BEng Hons Electronic & Electrical Engineering (Bahrain)


Key facts

  • Study mode and duration: 4 years full-time
  • Start date: September

  • Location: Based in Bahrain

  • Scholarships: Scholarships available

Study with us

Delivering eight new undergraduate programmes, the University of Strathclyde, Bahrain will bring the distinctive approach to academic excellence and world-class research that Strathclyde is known for. Teaching will take place in our new premises in Harbour Heights, Bahrain Bay.

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Why this course?

Electronic & electrical engineering is at the heart of everything we do, from renewable energy and smart grids to high-speed fibre-optic broadband, digital sound and vision, and internet security.

Electronic & electrical engineers are the people who:

  • design, build, operate and maintain our global power systems, our telecommunications networks and computing infrastructure
  • develop electronic systems essential to industry, health and entertainment

They aim to find innovative and progressive solutions to today’s global challenges whether that’s technologies to deliver clean energy, systems to improve audio and image quality on your phone, tablet and laptop, or techniques to improve digital imagery in medical devices to aid diagnosis.

Studying our BEng (Hons) Electronic & Electrical Engineering degree offers all these opportunities and your career opportunities are vast.

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What you’ll study

Year 1

The first year covers a range of modules aiming to develop knowledge and skills; English Academic Skills, Computing 1, Introduction to Electrics, Lab Skills and Scientific Communication, Mathematics for Science and Engineering, and Physics.

Year 2

The study of analogue and digital electronics continues, enhanced by an introduction to basic concepts in signal processing. Further study includes the design and analysis of electrical and microcontroller-based instrumentation systems, coupled with further classes in advanced maths. All classes are supported by practical and team-working activities.

Year 3

In third year, you'll begin to develop specialist engineering skills through completing classes in a range of advanced topics.

Year 4

In Year 4 you undertake an individual research project, which will help you gain valuable technical and project management skills, along with a selection of advanced technical modules of your choice.

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Course content

All students shall complete the following compulsory modules during their programme:

  • History of Bahrain
  • Human Rights
  • Arabic Language (for native speakers) or Arabic Language (for non-native speakers)

Maths for Science & Engineering 1

This module aims to enable you to:

  • consolidate topics previously studied
  • further develop your knowledge of mathematics
  • make a successful transition to undergraduate studies in the fields of engineering and sciences

You'll learn an appropriate numerical computing software, such as MATLAB, in the module.

Maths for Science & Engineering 2

This module aims to build upon the knowledge acquired in Maths for Science and Engineering 1 (MSE 1), providing further knowledge of mathematics and its applications relevant to undergraduate studies in the fields of engineering and sciences. Further topics in the numerical software learned in MSE 1 will be delivered. After successful completion at the requisite level, you'll be prepared to enter year two of undergraduate study.

Lab Skills & Scientific Communication

This module will enable you to gain essential scientific communication skills such as report writing and visual and oral presentations.

You'll also become familiar with the basic skills and health and safety guidelines required to work in a laboratory environment.

Academic English Skills

This module aims to provide thorough training in the language and related academic skills which will enable you to best achieve your academic potential at the University of Strathclyde.

During this module, you'll learn how to:

  • use effective reading strategies to identify the main lines of argument in academic texts and find specific information
  • record effective notes during academic activities
  • develop your ability to develop an academic argument

Computing 1

This module will provide fundamental knowledge of computer science to students pursuing relevant science or engineering degrees at the University of Strathclyde, in areas such as digital logic, high-level programming and data representation.

You'll be introduced to computer architecture and infrastructure, including its components, concept, performance and working mechanism.


This module aims to give you a firm grounding in the analysis and design of analogue and digital circuits. This module aims to give students a firm grounding in the analysis and design of analogue and digital circuits. The course will provide students destined for further undergraduate study in Electronic and Electrical Engineering with a good mathematical grasp of circuit theory.

Physics 1

This module provided an introduction to physics by applying the laws and principles of elementary physics to problem-solving. It also teaches fundamental concepts in classical and modern physics by application to the techniques of experimental physics, practical problems and projects.

Physics 2

This module aims to build on the scientific knowledge and skills acquired in Physics 1 and to provide a stimulating learning experience in basic theoretical principles and associated laboratory skills.

Compulsory modules

Engineering Design & Manufacture

This class aims to introduce you to concepts and methodology required to undertake effective design and development of engineering systems. The product development process will be introduced and through practice, a working knowledge of appropriate engineering design processes, tools and techniques will be gained.

An overview of manufacturing and the manufacturing industry will provide a general appreciation of the range of processes employed in manufacturing together with an understanding of how components can be manufactured economically and reliably.

Physical Electronics

By the end of the class you'll be able to:

  • calculate the linear or rotational motion of objects under simple forces or torques
  • apply a basic understanding of atomic and solid state physics to explain conduction in semiconductors and semiconductor devices
  • calculate the motion of charges in simple electric and magnetic fields
  • calculate the electric and magnetic fields around static charge or current configurations using the laws of Coulomb, Gauss and Ampere
  • calculate properties of electromagnetic devices such as motors and dynamos


You'll gain an understanding of the application of electromagnetic effects in practical devices and develop the mathematical skills necessary to analyse these effects in simple geometries.

Electronic & Electrical Principles 2

To introduce you to the analysis and design of analogue circuits and systems as used in electronics, energy & power systems, communications, control and analogue signal processing applications.

Digital Electronic & Programming Design

To introduce you to the use of digital electronics and the rudiments of digital signal processing systems.

Electronic & Mechanical Techniques & Design 2

To develop a broad understanding of many aspects of engineering (general electrical and electronic, power engineering, mechanical engineering, computing and software) and to enhance generic skills required of a professional engineer (research, practical, team working, communications, reporting writing, oral presentation). 

You'll also benefit from two laboratory-based projects, which will enhance your understanding of important electrical and engineering principles that underpin many other classes within the degree programme.

Engineering Design For Software Development 2

To give:

  • an understanding of programming concepts and object orientation
  • familiarity with the syntax and facilities available in C++
  • an ability to write working programs for use in engineering applications

Engineering Mathematics 3E

The aims of this class are:
  • to develop the means of solving certain differential equations
  • to consider applications of Taylor and Maclaurin series
  • to generalise earlier ideas in calculus to deal with functions of several variables
  • to discuss in more detail matrices, determinants and functions of a complex variable
  • to introduce vector calculus and eigenvalues/eigenvectors

Compulsory modules

Signals & Communications Systems

The aim of this class is to introduce you to the fundamentals of continuous and discrete signals and linear systems for baseband applications and further describe how these principles are applied in modern communications and bandpass systems.

Electronic & Electrical Principles 3

This class promotes detailed understanding of the electrical and electromagnetic principles and their deployment in a range of engineering applications.  These are associated with electromagnetic waves propagation in bounded and unbounded media.  They are also in:

  • electric power generation (both conventional and renewable)
  • power distribution and energy utilisation
  • electric transportation systems
  • the propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space
  • in insulating and conducting lossless and lossy media
  • optical fibre

You'll gain an appreciation of the fundamental principles, engineering solutions, and social and economic implications of such applications.

Instrumentation & Microcontrollers


To develop techniques for system modelling based on block diagrams and transfer functions and to use such techniques in the context of analysis and design. To introduce you to instrumentation and measurement as an interdisciplinary engineering activity. To explain the basic principles of feedback and control systems.

To enable understanding of the dependence of measurement and control on a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines; to provide appreciation of the universal application of measurement and control within the same range of disciplines.

To demonstrate engineering design as applied to instrumentation systems and control engineering; in particular, to explain the important contribution of electrical, mechanical and software engineering to this process.


To allow you to gain practical design, implementation and test experience of the techniques required to create combined hardware/software systems with an emphasis on measurement.

Engineering Analysis

It is important for you to see mathematics and statistics in the context of the computational problems they will be exposed to in their discipline.

The aim of this class is to further develop your skills and abilities in advanced mathematical concepts in the field of engineering. This will be achieved through contextualised problem solving using applicable mathematical and statistical techniques and tools on problems of moderate complexity.

Engineering Innovation & Management

This class aims to provide you with an understanding of the importance of innovation in today’s business environment. The class aims to also develop understanding and skills in the area of innovation management. It aims to develop practical skills for you to integrate a number of themes including:

  • product development
  • IP
  • product finances
  • project management
  • market analysis with a view to successfully exploiting new ideas

Engineering Project

To conduct, under supervision, a group based project within a EEE-related domain from a selection of projects tailored to match the EEE curriculum.

In this class you'll develop project management skills, including team work, time management, presentation skills and technical report writing. Moreover, the class will enhance your technical skills and knowledge in a EEE-related subject.

Elective modules

Choose one of the following two options:

Individual Project

You undertake an individual design project. This will help you gain valuable technical and project management skills.

Elective modules

Communications Networks

To provide an understanding of the principles and key transport technologies which underpin high-speed heterogeneous broadband communications networks and architectures while giving an insight to the technical and strategic challenges associated with the provision of a Quality of Service (QoS)-based integrated future-network platform.

Control Principles

This class aims:
  • to introduce you to the basic concepts, mathematical tools and design methods of classical control theory
  • to enable you to use analysis and design tools used in control engineering and appreciate the industrial applications of control systems
  • to enable you to analyse and design closed loop control system specifically using industrial three-term (PID) controllers
  • to introduce you to advanced control methods and to provide a basic understanding of a time-domain approach to control analysis and design of industrial processes
  • to appreciate the application of control theory in industrial applications

Photonic Systems

The primary aim of this class is to enable you to develop a basic conceptual understanding and working knowledge of fibre optic communications systems and their component parts addressing basic principles, engineering, design and performance limits. All of the fundamental principles of light, optics and photonic components necessary to achieve this are dealt with, giving a broad appreciation of photonics in general.

Power Electronics, Machines & Applications

  • Understand the principles of common power electronic systems
  • Gain familiarity with the techniques required to analyse common power electronic circuits
  • Understand the basic principles behind the design of rotating electrical machines
  • Gain familiarity with the techniques required to analyse basic DC and AC machines
  • Recognise that disturbances exist within a power system substation and appreciate that these disturbances may affect electromagnetic compatibility
  • Be competent in dealing with the implications of those disturbances; in particular the effects of system switching
  • Understand the use of power electronic devices, drives and machines for given applications, specifically for Electric Vehicles i.e. cars and trains
  • Understand the range of energy sources capable of powering `independent? (as opposed to catenary supplied) EVs (e.g. batteries and fuel cells), understand how these energy sources work, their performance and degradation issues, and how to charge/fuel them.

Power System Design, Operation & Protection

To enable you to appreciate the principles of analysis, design and protection of electrical power systems including:
1. design and operational approaches in power systems including electricity generation, transmission and distribution
2. analysis and design of transmission and distribution networks
3. power flow, fault and stability calculations
4. power system control including load frequency control and economic dispatch
5. generation technology implications on power system design and operation
6. the main concepts related to the requirements, functions, design and operation of protection schemes for power system transmission and distribution systems
7. detailed understanding of selected protection schemes used in transmission and distribution networks

Analogue Systems

This class will provide you with an appreciation and understanding of analogue electronic circuit design, relating to high frequency amplifiers and low noise design of electronic systems.

Digital Signal Processing Principles

Develop necessary tools that will allow you to design, analyse and simulate (Matlab/Simulink) DSP systems by introducing core mathematical concepts, algorithms and fundamental properties of discrete signal and systems with applications

Information Transmission & Security

Impart an understanding of the principles by which information can transmitted with varying levels of security and the techniques by which communication systems can be analysed and designed.

Electrical Machines & Control

Engineering students from non-electrical disciplines often require a working knowledge and appreciation of electrical power devices and their use. This class develops the theory underlying simple electrical circuit analysis, transformers and electrical motors, and seeks to develop an understanding of their application through example and laboratory work.

Elective module

Learning & teaching

To engage and challenge you, we use a blend of teaching methods. These include lectures, small group problem-solving tutorials and practical laboratories.

You’ll not only develop technical engineering expertise but also communication, project management, leadership and entrepreneurial skills.


You’ll be assessed through a variety of techniques; written assignments, individual and group reports, oral presentations, practical lab work, and where appropriate, an end-of-term exam and individual project.

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Entry requirements

The University of Strathclyde, Bahrain accepts a range of academic qualifications for entry to its programmes.

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Thanawiya/High School Diploma

Students should have successfully completed their high school diploma and have achieved an overall score of 80%, with 80% in relevant subjects for their chosen degree programmes.

Other International Qualifications

We accept a wide variety of international qualifications for admission to Year 1 of our degrees. Year 2 entry may be possible for students with a minimum of ABB at A Level or 32 in the International Baccalaureate, with subject-specific attainment dependent on the qualification obtained and degree programme of choice. Please email for further information and advice on possible entry points and criteria.

English Language

Students are required to demonstrate proficiency in English for entry to our courses. This may be evidenced through previous study in English or a recognised English language test. Please email for more detailed guidance.


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Fees & funding

All fees quoted are for full-time courses and per academic year, unless stated otherwise.

Fees may be subject to updates to maintain accuracy. Tuition fees will be notified in your offer letter.

All fees may be subject to revision.

Fees may be subject to updates to maintain accuracy. Tuition fees will be notified in your offer letter.

All fees are in £ sterling, unless otherwise stated, and may be subject to revision.

Annual revision of fees

Students on programmes of study of more than one year (or studying standalone modules) should be aware that the majority of fees will increase annually. The University will take a range of factors into account, including, but not limited to, UK inflation, changes in delivery costs and changes in Scottish and/or UK Government funding. Changes in fees will be published on the University website in October each year for the following year of study and any annual increase will be capped at a maximum of 10% per year.

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Republic of Ireland

If you are an Irish citizen and have been ordinary resident in the Republic of Ireland for the three years prior to the relevant date, and will be coming to Scotland for Educational purposes only, you will meet the criteria of England, Wales & Northern Ireland fee status. For more information and advice on tuition fee status, you can visit the UKCISA - International student advice and guidance - Scotland: fee status webpage. Find out more about the University of Strathclyde's fee assessments process.


8,500 BHD

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Start date: Sep 2025

(1 year entry)

BEng Hons
Start date: Sep 2025

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Start date: Sep 2025

(2 year entry)

BEng Hons
Start date: Sep 2025

Direct Applications

Our Direct applications service is for international applicants who wish to apply to the University of Strathclyde at this time.

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