Energy Energy Industry and Society

Research and Knowledge Exchange academics at Strathclyde are at the forefront of multi-disciplinary research and KE into the supply and use of energy in all its forms, helping improve the efficiency and flexibility of the energy system, and developing new energy solutions.

However, we recognise that this must be set in a wider context, considering how energy solutions may involve a range of policy actions, to the impact and influence on a range of societal and economic factors.

Strathclyde research and knowledge exchange academics are bringing evidence-based, critical thinking to the challenges of delivering policy objectives that are economically and socially robust.

Key expertise includes multi-sector economic modelling, as used by finance ministries across the world, that allows us to understand the impacts of energy policy actions right across the economy and society. We are modelling the energy system using whole-systems models such as TIMES, which allows our researchers to assess interactions with the wider economy, along with the economic and social impacts of new energy technologies including hydrogen and carbon capture and storage.

Our research and knowledge exchange academics are also delivering social and behavioural research insights on the interactions between people, the energy system and energy policy.

Beyond our research expertise, Strathclyde in line with its mission of being the place of useful learning, works with a broad range of partners and through a range of agencies to maximise the social benefit of the energy transition away from fossil fuels, help deliver climate justice and ensure that the economy of the City of Glasgow and more widely evolves to embrace a decarbonised energy system.

Finally, research and knowledge exchange academics from across the University and our external collaborators work together to bring current research from a wide energy base into the public debate.