I applied to the International Business with a Modern Language course as it offered me the perfect opportunity to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The teaching staff at Strathclyde offered me comprehensive support throughout my studies. The quality of teaching enabled me to spend a year studying a full timetable of business subjects at the University of Salamanca in Spain, for my Erasmus exchange year.
Participating in Strathclyde’s Management Development Programme enabled me to work with large organisations such as Barclays, Morgan Stanley and EY, as well as small businesses local to Glasgow. I was able to apply the knowledge gained from theory to practical business cases, to develop skills for my future professional career. This support and my own hard work resulted in a First Class degree and the Clunies Ross Award*. This enabled me to secure my current role, working with the NatWest Group in Edinburgh.
In my final year of study, I chose to research expatriate entrepreneurs in Vietnam and China as two transition economies. I plan to apply this knowledge to working in an internationally-focused role in the future, with clients based in Europe and Asia, or indeed living and working in one of these geographies.
I would thoroughly recommend Glasgow as a city to any prospective students, as the city has so much to offer. The University of Strathclyde’s campus is located in the heart of Glasgow, the perfect location to explore the city and there is no shortage of spots for a coffee or some delicious food.
My advice to prospective International Business with a Modern Language students at Strathclyde would be to have no hesitation in applying to the programme.
My experience was hugely positive and led me to tremendous opportunities. Strathclyde Business School has an excellent reputation as one of the best business schools in the United Kingdom. The quality of teaching, the breadth and depth of the course content and the opportunity to spend a full academic year studying in a foreign country will provide you with all of the ingredients for a promising career.
*The Clunies Ross Award is an award which is specific to students on the IBML course at Strathclyde. Every year, this is awarded to one student on the IBML course who achieves the highest final year grade average.