Work with usIndustry Engagement & Commercialisation

The Industry Engagement & Commercialisation Team supports industry, research organisations and third-sector partners in accessing University expertise, research and commercial opportunities which help to maximise economic and societal impact.

Our unique partnership approach can help you to solve business challenges, identify new opportunities and enable business growth.

The Industry Engagement & Commercialisation team can provide access to:
  • Academic strengths in Engineering, Science, Technology, Business and the Humanities.
  • Internationally leading capabilities in 5G and Communications, Fintech, HealthTech, Industrial Informatics, Quantum Technologies, Space, Energy, Enabling Technologies and Manufacturing.
  • Glasgow City Innovation District - GCID is Scotland's first innovation district which is transforming the way academia, business and industry collaborate in the creation and co-production of new technologies and ideas.
  • National Manufacturing Institute Scotland - NMIS is an industry-led international centre of manufacturing expertise, working to make Scotland and the UK a global leading in advanced manufacturing,
  • Opportunities for Collaborative Research, Commercialisation, Consultancy, Continuous Professional Development (CPD),  Co-location and Equipment and Facilities.

Get in touch to see how we can help you connect to the right people, partners and innovators.

Collaborative Research

Collaborative Research is a great way of partnering with the University. Partners can secure the benefits of cutting-edge research expertise and an option to exclusively licence the Foreground IP that’s generated. A Collaborative Research interaction can be complemented with other forms of partnership, such as studentships and in some cases grow to cross-University interaction and long-term strategic partnership. 

Collaborative Research is not just for industry, but also for RTOs, the NHS and Social Mission partners.

Spin-in Investment

In certain cases, our Collaborative Research partners and Licensees have gone on to secure investment from the University.