Exchange - incoming students

Thank you for your interest in coming to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Strathclyde as part of an exchange (Erasmus+ or international). The information below provides some guidance about your time in this Department.

If you have any general questions about ERASMUS please contact the University Exchange Team.

FAQs for incoming exchange students to the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Firstly please visit the Strathclyde Study Abroad page with general information for incoming exchange students about how to apply as well as a set of general FAQ. If these pages do not provide the information you require and you cannot find the answer below, then please contact our Departmental Exchange Coordinator via email.

For courses in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering please consult the tables at the bottom of this page. For courses in other departments you may consult the catalogue but please note that some courses listed in this catalogue no longer run or are not available to exchange students. Also note that it may be necessary to change the courses offered or switch a course from one semester to another. Therefore please be understanding if a selected course is not approved by the departmental exchange coordinator. Courses from other departments also need approval from that department, which will not be sought until after you arrive at Strathclyde.

The Exchange Coordinator for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stephen Suryasentana will be able to help you make your course selections. You are encouraged to enrol on courses at a similar level to your studies in your home institution, eg if you are in 3rd year of your degree, it’s recommended that you enrol on 3rd year courses at Strathclyde. Your home university will be able to advise you on your course selection.

We would not normally allow you to take courses from 1st or 2nd years at Strathclyde, unless the subject is completely new to you (ie you cannot study that topic at your home institution).

To make sure there are appropriate assessment measures in place, exchange students will register on special course codes. A list of courses available to Exchange students in our Department is shown in the tables provided at the bottom of  this webpage.

If you would like a more detailed description of each course, please contact the departmental exchange coordinator or you can access the Course Descriptors online.


Exchange students coming to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering should generally take the majority of their courses from this department but it is usually possible to take a single course from another department (or occasionally more than one course). However, this requires the approval of the other department so please be understanding if it is not approved.

We currently use a credit system where two Strathclyde credits are equivalent to one ECTS. This should be remembered when selecting courses. Generally, you should aim to obtain 60 Strathclyde credits (30 ECTS) if you are here for one semester and 120 (60 ECTS) if you are here for the whole year. You may take fewer than 60 credits if you obtain the approval of your home university

Most courses at Strathclyde are worth either 10 credits if they run in a single semester only, or, 20 credits if they run over both semesters (although there are a few exceptions). The exact number of courses you take, will depend on how many 10 and 20 credit courses you take.

Courses at Strathclyde only run once per academic year.

Sorry, I am only the exchange coordinator for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Please see this list of exchange coordinators for other departments at Strathclyde.

Visit our Postgraduate Study page to find full details of what we offer.

It is recommended that your learning agreement is not signed until after your curriculum is fixed because you have the possibility of changing your course selection in the first two weeks of the semester. You should send the departmental exchange coordinator the PDF of the learning agreement for signature and return via email. Alternatively you can leave the document to the departmental reception (Level 5, James Weir Building) for my attention and I will sign it and leave it at reception again for you to collect. The signed form should be returned quickly by the coordinator but please be patient as sometimes it can take some days.

The official timetable of courses is accessed through the Central timetable webpage. Timetables are not normally available until later in the summer. When available, any updated timetables will be published on our Department website at:

Please note that the definitive timetable is only available shortly before the start of each semester. Also please note that lecturers may need to rearrange lectures/tutorials at short notice – they will communicate this through myplace, email and/or during previous lectures/tutorials. Therefore, it is important for you to be registered on a course, which can be done through PEGASUS.

Your official grades for any courses will not be available until they have been approved by the university exam boards that sit at the end of each semester. Therefore, please be patient until the end of the semester.

Official transcripts are only produced following the exam boards at the end of each semester. It takes roughly two months for them to be printed and posted to the address on your PEGAGUS record. The transcripts are produced by Student Business Engineering and posted by RIO.  Please contact them directly (including your Strathclyde student registration number) if your transcripts have not arrived three months after your departure.

Most classes in the Department run over both semesters (with a single class code and title) but with each semester being assessed individually. Because the assessments are done over a single semester you can take our classes even if you are at Strathclyde for a single semester only. Because Strathclyde students are registered for the double-semester versions of our classes the documentation that is available (e.g. timetables and module descriptors) are generally in terms of the double-semester codes.

