The University of Strathclyde has been funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Life Sciences Interface Programme to provide the UK's only Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Devices and Health Technologies (CDT).
Working with colleagues from faculties of engineering and science along with clinical advisers from the NHS and elsewhere, we've developed a world class medical device research and training programme for some of the best graduate students in the UK.
Doctor of Engineering (EngD) in Medical Devices
The EngD in Medical Devices is a higher degree providing engineers and physical scientists with full research training in medical devices and related technologies.
A key feature of CDT research projects is the wide range of subjects involved. Each project is co-supervised by academic staff from different scientific disciplines. All projects will have the involvement of clinical groups or medical industry companies. This ensures that the science explored and technology developed is based on an area of clinical or commercial need.
CDT Newsletter
Find out what's happening in our CDT with the CDT Newsletter August 2019