Innovation ShowcaseLiving on land & sea

Don't stick your head in the sand
Robert Marchant, University of York

Zooplankton Plastic Pump
Clara Manno and Elisa Bergami, British Antarctic Survey

Food for the Future
Patricia Harvey, University of Greenwich

Blue carbon: Nature-based solution
William Austin, University of St Andrews

Windfarms and Wildlife: Sustainable Coexistence
Rebecca Hall, University of Strathclyde

Big things have small beginnings
Judith Thornton and Iain Donnison, Aberystwyth University

Molecular peat doctors
Nicholle Bell, University of Edinburgh

Net Zero Farming
Professor Michael Lee, School of Sustainable Food and Farming, Harper Adams University

Converting CO2 into sustainable animal feed
Monica Hoyos Flight, University of Edinburgh

Farming from space: Increasing the efficiency & sustainability of cropland management practices
Vasilis Myrgiotis and Stuart Simmons, University of Edinburgh

Hedgerows or climate change heroes?
Josh Wolstenholme, University of Hull

Beauty and utility
Olivia Nelson, The Open University

Growing Sphagnum to replace peat
Anna Keightley, Manchester Metropolitan University
Zooplankton Plastic Pump
Clara Manno and Elisa Bergami, British Antarctic Survey
Blue carbon: Nature-based solution
William Austin, University of St Andrews
Big things have small beginnings
Judith Thornton and Iain Donnison, Aberystwyth University
Net Zero Farming
Professor Michael Lee, School of Sustainable Food and Farming, Harper Adams University
Farming from space: Increasing the efficiency & sustainability of cropland management practices
Vasilis Myrgiotis and Stuart Simmons, University of Edinburgh
Beauty and utility
Olivia Nelson, The Open University
Growing Sphagnum to replace peat
Anna Keightley, Manchester Metropolitan University
Don't stick your head in the sand
Robert Marchant, University of York
Food for the Future
Patricia Harvey, University of Greenwich
Windfarms and Wildlife: Sustainable Coexistence
Rebecca Hall, University of Strathclyde
Molecular peat doctors
Nicholle Bell, University of Edinburgh
Converting CO2 into sustainable animal feed
Monica Hoyos Flight, University of Edinburgh
Hedgerows or climate change heroes?
Josh Wolstenholme, University of Hull