Wind & Marine Energy Systems & StructuresAcademic Partners

George Elderfield

PhD Title - Influence of complex flow from atmospheric effects and forestry on the load accumulation of large wind turbines

Start Date - October 2016

Degree - MEng Aeronautical Engineering – University of Glasgow

Research Bio

Predicting loads and moments on wind turbine components using aeroelastic modelling tools and the subsequent assessment of fatigue damage is vital to competitive design of wind energy projects. Offshore wind turbines are rapidly increasing in size as the industry matures; with rotor diameters over 200m and tip heights above the atmospheric boundary layer in some atmospheric conditions which can result in significant wind shear, turbulence and the experiencing of low level jets. Similar trends are true for onshore wind turbines resulting in increased shear and turbulence effects occurring from forestry and terrain. This research will develop an aeroelastics and damage accumulation model for the anticipated next generation of offshore and onshore wind turbines. Through modelling and measurement an understanding of the complex wind conditions experienced by these turbines will be sought. These complex wind profiles will then be applied to the aeroelastics model and their influence on damage accumulation assessed. Finally load mitigation will be investigated to ensure designed turbine life is met despite the complex wind conditions, minimising LCOE and maximising energy production.

Additional Information - Associate member of IMechE