Strathclyde Business SchoolDepartment of Accounting & Finance

Database subscriptions

We subscribe to a number of databases from which faculty staff and research students can access data for their research projects

This is probably the world's largest and most comprehensive financial database containing:

  • More than two million instruments
  • Securities and indicators for over 175 countries in 60 markets
  • Up to 50 years history
  • Over one hundred million time series

With all this we can access data for

  • International Companies
  • Bonds
  • Investment Trusts
  • Unit Trusts
  • Interest Rates
  • Economic Indicators
  • ESG Data
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • New Issues

This includes financial statements of over 28000 North American companies dating back to the 1950's including geographic and industry segments.

This includes Execucomp which has detailed executive compensation and company information on over 2500 US companies dating back to 1992.

This includes an extensive database of North American individual firms and stock market indices. We also subscribe to the CRSP/Compustat merged database.

Detailed information on company boards including people profiles, networks, board summaries and company details. 

The worlds most comprehensive dataset on environmental. social and governance (ESG) risks and business conduct. Data on 90,000+ listed and non-listed companies from all countries and sectors with 10+ years of data history. 

The LSPD provides monthly returns data on over 9,000 uk shares, of which some 3,000 are currently live. For the 1955-74 period, the LSPD comprises a large, fully representative sample of all companies and new issues. From 1975 to date, there is full coverage of all UK equities , including those traded on junior markets, such as AIM and the former USM.

Global Funds data including historical portfolio holdings, equities, hedge funds, ETF's and more.

Database of the financial performance of Indian companies.

Other useful Databases

Factiva – via library database webpage

Factiva is a current international news database produced by Dow Jones, a global provider of economic and financial information. Users have access to a wide range of information from newspapers, newswires, industry publications, websites, company reports, and more. Content provides local insight and global perspective on business issues and current events, containing current information on companies, industries, and financial markets.


S&P Capital IQ - via library database page

Stock market and financial information. Includes company profiles, executive summaries, financial information and independent analyst reports. Before using this resource for the first time you will need to register as a new user using your University of Strathclyde email address.


Fame - via library database page

Fame is the leading company database for the UK and Ireland, tracking 15 million companies from SMEs to large global players, including public, private, active, inactive, dissolved, charities, and sole traders. Fame also includes 20 years of historical financial and ownership data. Moody's collect this information from 15 best-in-class information providers such as Companies House, then standardise, and link all the data together making it very easy to create a panel data set to compare years against years and companies against companies. The detailed information includes: Company profile, profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement, ratios and trends, credit score and rating, complete lists of holding companies, security and price data, subsidiaries and directors, shareholders, all "site/trading" addresses, activity information, corporate tree diagrams, miscellaneous information.


BankFocus - via library database page

BankFocus is a database of banks worldwide. The information is sourced by Bureau van Dijk from a combination of annual reports, information providers and regulatory sources. There are detailed financials for around 46,600 banks, approx. 30,000 in North America and the rest world-wide. The number of years available varies between regions and templates. Most banks have at least seven years of history; some have 30.


Additional Useful Data resources

For a list of other databases available via the Library webpage please check out the Accounting & Finance Libguide.  This includes Fame, Bank Focus and S&P Capital IQ


Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards
Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards