good practice
- Informing institutional policy development
Being a PGR at the University of Strathclyde makes you an automatic member of this group, and we are always welcoming new members to come along and have a say at our meetings. If you’re interested in being more involved with the group, such as invites to our monthly meetings, please get in touch to be added to our mailing list.
DRG members come from all Faculties and have a variety of backgrounds, expertise, and interests.
Group structure
The DRG has three chairs: the overall chair, a co-chair secretary, and a co-chair treasurer.
Five committees have been established to allow for a spread of resources and focus. These are:
- Engagement committee
- Communications committee
- Peer Support
- Program committee
- DSMS committee
- ED&I committee
You can find out more about our projects and events at our SharePoint.