The way in which we produce and consume energy is changing. We can no longer rely on the centralised power generation model of yesterday, to solve the global energy challenge of providing clean, affordable and reliable energy.
The power system of tomorrow is being shaped by climate change policy, socio-economic pressures and technological advances in materials science, power electronics, communications and data processing.
Two of the UK’s leading research institutions for power systems, the University of Strathclyde and Imperial College London, have combined their expertise and world-class facilities to establish a centre that will address this global energy challenge. It has been designed to produce world-leading engineers with the cross-disciplinary expertise needed to help realise the future low carbon smart grid.
The centre is supported by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), in partnership with leading UK engineering consultancies, equipment manufacturers and network operators. A unique training and research programme blends together leading-edge information and communications technology solutions, radical new power systems architectures and innovative market mechanisms to support the increasing renewable energy deployment and electrification of transportation and heating.