MSc in Advanced Construction Technologies and BIMKuan Yun Leng

Kuan is an international student from Malaysia, she studied her MSc in the Department of Architecture.

What were your reasons for deciding to study a postgraduate degree?

I was keen to enhance both my personal development and career prospects. While my professional experience has been invaluable, I believe that furthering my education through a postgraduate degree will provide me with the opportunity to delve deeper into my field of interest and acquire the specialised skills and knowledge necessary to advance in my career.

How did you first hear about the University of Strathclyde?

Through its strong partnership with my previous university, Taylor's in Malaysia. Many of my friends chose to continue their studies here, which piqued my interest. Through their experiences and recommendations, I became aware of Strathclyde's reputation as an excellent place to study. This knowledge solidified my decision to consider Strathclyde for my further education.

Why did you choose to study at Strathclyde?

I chose to study at Strathclyde for several reasons. Firstly, I was influenced by recommendations from friends and relatives who spoke highly of the university. However, I was drawn to Strathclyde by the uniqueness of the course I wanted to study. The MSc in Advanced Construction Technologies & BIM is a relatively new program and not widely offered by many universities. This alignment with my career aspirations and the opportunity to delve into an emerging field like BIM greatly appealed to me.

How have you found the support for international students at Strathclyde?

From the outset, the university has provided an exceptionally wide range of support services tailored to our needs. This includes informative campus tours, counselling services, and engaging events organized by StrathUnion. Moreover, the university goes above and beyond by providing invaluable assistance with career development, offering services such as CV checks and guidance to help international students navigate their professional aspirations. In addition, Strathclyde prioritises the physical well-being of its international students. This is evident through initiatives such as providing access to medical support and offering vaccination programs tailored to the needs of international students.

Overall, Strathclyde's commitment to providing comprehensive support services ensures that international students feel valued, supported, and equipped to succeed both academically and personally.

What do you like about your course?

This course provides insights from managerial, design, engineering, and financing perspectives. It equips students for multifaceted roles in the construction industry.

Field trip opportunities allow us to witness theory in practice at local construction sites. These experiences bridge the gap between theory and practice, enriching the learning journey.

Furthermore, the course frequently hosts external speakers who bring real-world experiences into the classroom, offering invaluable insights and preparing us for dynamic industry challenges.

What has been your favourite aspect about studying at Strathclyde?

My favourite aspect of studying at Strathclyde is its holistic approach to student support and well-being. The university emphasises overall development and welfare alongside academic excellence. Strath Sport services provide state-of-the-art facilities and foster community. Additionally, comprehensive support systems, including academic assistance, career guidance, and counselling, ensure students thrive both academically and personally. This commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals has greatly contributed to my positive experience as an international student.

Are you part of any groups or societies and what benefit have they brought?

I am part of the British Council Scholars group, and being a member has brought numerous benefits. Firstly, they provide financial support that allows us to focus on our studies without additional financial burden. Additionally, they offer invaluable support for our wellbeing by assigning us to a dedicated counsellor, who help keep us on track academically, address any doubts or concerns we may have, and guide our journey They have played a crucial role in making my academic journey smoother and more fulfilling.

What do you think of Glasgow/Scotland? Have you managed to do much exploring during your time here?

I find Scotland, particularly Glasgow, to be an amazing place to live. The natural beauty, clean water, and welcoming atmosphere make it truly special. The Scottish people are incredibly kind and wonderful; I've been greeted with warm regards since the day I arrived. From customs officers with great smiles to strangers willingly helping me with heavy luggage at train stations where lifts were unavailable, their kindness has warmed my heart. Although I haven't had the chance to explore much yet, I've been fortunate enough to visit places like Loch Lomond and Edinburgh, which were breathtaking. However, I'm eager to explore more of Scotland's beauty in the future holidays and immerse myself in its rich culture and landscapes.

Were there any funding opportunities available to you and if so how did they help?

There were several funding opportunities available at Strathclyde, and I am grateful to have been a recipient of the British Council Scholarship for Women into STEM.. These opportunities have been immensely helpful, allowing me to focus on my academic studies without the burden of financial stress. Additionally, being a funding recipient has afforded me the chance to meet and connect with scholars from all around the world, enriching my academic experience and broadening my perspective.

What are your ambitions for the future and how do you think your time at Strathclyde will help you achieve your goals?

My ambition is to become a sustainable architect, utilizing BIM and advanced construction technologies to build better for the future. I believe that my time at Strathclyde will play a crucial role in achieving this goal. The university provides ample opportunities to explore various technologies and methodologies through its comprehensive curriculum and site visits.

By immersing myself in these experiences, I will gain valuable insights and practical knowledge that will equip me to address the complex challenges of sustainable architecture. Overall, Strathclyde's dynamic learning environment and industry-focused approach will undoubtedly help me pave the way toward realizing my ambitions in the field.

Would you recommend Strathclyde to other people and why?

I would highly recommend Strathclyde for its top-quality academic programs, exceptional student support services, and emphasis on practical learning experiences. The university's strong industry partnerships, vibrant campus life, and the bustling city of Glasgow make it an ideal choice for anyone seeking a transformative educational journey.