Main areas of research
Elsa João, Richard Lord
- strategic environmental assessment
- environmental assessment as a design tool
- enhancement
- climate change: perceptions of risk and uncertainty
Tara Beattie, Ian Beverland, Charles Knapp, Tracy Morse
- public health
- air quality and human health
- public health in developing countries
- antimicrobial/antibiotic resistance
Christine Switzer, Richard Lord, Bob Kalin, Charles Knapp, Joanna Renshaw
- contaminated land
- smouldering remediation
- environmental microbiology
- soil amendments & restoration
Dr Christopher White, Bob Kalin, Vernon Phoenix, Charles Knapp, Doug Bertram
- integrated water resource management
- water resources engineering (hydrogeology and surface water hydrology)
- water infrastructure and energy systems
- water policy (trans-boundary aquifers)
- water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
- quantifying and controlling pollution transport in the subsurface
- remediation of contaminated groundwaters
- sustainable urban drainage systems
- wastewater treatment
- floods, droughts and climate change
Natural hazards & climate change
Dr Christopher White
- natural hazards
- climate change impacts to the built environment
- prediction of extreme weather events
- compound events
- multi-hazard risk management
Elsa João, Richard Lord, Charles Knapp, Bob Kalin, Vernon Phoenix
- triple helix and sustainable development
- the Circular Economy and the role of networks of innovation
- reuse of organic wastes in the Circular Biobased Economy
- recycling of soils, sediments and inorganic solid wastes
- reuse of brownfields, former landfills and contaminated land for renewable energy
- characterisation, treatment and recovery of hazardous wastes, especially contaminated soils
- waste management in developing countries
Our international development work focuses on sustainable development, groundwater resource management, water sanitation & hygiene and public health.
Our global reach includes a particular focus on Malawi.