Marketing50th Anniversary

Timeline of the University of Strathclyde
Marketing Department


1971-1988 Professor Emeritus Michael J Baker

1988-1992 Professor Michael Thomas

1992-1996 Professor Stephen Young

1996-2000 Professor Gerard Hastings

2000-2004 Professor Susan Hart

2004-2007 Professor Gillian Hogg

2007-2010 Professor Alan Wilson

2010-2013 Professor Kevin Ibeh

2013-2014 Professor Alan Wilson

2014-2015 Professor Anne Marie Doherty

2015-2017 Professor Spiros Gounaris (Acting HOD)

2017-2020 Professor Anne Marie Doherty

2020-Present Professor Beverly Wagner


  • University of Strathclyde established by Royal Charter following the merger of the Royal College of Science and Technology with the Scottish College of Commerce.


  • Strathclyde Business School was founded

1971 – 1988

  • The Department of Marketing was founded in 1971 by Professor Michael Baker, the first Department of Marketing in the UK. Professor Baker was the first Professor of Marketing in the UK appointed to a UGC funded Chair, confirming that the discipline of Marketing was to be recognised as such and offered a full spectrum of courses including undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees.


  • Marketing and Modern Languages Programme was developed


  • Chair in Business Policy was formed


  • The Strathclyde International Business Unit (SIBU) was established by Professor Neil Hood and Professor Stephen Young


  • The Advertising Research Unit was created to research into Health Education and Advertising. It was led by Professor Douglas Leathar. The unit worked in close collaboration with the Scottish Health Education group. After Professor Leathar’s untimely death, the unit became the first UK Centre for Social Marketing directed by Professor Gerard Hasting.
  • Two Masters of Science degrees were launched by the Department of Marketing: MSc in Marketing run by Dr Derek Scott and MSc in Marketing for Developing Countries led by Alix Gordon. The MSc in Marketing still runs very successfully and has provided degrees to thousands of students all over the world.


  • Health Education and the Media, 1st International Conference was jointly organised by the Scottish Health Education Group, Edinburgh and the Advertising Research Unit, University of Strathclyde


  • The schools of study within the university were reorganised into four faculties of: i) Science, ii) Engineering, iii) Arts and Social Studies; and iv) Business within which the Department of Marketing is located.


  • Health Education and the Media, 2nd International conference organised jointly by the Scottish Health Education Unit, Edinburgh and the Advertising Research Unit, Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde


  • Scottish Marketing Projects Limited, a marketing consultancy company, was formed by the Department of Marketing, headed by Terry Lamb
  • A new building for the Business School was opened


  • Professor Michael Thomas appointed Head of Department. Professor Thomas was the founding editor of the prestigious journal Marketing Intelligence and Planning which he edited for 21 years. He was instrumental in the founding of the Chartered Institute of Marketing which he served as chairman. He was also a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
  • In the 1980s Professor Thomas worked with the British Council and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Poland to help establish the Gdansk Managers Training Foundation which has become one of the leading business schools in Poland. He was awarded the Commander’s Cross of the Polish Order of Merit in 1994 and five years later appointed OBE


  • Start of Strathclyde MBA programme, a flagship of the Strathclyde Business School in Malaysia. The Department of Marketing supported the MBA with lectures, projects and supervision.


  • The MSc in International Marketing was created to replace the MSc in Marketing for Developing Countries. This degree is still being offered, attracting students coming from all over the world.


  • The Graduate Business School building opens
  • Professor Stephen Young appointed Head of Department of Marketing


  • SBS was appointed to administer and validate the Young Enterprise examination. Further involvement related to: YE Dunbartonshire (YED) board membership, teaching YED classes to school pupils, marking the YED exam, interviewing pupils for the YED final presentation, staff members acting as Business Advisers to schools, hosting YED finals, awarding the Marketing Prize to the best entrant


  • The Department of Marketing continued supporting MBA classes which started in UAE (Dubai) followed subsequently by Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Greece, Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong.


  • Professor Gerard Hastings appointed Head of Department


  • Professor Susan Hart appointed Head of Department


  • Scottish Enterprise first funds doctoral studentship in Department of Marketing


  • MSC Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (Flexible Learning) programme was introduced


  • Professor Gill Hogg appointed HOD


  • Professor Alan Wilson appointed Head of Department
  • MSC Marketing degree launched in UAE, delivered by Marketing Department staff


  • Marketing Doctoral Research Day started
  • Marketing DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) programme begins in Zurich
  • Collaboration begins with Scottish Premier League linked to Sports Marketing class.


  • Two year seminar series begins on ‘Nostalgia in 21st Century’
  • CPD Programme on Web 2.0 delivered by Dr Jim Hamill, Marketing Department
  • Annual Marketing Works Programme started CHECK DATE/ YEAR
  • First Marketing Italy visit by MSC students in Marketing and MSC in International Marketing; this becomes an annual highlight
  • Following some restructuring of the SBS, the Department of Marketing integrated the MSc Hospitality Management programme into its portfolio and welcomed colleagues from the former Scottish Hotel School.
  • 2009 Department of Marketing host a “Bridge the Gap” event on Online Social Networking focusing on the impact of online social networks on consumer behaviour, branding, marketing communications and marketing research.


  • International workshop on ‘Enhancing the Status of Consumer Research in Non- Western Contexts’ hosted and organised by Dr Aliakbar Jafari; partially sponsored by Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
  • Professor Kevin Ibeh appointed Head of Department
  • 2010 Marketing students take part in international sales competition, ‘The World Collegiate Sales Open’ hosted by Northern Illinois University, Chicago


  • The Department of Marketing begins a year-long calendar of events marking the 40th Anniversary of the Department’s founding.
  • Marketing Week in Dubai, one week programme of events on international marketing to recognise the Marketing Department’s 40th Anniversary
  • Marketing department hosts seminar delivered by the World Bank Group with key speaker, Robert Whyte (appointed Senior Honorary Research Fellow in Marketing Department in 2010)
  • 40th Anniversary celebration dinner in Oran Mor
  • Department of Marketing host the 27th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference (IMP) at SBS
  • Social Media and Exporters Meeting hosted by the Marketing Department to build links with local business community
  • One day workshop on International Marketing held at SBS in collaboration with the Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group (SIG) on current international marketing issues.
  • Marketing Department achieved best ‘Overall Satisfaction’ rating among all UK marketing departments in National Student Survey (NSS)
  • As part of ESRC Festival of Social Science a one week poster exhibition took place in Scotland Street School Museum on Nostalgia and School Days, followed by a one day workshop at SBS??


  • Students from MSc International Marketing came runners up in the first SBS Postgraduate Football Tournament
  • A group of students from MSc Marketing and MSc International Marketing spent one week in Venice, Italy as part of the “Sector Studies: Italian Style Marketing” elective where students attended lectures at the Univesita Ca’ Foscari and visited companies relating to the field of luxury branding.
  • Masters students from MSc Marketing and MSc International Marketing spent one week in Dubai attending an elective module on “Digital and Cross Cultural Marketing” on the Strathcylde Dubai campus.
  • The second Strathclyde “Middle East Marketing Academia Meets Practice” roundtable workshop took place attended by 50 participants.
  • Annual Marketing Works Grand Finale awards took place with awards presented to teams who worked on projects for: Smith and McLaurin; Anytime Leisure and Argyll & the Isles Strategic Tourism Partnership.
  • Academy of Marketing grant awarded to investigate teaching and learning strategies / practices in Undergraduate Marketing programmes at a cross section of UK higher education institutions.
  • Bridging the Gap funding achieved to investigate how to incentivise post occupancy evaluation in the building industry.
  • University of Strathclyde named the 2012 Times Higher Education’s University of the Year.
  • SBS placed highly in the Financial Times ranking of European Business Schools (2012): 1st in Scotland, 10th in UK, 33rd in Europe.


  • Marketing Department hosted Mr Robert Whyte, a World Bank Group specialist on his second visit to the department for a seminar ‘Information Asymmetries and Policy Responses for FDI Attraction in Emerging Economies: Global Investment Promotion Best Practices. Guest lectures were also given to Postgraduate students.
  • International Research Conference for Doctoral Students entitled ‘Looking back – moving forward’.
  • Following an in-depth study on First Rail’s ‘Adopt a Station’ scheme, members of the department (Dr Matthew Alexander and Dr Kathy Hamilton) were invited to participate at the Scottish Government’s launch of Community Rail Partnerships in Scotland.
  • Professor Alan Wilson appointed Head of Department
  • The Marketing Department was well represented at the global Consumer Research conference in Chicago, Illinois with contributions made by senior academics.


