Our studentsShreyas Raghuram

Tell us a bit about yourself
If there’s one thing I could tell you about myself right now, it’s that I’ve gotten into gardening and I’ve been growing my own vegetables on the balcony of my parent’s house. I love birdwatching, reading, hiking through nature, and learning about local flora and fauna! 

Why did you choose to study at Strathclyde?
I first discovered the university when looking at options for dual degrees and this is eventually the reason I applied to Strathclyde. The opportunity to study both Economics and Journalism gave me so many options in terms of prospects as well as a multidisciplinary education.

What do you think about the University?
The location and the campus are absolutely perfect! I love how it’s quiet and filled with nature even though it’s in the city centre. I loved my classes and the reading was intellectually challenging. The library was so accessible and my professors were always willing to help. Overall, I had a very positive experience in Strathclyde and I’ve made some friends for life here.

What do you think about Glasgow?
Glasgow is such an inclusive and fun city. The green spaces are my favourite and I love going to all the cafes and music venues across the city. Living in Glasgow for 4 years has made me realise how easy and convenient it is to navigate whether you’re walking or using public transport. It’s very warm and comforting even through all the rain and grey skies.

Why did you choose to study Economics, Journalism, Media and Communication?
I actually started because I wanted to become a journalist but by the time I graduated, I wanted to pursue a career in the environment. That’s mostly because my classes often challenged us to think about environmental problems and sustainability and I really see myself working in the field. Economics is useful in understanding sustainability and I like that.

How has coming to Strathclyde improved your career prospects?
I’ve gained a lot of transferable skills such as formal writing and communication. I’ve also depended on the careers service which has been so supportive and helped me land a really good internship with Glasgow City Council as well as improve my CV and university applications.


Which services have you used within the University?

The careers service has been the most useful facility provided by the university! I also love the library and the computer services as well as all the free software that comes with it. I also used the city bikes frequently with the university discount.

Have you been involved with any student societies?
I was involved with Glasgow Student’s Nightline which was one of the most fulfilling volunteering experiences I had in university. It really helped me develop my communication skills and empathy and I found the most amazing, altruistic and compassionate community of students and staff through it.

What has been your greatest achievement to date?
I recently watched a pea plant grow from seed to harvest and I think it’s been one of the most fulfilling achievements for me. But in terms of career, Working at Glasgow City Council and completing an entire project in three months was one of the best challenges I’ve ever undertaken.

What are your plans for the future?
I’m currently working as a freelance copywriter and graphic designer for small businesses while I look for work opportunities. I also want to work towards a masters degree in the environmental field and eventually work in environmental research or law.

What would be your biggest piece of advice to new students?
I think university is the best time to discover yourself and what you want to do, so it’s worth it to take your time and approach everything with an open mindset because it might become your career or your favourite thing.

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