Therefore, please search for the relevant documentation using the class name rather than the code. For example, if you are interested in taking CL442 (Water Engineering 2a) in semester 1 then please consult the module descriptor and timetable for CL420 (Water Engineering): CL420 is composed of CL442 in semester 1 and CL443 in semester 2. The topics covered in semesters 1 and 2 are generally indicated within the module descriptor for the double-semester version of the class. Sorry, there are no versions of the module descriptors specifically for the single-semester codes

To make sure there are appropriate assessment measures in place, exchange students will register on special class codes. A list of classes available to Exchange students in our Department is listed below:

Third Year Courses

Semester 1 code

Semester 2 code

Structural Engineering 1
This class develops the theory and practice of analysis of statically indeterminate structures followed by an introduction to structural steelwork design, reinforced concrete design and the principles of structural timber design. 



Geotechnical Engineering 1
This class aims to give an introduction to the governing principles of geotechnical design at the ultimate limit state  



Water Engineering 1
This class aims to introduce common concepts, applications and design calculation methods used in water engineering.  The class will develop students to be able to examine hydraulics in common water engineering situations, perform design calculations for uniform channel flow, for steady flows in pipes, flow in pipe networks, and to be able to design and undertake modelling of hydraulic flows and structures.  



Engineering for Global Development
This class aims to introduce students to the role of engineering in international development projects and the influence that environmental, social, economic, political, technological or any other issues may have on engineering design decisions.  


Not offered in Semester 2

Environmental Engineering
This module aims to provide an introduction to environmental engineering including air, water, ground and subsurface systems as well as environmental impact assessment. 


Not offered in Semester 2

Engineering Mathematics
This class aims to aims to give an introduction to differential and integral calculus, differential equations, and statistics and probability and develop applications relevant to civil and environmental engineering. 



Transport Engineering
This module aims to introduce students to key principles, theory and techniques used in the analysis and design of transport systems 

Not offered in Semester 1


Construction Project Management
This module aims to introduce students to the principles of project management within construction organisations

Not offered in Semester 1 CL305


Fourth Year Courses

Semester 1 code

Semester 2 code

Structural Engineering 2
This class aims to introduce students to the conceptual and detailed design of whole structures.   Students work in small groups to prepare the conceptual design of a multi storey building, followed by preparation of an individual coursework for the detailed design of typical elements including analysis and technical design. 



Structural Engineering 2A
This class aims to introduce students to the conceptual and detailed design of whole structures.   Students work in small groups to prepare the conceptual design of a multi storey building, followed by preparation of an individual coursework for the detailed design of typical elements including analysis and technical design.

 CL449 Not offered in Semester 2

Geotechnical Engineering 2
 This class aims to cover the design of geotechnical structures from shallow foundations to slopes and retaining walls, based on Eurocode 7.



Water Engineering 2
This class aims to develop an understanding of a wide range of water engineering theory and processes including flow in open channels, complex free surface flows, hydraulic structures, and fluvial processes including scour and flooding, as well as the ability to undertake design calculations sufficient to produce a concept and detailed assessment of flood risk



Prestressed Concrete, Composite Materials and Structural Stability
The overall aim of the module is to provide strong skills in the structural behaviour, analysis and design of civil engineering structures.   

Not offered in Semester 1


Transport Planning
This module aims to introduce students to the principles and techniques used in the planning of transport systems. 

Not offered in Semester 1


Project Analysis
The module is aimed to introduce students to issues in project planning and management, and also to project appraisal and evaluation practices with particular reference to engineering and construction-related projects.  

Not offered in Semester 1

Use CL437


Fifth Year/Postgraduate courses

Semester 1 code

Semester 2 code

Water and Environmental Management
This class aims to provide an insight into water quality, water quality objectives and pollution control strategy, and introduce the design and control of water and wastewater treatment processes. 


Not offered in Semester 2

Financial Engineering
This module explores financial options for ensuring the solvency and financial sustainability of business ventures. It covers topics including financial reporting and financial accounting in relation to the wider issues of corporate behaviour and corporate governance.  

