Childcare fund calculator Before calculating how much you may be able to receive from the fund please tick the box to confirm you understand the following: If eligible, you must have applied for the Working Tax Credits childcare element as this will be deducted from any award If eligible, you must have used your Government funded places or your award will be reduced If eligible, you must have applied to SAAS for the lone parent grant I understand the above Children How many children are you applying for support with childcare for? (required) * Please select 1 2+ Childcare What is the total weekly cost of your childcare in £GBP? (required) * Only include childcare you are expected to pay and please exclude Government funded childcare. The amount you are paying per day in childcare will not be covered in full by the Childcare Fund, please contact the Funding & Financial Support Team for more advice. How many days per week are you timetabled to attend university? (required) * Please select 1 2 3 4 5 How many days per week will your child be in nursery? (required) * Please select 1 2 3 4 5 The Childcare Fund can only provide assistance with childcare for the same number of days you are timetabled to attend University. Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Are you currently studying on the PGDE? (required) * Please select No Yes Masters students If you are studying on a Masters (MSc) course please contact us for further advice. Calculate Your calculation results We have estimated that you may be eligible to receive up to £ towards your childcare costs. This amount is subject to the daily rate cap of £44 per day for over 2 year olds and £46 per day for under 2 year olds The amount you are paying for childcare will not be covered in full by the Childcare Fund, please contact the Funding & Financial Support Team