  • Dr Stephen Tagg, Marketing Department was invited to be one of the main speakers at a Nesta Spotlight event discussing the challenge of digital media for 2014 Commonwealth Games.
  • ESRC seminar on vulnerable consumers was organised by Dr Kathy Hamilton with the fifth seminar in the series hosted at SBS. The main focus was on issues related to poverty.
  • A member of the Marketing Department presented a paper at TEDx event at Glasgow University. The TEDx Programme (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is designed to help communities, organisations and individuals make conversation and connections through TED like experiences.
  • Masters students from MSc Marketing, MSc International Marketing and MSc Tourism Marketing Management spent one week in Dubai attending a Sector Studies – Marketing in a Digital and Cross-cultural World elective.
  • AACSB reaccredits Strathclyde Business School for 5 years
  • Marketing student Jamie Cooper-Higgins wins Scotland Undergraduate Student of the Year 2014
  • Annual Young Enterprise Dumbartonshire awards were hosted at SBS with the overall Marketing award presented by board member Dr Juliette Wilson.
  • Marketing academic (Dr Aliakbar Jafari) featured on BBC Radio 4’s Thinking Allowed live programme based on his recently published article “ Escaping into the world of make-up routines in Iran”.
  • A record number of SBS students were accepted for the Saltire Foundation internships with 8 out of 24 students studying Marketing.
  • Professor Alan Wilson was interviewed by Radio 5 Live Breakfast discussing a cap on spending in independence referendum campaign.
  • Marketing academic and Executive Dean of Strathclyde Business School, Professor Susan Hart was awarded the Life Achievement Award at the Academy of Marketing conference dinner
  • A group of six marketing students had the opportunity to work with computer company Dell throughout the Commonwealth Games which took place in Glasgow.
    SBS reaccredited by AMBA; SBS remains in the elite group of triple accredited business schools with accreditation also from EQUIS and AACSB
  • Journal of Marketing Management celebrates its 30th Anniversary with previous editors being from the Department of Marketing: Professor Michael Baker (1984- 1999) and Professor Susan Hart (1999-2010)
  • 2 graduates from MSc in International Marketing launched payment app Swipii which is still in use today in campus canteens and took part in the App City event held at Strathclyde.
  • SBS ranked 1st in Scotland in the Financial Times ranking of business schools in Europe.
  • Marketing academic (Dr Aliakbar Jafari) appointed a Research Assessor for research grant applications submitted to the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland


  • Peter Vardy car dealership sponsor the Marketing Challenge for 2nd Year Services and Retailing Undergraduate students.
  • A successful collaboration between SBS universities in Italy and Spain gave Department of Marketing students the opportunity to study one of their elective classes in Venice or Seville.
  • Former Head of Marketing Department Professor Susan Hart appointed Associate Deputy Principal for Marketing for the university following her position as Executive Dean of SBS for the past seven years.
  • Two senior academics recognised for awards: Emerald’s Citation of Excellence Award 2015 and Emerald Literati Networks Awards for Excellence (2015) were won by (Dr Aliakbar Jafari and Dr Stephen Tagg).
  • 1st / 2nd / 3rd Year Undergraduate classes revised and updated to offer key subjects to all students with classes amalgamated to reflect the blurring of subject boundaries within contemporary marketing society


  • The range of industry speakers invited to share real life experience and practical marketing insights with both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students continued, with speakers from: BT, KA Goalkeeping, Swiss Eyewear Group, Edrington Group, Equator, Drygate Microbrewery, Harper MacLeod, Walkers Shortbread Ltd, Marketing Mavens, Bean Suntory, Seimens and Scottish Rugby Union.
  • “Outstanding” grade awarded by Innovate UK for the Knowledge Transfer Project between the Howden Group and the Department of Marketing.
  • Academics from the Department of Marketing presented at the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Conference, this was entitled “Employability and Knowledge Exchange: the application of reality based learning”.
  • 2018 European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) was awarded to Strathclyde Business School following a successful bid by senior academics from the Department of Marketing.
  • Academy of Marketing research grant was awarded on the topic of “Remaking Markets from Scratch and through Social Media”.
  • Marketing academic Dr Beverly Wagner, led Strathclyde’s involvement in supporting Scottish Enterprise’s open innovation programme 2015-2019 to encourage an open innovation culture in Scottish organisations to increase the global competitiveness of Scottish based companies.
  • On-going partnership with Frame Communications Agency was extended to offer MarComms students the opportunity to compete for an intern placement
  • Marketing academics delivered a briefing to the government-led Scottish Ancestral Tourism Group in Edinburgh. The briefing related to a new website to connect members of the Scottish diaspora with locally held resources to link potential visitors with their ancestral past.
  • SBS was named “Business School of the Year 2016” at the Times Higher Education Awards
  • SBS featured prominently in the Financial Times ranking list: 1st in Scotland; 8th in UK; 34th in Europe