Not offered in Semester 1


Ground Improvement and Reinforcement
This class aims to provide comprehensive understanding of the principles, techniques and methods of analysis for ground improvement and soil reinforcement, piles and pile groups, and the application of these techniques for design in various ground conditions, including the use of computer-aided design.

Not offered in Semester 1


Advanced Structural Analysis and Design
 To introduce the students to advanced topics in structural analysis and design of smart structures as well as mechanics of lightweight composite structures.


Not offered in Semester 2

Design Projects
This class aims to develop ability at multi-disciplinary design, working in small groups, utilising knowledge of fundamental principles of engineering science and material science to create innovative solutions.



Site Investigation and Risk Assessment
Provides an insight into the site investigation and risk assessment of obstructed, derelict and contaminated land, including the complete sequence of a site investigation (desk study, sampling, data collection and detection techniques). 


Not offered in Semester 2

Global Water Policy
This class aims to provide the student with the ability: to recognise the issues relating to overall global water policy and its interactions with other global issues; to discuss the impact of climate change and economic development on water resources and availability; to explore the different implementation issues based on regional case studies; to explore the role of stakeholders on the acceptance and achievement of policy objectives.  


Not offered in Semester 2

Principles of Environmental Microbiology
This module aims to introduce microbiology in a manner that is of practical importance in environmental engineering and science.   

Not offered in Semester 1


Fundamentals of Environmental Forensics
Successful completion of this module should provide the student with an understanding of: an understanding of environmental forensics as a discipline; an understanding of a range of contaminants found in the environment, and their fate and transport; approach and analytical techniques to determine the responsible parties for contamination found in the environment; real-world applications of environmental forensics. 

Not offered in Semester 1


Geographical Information Systems
This module provides a thorough introduction to the field of Geographical Information Science. The course covers the key theoretical principles but it also provides many practical hands-on exercises using current state-of-the-art Geographical Information Systems (GIS). 


Not offered in Semester 2

Environmental Pollution Management
The class develops in-depth knowledge and skills regarding the science, engineering and management of environmental pollution control approaches to protect public health.

Not offered in Semester 1


Water & Wastewater Treatment Design
This module aims to develop an understanding of water treatment and wastewater treatment processes, as well as the ability to undertake design calculations sufficient to produce a concept and detailed design of a water and wastewater treatment plant. 


Not offered in Semester 2

Structural Reliability Analysis and Design Under Uncertainty
This module aims to introduce the fundamentals of risk analysis, resilience engineering, and design under uncertainty with application to structural reliability analysis. The module develops understanding and appreciation of uncertainties in engineering and present applications and practical examples.


Not offered in Semester 2 

Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental impact assessment relates to the process of identifying, evaluating, and mitigating the biophysical, social, economic, cultural and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made.  

Not offered in Semester 1


Air Pollution, Climate Change & Human Health
The class provides students with knowledge & skills applicable to atmospheric pollution and climate change impacts, ranging from local to global scales. This includes a focus on the assessment & management of impacts on human health through effective interface between the public health sciences of environmental epidemiology and environmental toxicology; and environmental engineering approaches to manage environmental risks. The class achieves these aims through research-led teaching at the interface between public health and environmental engineering, with a particular focus on methodologies based on risk-centred approaches. The class is delivered using lectures based on a well-established textbook, computer laboratories and project-based teaching. Student interaction is encouraged throughout the class through directed reading, project work, studentled question sessions, and structured feedback.

CL971  Not offered in Semester 2  

Water and Wasterwater Treatment Design
This module aims to develop an understanding of water treatment and wastewater treatment processes, as well as the ability to undertake design calculations sufficient to produce a concept and detailed design of a water and wastewater treatment plant. Pre-requisites -- knowledge of: (i) Maths: Algebra + calculus (one year); (ii) Science: biology/microbiology & chemistry (introductory level)

CL978  Not offered in Semester 2   

More detailed information on classes can be found in the relevant Module Descriptors.

Timetables are not normally available until later in the summer. When available, any updated timetables will be published on our website at: