We work with industrial and government organisations in knowledge-exchange partnerships, research, training and consultancy. This ensures that our teaching is up-to-date and our research is relevant, creating impact with industry.
Here are some examples of how we work with industry:
Our staff and research students are experts in their fields. They regularly provide consultancy services to both industry and government.
Our consultancy services range from providing a few hours support for a specific project, to multi-year projects or contracts. We're often able to source funding to support some or all of the costs of this, especially for local SMEs.
We also have an extensive range of laboratory equipment, which can be used to provide specialist consultancy data for external clients.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
We're the leading delivery partner for KTPs in Scotland
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) are one of the best-known mechanisms for establishing knowledge exchange links between companies and a university.
A recent graduate works with the host company for two to three years to work on a business-led challenge requiring innovation. The project costs are supported 66% or 50% by the Technology Strategy Board and other funding bodies, depending on company circumstances.
Strathclyde University and the Engineering Faculty are the leading delivery partner for KTPs in Scotland, with 20-25 projects at any one time.
We currently have two KTPs:
- Scottish Canals: “To embed an environmentally sustainable approach to sediment management, reducing operational costs, generating opportunities for revenue growth and addressing emerging waste legislation requirements” (Richard Lord, Charles Knapp, Christine Switzer).
- Donaldson Associates: “A novel low-cost and low-carbon technique for tunnel face stabilisation” (Alessandro Tarantino)
Further information
If you're interested in developing a potential KTP, or, would like to find out more, please contact Dr Marcus Perry our Director of Knowledge Exchange:
Flexible learning
We're committed to supporting industry professionals to meet the demands of an every changing industry, and particularly to Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
We use our range of staff expertise to run courses and single modules throughout the year to help meet industry CPD requirements. We also offer MSc programmes via distance learning.
Options for industry professionals include:
Industrial Advisory Board
We've a very active Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), which was commended at our recent accreditation visit.
Our IAB meets every three years to discuss how we can work best with industry and to ensure our students and academic staff have continued access to up-to-date practice.
Find out further information about our Industrial Advisory Board.
Industry Support
We are pleased to further our industrial partnerships and welcome the generous support from companies which is used in our research and teaching.
Visiting academics
We've appointed a number of Visiting Academics who play an active role in our teaching and research. Our Visiting Professors come from a wide range of backgrounds and they reflect the highly-multidisciplinary nature of work undertaken within the Department.