We've a unique breadth of specialist facilities with capabilities in device design and associated modelling, prototyping, materials testing and in-vitro and ex-vivo testing. Our facilities are some of the best in Scotland and across Europe.
We're well equipped to support research activity. We've recently benefited from a significant investment in advanced materials research in the form of specialist equipment for testing of materials and tissues from the nano-scale up to entire devices and body tissues. .
If you're studying with us you'll have access to all our of facilities.
Major facilities & equipment
- Large dedicated motion analysis laboratory (140 square metres) with integrated Vicon Nexus system and multi-axis Kistler Force Platorms
- Multichannel EMG
- High density EEG (Neuroscan)
- Non-invasive brain stimulation (electrical & magnetic)
- Functional electrical stimulation systems
- Body weight support & computer controlled treadmill
- Bespoke strain gauging of everyday tools & objects
- Virtual reality projection system
- Whole hand/arm interfaces
- Hokoma Armeo
- Orthopaedic robotics laboratory
Specialist facilities
Medical Device Design, Development & Testing Laboratory
This laboratory specialises in the development and testing of a broad range of medical devices, including heart valves, life support systems, blood filtration technologies, implantable devices and blood handling systems.
The laboratory is equipped with a full range of device design and modelling software systems and laboratory techniques and expertise for testing of prototype systems and third party devices. Uniquely, the facility is also Home Office Licensed for ex-vivo investigations.
A number of commercial collaboration projects have been undertaken in this laboratory, with the development of the HemoSep blood cell harvesting device an exemplar of the laboratory’s work. This device, licensed from the University to Brightwake Ltd is now distributed globally, with further derivatives under co-development.
Mr. Steve Cotton, Managing Director of Brightwake Ltd has stated that:
“Our relationship with the Biomedical Engineering Dept at Strathclyde University has been at the heart of the success of the HemoSep product, and our continuing relationship which brings key this expertise to further the development of this product through the KTP program will ultimately enable us to bring some of these capabilities into our own organisation.”
Advanced Materials Research Laboratory
The laboratory is licensed to house and test human tissue. It's undergone more than £600,000 of equipment investment in the last 5 years. Specialist equipment includes:
Bose Electroforce 3100 and 3200 systems and accessories that are capable of low load dynamical testing of tissues and biomaterials at frequencies up to 200Hz. It has biodynamic chambers, flow pumps, a temperature controlled saline bath and complete flexibility in creating user defined testing regimens. These ensure that tissues and biomaterials can be tested in an environment which mimics that experienced physiologically.
Atomic Force Microscope (Asylum Research MFP-3D) complete with nanoindentation functionality is being used to probe the surface characteristics of tissues and biomaterials. Currently fitted with an AM-FM viscoelastic mapping mode, we're able to generate topographical information at the sub-micron level and have enhanced surface material property characterisation. Together with a Zeiss Axio Observer inverted optical microscope, we have the capability of testing live tissues and cells at 37°C with fluorescence in combination with AFM. This is ideal for the assessment of mechanobiological investigations.
Instron Electropuls E10000 with linear-torsion capability can test biomedical materials and devices up to 10kN. This equipment is routinely used to assess orthopaedic implants. This unique facility, capable of testing materials and tissues from the nano-scale up to entire tissues and devices, has been used with a broad range of stakeholders, from SME’s through to the NHS and clinical consultants.
Recent work using these facilities has experimentally validated and enabled the development of advanced computational models of collagen hydrogels, heart valves, bone, intervertebral disc tissue and, in collaboration with Vascutek and Bill Dempster from the department of mechanical & aerospace engineering, aorta, vital for the company’s development of novel endovascular devices.
Biomechanics Laboratory
Our lab houses a range of equipment for motion capture and analysis including a Motek CAREN Extended system, a system that combines motion capture with dual force plates embedded in a treadmill on a 6 degree of freedom base in an interactive 180° virtual environment. This system has been used by a number of stakeholders including the Scottish Football Association and Vicki Fiddes Podiatry. who said:
"Working with Strathclyde University to access their gait analysis laboratories has been a wonderful experience, not only for myself and my business as a whole, but also for the SFA performance players who we assessed. The opportunity for knowledge exchange has been monumental in helping me to build my business, and to educate elite athletes on the important role of the Podiatrist and foot health for injury prevention”
Cross Laboratory
This is a surgical robotics laboratory where new knee and hip replacement devices are being investigated and developed. Novel robotic approaches to the use of these devices have been developed in collaboration with Mako Surgical Robotics and Bluebelt Technologies. This work includes the development of new robot navigation systems and the delivery and modification of new prostheses.
National Centre for Prosthetics & Orthotics
We've modern dedicated design and manufacture facilities for prosthetics and orthotics. Our custom built facilities provide clinical examination, treatment and bespoke workshop areas. We can provide access to these high quality facilities for the assessment of devices and patient performance.
Specialist equipment includes:
- Tracer CAD scanners and robotic milling system
- Specialist laminate manufacture facility
- Silicon coach video clinical analysis system
Toxicology & Cell Biology Laboratory
We've a wide range of equipment for the analysis and testing of cell/material/molecular interactions, from chemical analysis to advanced imaging techniques. A clean room facility for cell culture work is also available.
Cardiovascular Device Laboratory
- Hitachi TM100 scanning electron microsope
- Carl Zeiss Axioscope Intravital Microscopy System
- Oxford Optronics Tissue Perfusion System
- Moor Instruments Laser Doppler Blood Flow System
Neuro-rehabilitation Laboratory
- OT Bioelettronica, High Density EMG system (256 channel)
- Compumedics Neuroscan Synamp (High Density EEG Recording)