Images of climate innovation
Wearable climate trends
This innovative shirt created by DressCode shirts is a novel platform for storytelling and visualising key data about the warming trends of the Polar regions. It aims to raise awareness of the highest C02 levels our planet has experienced over the last 800,000 years. Recent Arctic warming can be seen on the main fabric, showing Antarctic long-term climate perspectives through the reveals on cuffs and collars.
800,000 years of climate history captured in Antarctic ice cores reveal a clear link between levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the Earth's temperature. A three-kilometer-long ice core drilled by a European group of scientists, including from the British Antarctic Survey, also shows that current CO2 concentrations are 30% above the highest CO2 levels recorded on our planet.
Another unmistakable warning signal is provided by recent temperature records from the Arctic. Ed Hawkins 'warming stripes' provide powerful visualisation of the temperature increases recorded by the international scientific community over the last 70 years in the Arctic Circle. This 'Arctic amplification' is more than twice the rate of the average warming across the Earth. Our project brings together climate evidence from both polar regions, raising awareness and calling for change.
We have combined key data to create a shirt that visualises the changes scientists have discovered, in an aesthetically appealing way. The design introduces several layers of detail, down to unearthing the link between Antarctic climate and the Ozone hole through a symbolic black button. The shirt is being be launched in the run-up to COP26.
Entrant: Pilvi Muschitiello/Andy Boothman , British Antartic Survey
Copyright: Andy Boothman