Malawi Millennium ProjectMeera CDSS secondary school

The University of Strathclyde has worked with a school in Chikwawa since 2013 on the Healthy Settings programme. Latterly, the University supported food security, classrooms, and a hostel to support the female students. The students were staying in small rented houses. In many cases, they were selling themselves for food and rent to be able to stay in school.

The hostel, which housed fifty-six girls, was funded by FROM Scotland ((Famine Relief for Orphans in Malawi). It had been connected to electricity and set up with external toilets and showers. However, there were not enough funds to install the water tank for the internal plumbing.

The hostel had been built to accommodate internal toilets and showers. However, a further £7,500 was provided to fit the toilets, build the septic tank, and the water tank and stand. It transformed the living conditions of the girls.