Malawi Millennium ProjectWilson Ophthalomoscope and Arclight

Eye care in Malawi is very poor, with few ophthalmologists in the country. As a result, Malawi relies on health workers in the field to deal with patients. However, providing every care worker with ophthalmoscopes is not possible, owing to cost. 

In 2019, the Malawi Millennium Project (MMP) discovered that a consultant ophthalmologist, based at St Andrews University and also working in NHS Lothian and Borders, had developed a simple combined ophthalmoscope and otoscope, called the 'Arclight'. We investigated its use and how many people it would benefit. We agreed to support its further development.

From £10/unit, it was further reduced to £3/unit, now named a Wilson. This ensured that more people in health care could be given one. In addition, student nurses and field workers would also benefit from training in its use. £5000 was donated to equip teams in Malawi with a Wilson.