  • Throughout the year external appointments continued with Department of Marketing academics invited to speak on BBC Radio Scotland; appointments were made to the Chair of the Academy of Marketing, reappointment reappointed to the Royal Anniversary Trust’s Readers Panel which assesses the Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Further and Higher Education; appointment as expert adviser to the Scottish Government’s Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee with specific focus on support to the food / drinks sector
  • Funding awarded to marketing academics from the Scottish Universities Insight Institute (SUII) from their latest “Learning from other places” scheme to source research and knowledge exchange activities relevant to breweries.
  • Marketing academic, Professor Alan Wilson was interviewed on BBC Radio Scotland’s John Beattie show on the Management of Customer Complaints.
  • Marketing professor Anne Marie Doherty was appointed Chair of the Academy of Marketing, reappointed to the Royal Anniversary Trust’s Readers Panel which assesses the Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Further and Higher Education
  • A group of Masters students attended a one week module in Seville as part of their Branding module.
  • Marketing academic Professor Alan Wilson co-produced a white paper with Kim Mac Gillavry, Vice President Customer Experience DHL Freight on measuring and managing an organisation’s customer experience.
  • In keeping with the university’s motto as a “place of useful learning”, a collaboration between marketing agency Equator and the Marketing Department prepares graduates for the digital marketing industry and identifies digital skills gaps for both graduates and employers.
  • Marketing Works Grand Finale 2017 saw 33 groups take part with the prize awarded to student group working with Bute Island Alliance.
  • An innovation workshop at Scottish Power Energy Networks Glasgow was hosted by Marketing Department academics with guest speaker Mr Steven Rader, Deputy Manager of NASA’s Centre of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation.
  • Two of the three awards offered each year by the Academy of Marketing were granted to Department of Marketing academics.
  • International Marketing alumni from MSc International Marketing held a 20 year reunion with alumni attending from UK, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mexico, Canada, Norway, Finland, France, Japan and Switzerland
  • Marketing academic appointed as an expert adviser to the Scottish Government’s Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee with specific focus on support to food / drink sector.
  • Grant awarded by Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and supported by Scottish Enterprise to explore the market for “off-site timber construction in the UK”
  • Marketing academics facilitated a 59 minute Design Challenge for Scottish Power Energy Networks and their Framework supplier organisations to find better ways of collaborating to support innovation.
  • In a partnership with Arnold Clark, guest speakers from Arnold Clark share experiences and insights with Undergraduate and postgraduate students leading to paid summer internship placements and graduate job positions


  • 5 marketing students named as finalists in “The Pitch” an annual competition with UK universities, organised by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
  • SBS was reaccredited by EQUIS for the maximum five year period.
  • Two marketing students win first prize in the UK wide “The Pitch” competition which saw them create a marketing plan for sponsor Wilkinson Sword
  • MSc students in Destination Marketing and Management undertook a practical project with a visit to the Cateran area in Perthshire; students were tasked to develop an ecomuseum and branding for the region
  • 47th EMAC Annual Conference held at SBS from 29 May – 1 June with the theme “People Make Marketing” linking to the “People Make Glasgow” branding and reflecting the focus of the Department of Marketing on people committed to cutting edge research with benefits for education, business and the wider society
    3rd Year Master in International Business and Modern Languages (MIBML) student was awarded Marketing Student of the Year 2018 at the Marketing Society Awards dinner
  • SBS is awarded the Bronze Athena SWAN Award in recognition for its work in progressing equality within the business school
  • A KTP partnership with Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) was awarded to marketing academics to foster cultural change by embedding innovation into business and ensuing SPEN’s sustainability as the energy landscape evolves.
  • Marketing PhD candidate was invited to speak at China’s first ever Place Branding conference.
  • Marketing academic, Dr Matthew Alexander and Professor Elina Jaakkola (Turku School of Economics) won best paper in the track of Customer Engagement at the ANZMAC Conference in Adelaide


