MBA and General ManagementExecutive and Overseas Student Career management

Our Virtual Careers Service is available 24/7 through the SBS virtual learning environment, Myplace, providing access to global job sites and information sources.  Here are some examples:


  • Careerleader – Self-Assessment Job Matching Tool
  • Maximiser – Virtual Career Development Modules
  • Paynegotiation - A Virtual Course
  • MBA Exchange – International Job and Industry Engagement Site
  • Going Global – Information on Living, Working and Finding a Job in over 50 Countries
  • Highered – International Job Site
  • Careers Toolkit – A Link to Information and Services from the main University Careers Pages
  • The Vmock - Smart CV Tool
  • How-to Videos and Hints and Tips for CVs, Cover Letters and Interviews


Personal, One-to-One Career Development and Consultancy:

  • All our current students can access our service for a range of advice on job searching, career planning, and support for applications and interviews
  • Published on the MBA Careers pages within Strathclyde University students’ virtual learning environment, Myplace, there will be a programme of events throughout the academic year, some on-campus, some blended and some online.


Contact Us to find out more and make an Appointment


Networking, Engagement Events, Talks and Webinars:


  • Published on the MBA Careers pages within Strathclyde University students’ virtual learning environment, Myplace, there will be a programme of events throughout the academic year, some on-campus, some blended and some online.


Contact details

 Undergraduate admissions
 +44 (0)141 548 4114 

 Postgraduate admissions
 +44(0)141 553 6116/6105/6117


Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards
Accreditations & rankings