Malawi Millenium ProjectChikwawa Project

The University of Strathclyde worked with the Chikwawa District Health Office in preventative health projects for over twenty years through environmental health links.

These community health projects included research and interventions in remote rural areas including:

  • elements of maternal health
  • water and sanitation
  • disease control and prevention
  • health education
  • capacity building
  • supporting capital investment

These programmes were supported by the Scottish Government International Development Fund for Malawi, with 4 grants spanning from 2006 to 2016.

These grants operated under the Scotland Chikwawa Health Initiative (SCHI), a consortium led by the University of Strathclyde, with the University of Malawi (Polytechnic), the Ministry of Health (Malawi), and the Chikwawa District Health Office.

The Scotland Chikwawa Health Initiative also had active links with the Malawi Renewable Energy Acceleration Programme, and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Malawi.

We were also supported by other organisations in Scotland including F.R.O.M Scotland (Famine Relief for Orphans in Malawi) for health projects, and disaster relief situations such as flooding and cholera outbreaks.

The initiative produced:

  • summary report of the two-day workshop: Developing a Road Map for Health Surveillance
  • Training Manual For Village Health Committees
  • Healthy Settings, May 2016 (YouTube video)
  • Summary of SCHI activities 2006 to 2013
  • Moyo Wanga (YouTube video)
  • SCHI 2006 to 2009 Independent Evaluation
  • Developing Links in Environmental Health Between Scotland and Malawi - 15 years
  • SCHI Safe motherhood program 2010 to 2013 PDF