  • For the second successive year a team of SBS marketing students won the nationwide “The Pitch” competition organised by the CIM. This year the team proposed ideas to support Hawaiian Tropic’s drive to make young women feel confident and protected from the sun.
  • SBS hosted the final of the Company Programme for Young Enterprise Dunbartonshire with marketing academics involved in delivering classes throughout the year, acting as Business Advisor to schools, assessing company reports, interviewing finalists and presenting the Marketing Award.
  • SBS reaccredited by AACSB for a further maximum 5 year period
  • 8th International Doctoral Colloquium organised by the Department of Marketing with students presenting on a wide range of contemporary high quality research projects. Internationally renowned marketing scholar Professor Humphreys (Northwestern University, USA), delivered two research seminars and a keynote speech.
  • A cross-faculty ‘Engage’ event took place called “New Directions in Cultural Heritage Research” with academics from English and History departments.
  • Professor Anne Marie Doherty was appointed assessor for the Marketing Trust Research Awards and reappointed to the Royal Anniversary Trust’s Readers Panel to assess the Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Further and Higher Education
  • SBS reaccredited by the Association of MBAs for the maximum 5 year period thus retaining triple accreditation status from AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS
  • University of Strathclyde named ‘Sunday Times Good Univesity Guide’ Scottish University of the Year 2020
  • The University of Strathclyde is the first university to twice win The Times Higher Education “University of the Year”, in 2016 and now in 2019


  • For the 3rd year running two Undergraduate Marketing students reached the final of “The Pitch”, a nationwide marketing competition run by the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
  • A research grant by the Leverhulme Trust was awarded to marketing academics (Dr Kathy Hamilton, Dr Juliette Wilson) and Dr Sarah Edwards (HASS). The inter- disciplinary project entitled “Transformative Servicescapes and Consumer Vulnerability” will explore how service spaces impact on empowerment, inclusion and well-being.
  • From 23 March all teaching and learning activities moved online in response to Covid-19 pandemic regulations. Staff and students alike had to adapt at great speed to new ways of working, learning and studying.
  • Marketing is placed 1st in Scotland and 3rd in UK of the Complete University Guide 2020
  • Marketing undergraduate students win “The Pitch” marketing competition for the third year in a row by addressing the challenge set by retailer Lidl to reduce plastic packaging by 20%.
  • Marketing Department organised a poster competition for 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students who were tasked with designing an advert, related to Covid-19 pandemic and based on an existing advertising campaign. Students put forward their interpretations using images and taglines with the top entries judged by all members of the department. All entries were of a high standard and the Kodak advert submitted by Jack Hands won the prize
  • With the on-going impact of the Covid-19 pandemic there were sustained and continuous professional development by all staff to become familiar and competent with online support and delivery of all teaching and learning material.
  • This was complemented with courses on the use of the Zoom platform in advance of the academic year 2020-21. A commitment to student welfare and offering the best learning experience for all students remains the top priority.
  • SBS celebrates its 25th Anniversary of its prestigious MBA programme in the UAE


  • Marketing academic Professor Alan Wilson was a keynote speaker at the 13th MID Conference in Romania with a presentation entitled “Franchised Services: Employer Branding and Multiple Identities”
  • Department of Marketing offers four MSc programmes entitled MSc in Marketing; MSc International Marketing; MSc Innovation and Marketing Management; MSc Tourism Marketing Management.
  • 4th year marketing student Adam Dickson won the Marketing Society Star Award for ‘Marketing Student of the Year’ an annual award presented to the best marketing student in Scotland.
  • Marketing academic, Dr Graeme McLean was awarded a cross faculty KTP project with Billy Wallace and Dr Dmitri Roussinov (Computer and Information Science, CIS) for the marketing and computer science company, Adimo.
  • Marketing research conference hosted online(as a result of Covid-19 regulations) by Markeing Department at SBS
  • Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, 50th Anniversary calendar of celebrations are postponed to the start of the academic year 2021-2022 in the hope that social distancing measures will allow for a face to face celebratory event to take place in June 2022

Stenhouse Building 1971

Stenhouse Building 1980

Stenhouse Building 2021


Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards